164. Chapter 164 The magic moon triggers underworld talks [Please subscribe]

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  Chapter 164 The Demonic Moon Induces Black Street Talks [Please subscribe]

  The moonlit night remains the same, and the three-color moonlight echoes each other.

  Today coincides with the waxing moon, and the gray, green, and silver moons all look like shining bright disks.

  The Gray Moon and Green Moon used to hang high in the north of the sky, while the Silver Moon was closer to the southeast.

  This position will basically not change.

  But tonight is an exception.

  I saw two moons, gray and green, slowly moving towards the center of the sky in the same trajectory.

  The two moons were originally larger than the silver moon, and now they have become even more conspicuous.

  The silver moon still maintains its original position and does not change its original trajectory in the sky. The surrounding arc-shaped circle similar to the sun's corona becomes a halo that flickers in and out, like a moon against the deep night background. Blinking eyes.

  The indigenous people of Naloa are accustomed to long nighttime rhythms.

  The March volley is not a strange sight to the local indigenous people, after all, it can be seen every Naraya Day.

  So most people subconsciously ignore the changes in the night sky.

  But there are always exceptions to everything, and there is always a group of people who are paying attention to this familiar yet unfamiliar starry sky.

  On the outskirts of the eastern district of Magatan City, on top of the dilapidated star observation tower.

  A stooped figure, completely covered by a robe, was looking at the moon in the sky through a special stargazing mirror by the toothed parapet at the top of the tower.

  These stargazing mirrors have crystal-polished concave and convex chips inside, and are also blessed by some runes.

  It can achieve a visual zoom of 10x~40x, and can also switch to insert a wide-area chip and a special chip used to observe the existence of magic.

  But this stargazing telescope is very old and broken, just like the stargazing tower.

  With the astrological chaos after the outbreak of the demonic disaster.

  The once popular astrology and celestial predictions have gradually come to an end.

  In today's Naraya continent, there are very few star observation towers that can continue the inheritance.

  Most of the remaining astrologers seemed crazy.

  After observing disordered astrology for a long time, it will affect your thoughts.

  "Uh...cough cough cough..."


  Maggie, the astrologer who was observing the sky at the moment, suddenly stepped back in horror.

  He pointed to the sky, gasping and coughing like a landed fish, and finally fell to the ground.

  The wild wind blew the hood behind her shoulders, revealing the old Maggie's messy hair.

  The Star Observation Tower is a hundred meters high and is a conical tower, thick at the bottom and thin at the top.

  Even the ordinary fog cannot cover the top of the tower, but the wind surge at the top of the tower is usually relatively violent.

  The gentle breeze blowing from the ground turned into a fierce gust at the top of the tower.

  He cowered and leaned against the stone wall behind him, his eyes never leaving the night sky.

  "The twin demon moons move sideways, and the star screen and the silver moon twinkle!"

  "The star fire is burning! The star fire burning is about to come true! This is a disaster, this is a disaster..."

  Maggie looked crazy and kept mumbling in her mouth.

  This guy is usually funded by Baron Bezos, and can barely maintain his daily stargazing and recording.

  He even took in an orphan as an astrology apprentice.

  It's just that the apprentice ran away like crazy after only staying for a year.

  Therefore, in the past hundreds of Naraya years, astrology has been derogatoryly called "the knowledge of madmen".

  Because learning this stuff will really drive you crazy!

  Moreover, serious astrology and celestial prediction techniques are almost withering away.

  It is difficult to find stargazing books with complete inheritance in the remaining stargazing towers in various places.

  All a half-mad astrologer can do is observe and record.

  But this technique, which has been eliminated by the times, seems to have regained its vitality, and the sky seems to have returned to normal after a period of chaos.

  Unfortunately, times have really changed.

  Crazy Maggie fell to the ground and muttered to herself for a long time, but after all, she did not completely forget her mission.

  He tremblingly took out a magic letter from his arms.

  His hazy thoughts made him unable to concentrate.

  In the end, only these eight words were left on the letterhead: "The devil moon triggers, the spark burns" and then it flew towards the baron's castle.

  His eyes were staring blankly at the sky, and two streaks of dark red blood flowed from his nostrils.

  His head tilted to the side, and he didn't know if he had fainted or was already dead.


  Magtan City, the third circle refers to the blocks.

  As one of the two major underworld forces in the city.

  The Broken Finger is a large-scale force that is distributed in many giant cities and state cities in the western region of the Kingdom of Duroa.

  The so-called Broken Finger Block is the main activity area of ​​the Broken Finger Gang in the city.

  Here you can see shops such as "The Broken Finger Tavern", "The Broken Finger Casino", and "The Broken Finger Moulin Rouge". These are the industries of the Broken Finger Gang.

  The components of the underworld forces are very simple, mainly the poor people in the city.

  In addition to running these common industries in the city, the Broken Finger Gang also controls various black and gray industries.

  Along with doing some mercenary work and gathering information.

  In a way, the underworld forces are the most well-informed forces in a city.

  You never know whether a poor person passing by on the roadside is a little mouse of the underworld forces.

  Because their eyes and ears are spread throughout the city, the channels and sources for obtaining information are very complicated.

  It is precisely because of this that the news on the underworld is mixed.

  Nine times out of ten it comes from rumors and hearsay. Of the remaining 10%, only half is valuable true news, and the remaining half is half-truth and half-false news.

  Therefore, if you want to get valuable information from the underworld, you need a certain level of screening ability.

  At this time, the Broken Finger Tavern had been completely cleared, and the scattered wine tables were put together into a large square table.

  Chen Xuan took the Zerikan sisters and Rebecca to one side.

  Standing behind were a dozen silver-level experts, all of whom were contracted by the White Rose Caravan.

  Now it's time to pull him in to support the scene.

  This kind of lineup is always good no matter where it is placed.

  Directly opposite them sat two guys with sinister eyes and cold expressions.

  Franco Budge sat in the middle of the square table, like a mediator.

  Low-quality drinks were placed on the table, the doors and windows of the tavern were tightly closed, and the room was filled with the smell of sweat and bad breath.

  Every intersection in the nearby streets was watched by the little rats of the Finger Finger Gang.

  Whenever a garrison or light horseman appeared, news would reach here within seconds.

  There are underground secret passages everywhere that can be used for rapid transfer.

  The Black Street has always been a relatively special area in the city, and even the lords of the city cannot control it.


  "Old Buggy, is this the distinguished guest you are talking about?"

  "You spent tens of thousands of crowns just to see me and the smelly mule?"

  A big bald man with a scar on his face who was sitting at the front said. laugh.

  He has a rough appearance and a loud voice. He has the same ring tattoo as Old Buggy on the finger of his right hand, which is the identity mark of the Broken Finger Gang.

  This guy is the leader of the Broken Finger Gang, Sassen Broken Finger.

  He has a broken finger as his surname, and his magic element cultivation progress has reached the silver level five Naraya years ago. He currently has a very high magic element filling accumulation progress, but there is still a long way to go before the gold level. .

  Sitting next to him was a muscular, muscular guy wearing a turban, a coarse vest and shorts.

  Especially his legs, the muscles were as swollen as a bullfrog, and the exposed muscles glowed like bronze.

  This guy has a beard around his lips. He likes to squint his eyes when looking at people. He also has a large black mole next to his nose.

  After Sasen Broken Finger spoke first, he grinned with an intriguing smile and stared straight at Chen Xuan.

  "Very few people would contact both the Broken Finger Gang and the Coolie Mules at the same time."

  "Wealthy foreigners, please state your requirements. As long as the price you offer is appropriate, the Coolie Mules will naturally try their best to meet your requirements." By

  Sasen The guy called the smelly mule suddenly spoke.

  His real name is Romeu Hada, the leader of the underworld force Coolie Mule.

  This guy had sharp eyesight, and he could tell at a glance that Chen Xuan was not a local.

  Of course, this is also the reason why Chen did not deliberately cover his face.

  Both parties are rough people, there is no need to go back and forth, the best way to talk is to get straight to the point.

  The core goal of both the Broken Finger Gang and the Coolie Mule is to make money.

  In other words, if you have the strength, as long as you are willing to pay, the Finger Gang and the Coolie Mule will do things for you. This has become a business.

  "I'm going to hire all of you!"

  "Note, everyone refers to every member of the Broken Finger Gang and the Coolie Mule." "

  Of course, you will get generous rewards."

  Chen Xuanyan said concisely and reached out to brush his hands. Across the table, two money boxes the size of shoe boxes were left behind.

  The cash box was pushed over with just a slight push.

  Sassen Broken Finger and Romeu Hada opened a money box respectively, revealing the dark gold coins inside.

  Each cash box contained two hundred thousand crowns, and this was just the first deposit.

  Both the Broken Finger Gang and the Coolie Mule have tens of thousands of members in the city, and the cost of large-scale employment must be huge.

  And the underworld forces are not as bad as they appear on the surface.

  Although they were nicknamed mice by the aristocratic gentlemen, in fact, after years of operation, these two underworld forces had already accumulated abundant capital and formed a series of industries.

  The most important thing is that the underworld has its own ecosystem, with a complete and independent set of system rules.

  But no matter how rich the capital is, a deposit of 400,000 kroner is enough to impress the two of them.

  I saw Sason Broken Finger and Romeu Hada looking at each other in tacit understanding.

  Then he raised his hand and put the cash box in front of him.


  "So, you...no...what do you need us to do?"

  Sasen said in a rough voice. If you have money, you are the boss. This is an eternal truth.

  And they didn't have the idea of ​​​​taking advantage of others.

  Not only because Chen Xuan brought many silver-level guards, but more importantly, doing business honestly was much faster than directly stealing money.

  Besides, the fact that the other party is so cheerful clearly shows that there is a big deal!
  Chen Xuan showed a friendly smile, put his hands on the table and leaned forward slightly.

  "It's just a simple security mission."

  "But it requires a lot of manpower."

  "Don't worry, there will be a contract as a guarantee."

  "I will give you a total reward of up to one million crowns, but the contract signed is quite special."

  He said . He paused for a moment and waited until Sassen Broken Finger and Romeu Hada looked thoughtful before continuing.

  "All members of the Broken Finger Gang and Coolie Mules must sign a slave contract with me. Of course, it is time-limited." "

  My commission is not complicated. The contract can be terminated in about three or four Narayas." "

  And the terms will be All kinds of restrictions are clearly stipulated, and there will never be any too harsh terms."

  "You two must also sign."

  Chen Xuan stated the conditions in a calm tone.

  As soon as these words came out, hesitation appeared on the faces of the two gangsters sitting opposite.

  "A limited-time slave contract..."

  This kind of slightly excessive request was not something they had never encountered before.

  Most cooperation needs to be guaranteed by contracts.

  Occasionally, you will meet someone who asks you to sign a strict contract.

  However, contracts are very flexible, and the binding force depends on the terms.

  If the other party is willing to add money and the terms are not too harsh, then it may not be unacceptable.

  I saw the two of them opening the magic shield and whispering to each other for a while.

  It took a full seven or eight minutes before a decision was made.

  "The slave contract is trampling on our dignity!"

  Sason played the role of blackface and said seriously after the shield was removed.

  "Yes, you are rich, but your dignity is priceless."

  Romeu Hada acted as a compliment and nodded in agreement.

  Chen Xuan smiled, took out two cash boxes again and pushed them over.

  "I can add money."

  "But be careful, if you are too greedy, I would rather recruit adventurers and mercenaries on a large scale." "

  Believe me, their prices are much lower than yours." "

  So now , have you two made your decision?"

  Looking at the newly brought money box, both Sasson and Romeu's eyes shone with greed.

  "Deal! We need to see a sample of the contract..."


  Outside the Baron's castle, several squadrons of garrisons and shooters had already surrounded the place.

  Mrs. Zuzana Finley was sleeping soundly, and the red-haired Ursula was missing.

  Baron Bezos was restless and summoned his trusted brains.

  From time to time, ravens would fly in with letters, and letters shining with magical aura would shine through the windows like aurora.

  The Baron was scanning each letter quickly with sweat on his forehead.

  Among them were reports on the garrison's crusade outside the city, news that the White Rose caravan station was empty, and some were daily inquiries from the giant city front and a summary of various situations in the city.

  His shoulder was wrapped with a bandage, and even though he was protected by his men, his expression still did not relax.

  People will instinctively feel fear when facing unknown means.

  Chen Xuan and Ophelia have left an unspeakable shadow in his heart.

  Among the snow-like letters, the letter from the Star Observation Tower was hurriedly scanned by Baron Bezos.

  "The magic moon activates, and the sparks burn."

  "This damn madman will only cause trouble for me!"

  The baron, who was not in a good mood, cursed softly and left the letter behind!

   No one saw through the foreshadowing in the previous chapter.

    In fact, the signs of the catastrophe are very obvious, even appearing in very early chapters.

    Hey, no spoilers here, the hooks will be revealed one after another in the following chapters.

  (End of chapter)

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