Chapter 208 The leader is jealous

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  Chapter 208 The leader was jealous.

  Huang Yifan and the other four were stunned at the same time.

  I just felt a surge of heat in my heart.

  Huang Yifan sighed and said: "The new mountain chief Tianxuan Star Lord Qin Fengyun is indeed a person, and he is worthy of being named the Star Lord." Then he told

  Gao Qingyu the whole process.

  Gao Qingyu nodded silently and sighed: "That's it, that's it. Qinshan has a bright eye."

  He looked at the banner and said: "The Tianren Martial Arts Academy has always defeated all the martial arts academy in the competitions over the years; it's not that Their student resources, teaching level and martial arts school facilities are better than ours, but it is because of different academic policies." "

  I have told Xu Chengyun many times before, but Xu Chengyun didn't take it to heart." "

  They pay too much attention to students' academic performance in martial arts. I just want students to improve their cultivation in the martial arts academy without any risk, and then go to the guard hall to practice after graduation, and they will naturally understand a lot." "And in our Baiyun Martial Arts Academy, we start from the first grade

  . Encourage students to do whatever tasks they can and complete them in the arena. In this way, our students will lose some training time. A pure martial arts competition will not be their opponent." "The policy of Tianren Martial Arts Academy cannot be said

  . Yes, if it was a peaceful time, there is nothing wrong with them doing this. But in this environment... haha."

  "Fang Che scared Xue Wanshi on the spot, which is certainly a big scandal. However, it is also a wake-up call. Wu Achievements in the academy are not equal to achievements in the martial arts academy. Achievements in the martial arts academy are due to teachers and hard work, but merit in the academy are life and death and fighting." "

  Because of this incident, Tianren Martial Arts Academy changed its academic policy, and countless students from the academy will be The Jianghu experience will save his life because of this. Moreover, Fang Che has also withstood the pressure of the Xue family. This banner can be accepted." "Qin Fengyun is indeed


  Gao Qingyu took out the letter and said: " Qin Fengyun made it clear in the letter that Fang Che was not to blame for what happened to Xue Wanshi. Moreover, the Tianren Martial Academy was already in contact with the Xue family, and the Tianren Martial Academy assumed all responsibilities. The matter of Xue Wanshi and the reputation of the Xue family were damaged. , has nothing to do with Fang Che. Tianren Martial Arts Academy will bear the responsibility and compensate."

  After reading this letter.

  Huang Yifan, Li Changkong and others all have only one feeling.


  They are indeed as broad-minded as the sea, far-sighted, clear-minded, and capable of doing things beautifully.

  HD Yu was still sighing and admiring.

  Huang Yifan, Li Changkong, Lu Jiaoshan, Xiang Xinghe and others couldn't help but squint at Gao Qingyu, secretly comparing their mountain chief with Tianxuan Star Lord Qin Fengyun.

  All of a sudden there was a sigh.

  Why isn't this the head of my mountain?
  Why is there such an old rascal in my family? An old hooligan who always messes with you?
  What if this were changed...

  Gao Qingyu was sighing when he suddenly raised his eyes and saw the looks in several people's eyes. After thinking about it for a moment, he suddenly understood and became furious. He slapped the table and roared: "What kind of looks are you looking at?! You are going to piss me off to death." No?! All of you..."


  When Fang Che returned to the class, he was in a very embarrassed state and the smell was fragrant.

  Various cosmetics and powder scents will make bees get lost when they come.

  Even the hair is a little messy.

  "School beauty Fang is back in class!" Mo Ganyun screamed strangely.

  Suddenly everyone was excited.

  Fang Che said angrily: "Hongtianzun has returned with great honor, everyone welcomes you. Congratulations to Hongtianzun for doing your best and winning the runner-up."

  Mo Ganyun's face also turned dark, and his eyes were evil: "A fight?"


  Outside the classroom .

  Mo Ganyun lay on the ground and looked at Baiyun, his eyes confused.

  There is a feeling of hopelessness.

  Half a move!

  Just fly!
  "How come you are progressing so fast?" Mo Ganyun was extremely resentful.

  Treat a person as a target and chase after him desperately. Then he realized that when he was about to catch up, he rushed forward. So I chased desperately again.

  After chasing him, he almost caught up, and he rushed again.

  Finally encountered a big opportunity, I rushed hard, and when my improvement was greater than ever, when I was excited to compare and check, I found that the other party was already out of reach!

  This kind of blow would be unbearable even for a fighting spirit like Mo Ganyun.

  "I'm making rapid progress, shouldn't I?"

  Fang Che looked at Mo Ganyun, shook his head and sighed: "Xiao Yunyun, you're falling behind!"


  Mo Ganyun turned over and jumped up: "Sooner or later I will catch up with you. !"


  "I really hate the word haha!" "

  Haha. "

  "You! "

  "Hit me if you don't accept it?"


  Mo Ganyun held a wounded heart, Went to the small school field.

  Then Fang Che also went.

  Then Mo Ganyun suddenly became happy: because he was not the only one who was injured after all!
  Four people were collectively injured!
  The four of them joined forces to besiege Fang Che.

  Lie down for all three moves!

  Singing in the Rain, Autumn Clouds Shangjing, both lying high on the ground doubting life.

  They knew that Fang Che was very strong. Fang Che could feel it when he fought with Naxue Wansi. But, I didn’t expect it to be so strong!

  Is this still the same level?

  Even if it's the second graders... those who come out, Yu Zhongge and others are confident that they can win.

  A third grader wouldn't be able to beat the third grader so easily.

  "I'm going to the mission hall to pick up the mission, are you going to go?!" Song in the Rain jumped up.

  He felt like he couldn't wait any longer.

  If he waits any longer, he won't even be able to see Fang Che's back.

  "Go, go!"

  The three of them got up at the same time, patted their butts and left.

  He didn't even say a word to Fang Che.

  Fang Che grinned, these ungrateful guys!
  Why, under my heavy pressure, your small team took shape, and you actually threw me away!

  So he turned around and got into the spiritual energy gravity training room. In the evening, return to Xianshiju.

  Fang Che actually felt lonely.

  Yemeng hasn't come back yet.

  Only then did Fang Che remember that he had completely forgotten about the little maid.

  Originally, after coming out of the Raising Gu to Become a God plan, I should have picked up Ye Meng first, but if I picked her up and then went to Tiandu, I wouldn't be able to watch the finals in time.

  So I didn’t go.

  Now that I think about it, it’s really sad. If he went directly to pick up Ye Meng, how could he get into such big trouble with the Xue family?

  Come to the study and start interacting with the divine metal elf and the golden horned dragon.

  The Golden Horned Jiao was completely fattened this time in the Gu Mysterious Realm.

  If you show up, you will find that your entire body is thicker and has grown a lot.

  And the golden horn on the top of his head actually grew an inch longer.

  During this period of time, I was breathing in evil spirits and sleeping at the same time, which was very pleasant.

  The elf slept for a few days after swallowing that part of the Water Cloud Sky Fruit.

  Then after waking up, he felt much more energetic, and actually began to actively affect the divine metal, transforming into a spear.

  Now, the six-foot-long divine metal has been stretched to six and a half feet by its efforts.

  From Fang Che's perspective, it was simply a long way away from the long spear taking shape.

  But there was nothing he could do about it.

  As usual, the divine metal is tightly wrapped with divine thoughts to exercise the fit.

  until midnight.

  Only then did he finally come out of the consciousness space.

  Take out the messenger jade.

  It's already full of news.

  There are more than 2,000 contacts, but more than 1,900 have sent messages of greetings.

  And the news about Ling Kong and others almost flooded the screen.

  Even Yan Beihan sent three words: "What are you doing?"

  Fang Che replied: "Digesting Shuiyun Tianguo."

  This sentence ended the chat for several months.

  Yan Beihan on the opposite side was really furious!

  The communication jade fell to the wall with a bang.

  "I'll be a dog if I send you another message!"

  Fang Che continued to read the messages. What was strange was that Sun Yuanmu, Lin Yuan and others from the Yin Shen Palace did not send any messages.

  "Why hasn't Master come back yet?"

  Fang Che was a little confused.

  Didn't Sun Yuan say three months? It's already overdue now, right?

  So he picked up the communication jade and sent a message to Yinshen Palace: "Master, didn't my Master Sun Yuan say he would come back in three months, why haven't he returned yet?"

  But Yinshen Palace didn't reply for a long time.

  Fang Che had no choice but to fall asleep with confusion.


  When Fang Che's news was sent, Yinshen Palace, Mulinyuan, Qian Sanjiang and others were arranging and discussing plans.

  Ren Zhongyuan must come back tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

  And the anti-corruption plan is urgent.

  Since coming back, Yinshen Palace and Mulinyuan have started a series of clearing operations. They have cleared the halls in the main hall one by one, and the halls have been cleaned bit by bit.

  Everyone knows that Ren Zhongyuan failed in his attempt to seize the throne.

  All of them were like mourning their heirs, and they basically couldn't muster the energy to resist the cleanup of the Yin Shen Palace.

  A mess with no one to take the lead, but when it comes to being purged by an old leader who has accumulated power for hundreds of years, it's like cutting through the mess with a sharp knife.

  In the past few days, at least a thousand people have died under the leadership of Yixinjiao.

  Ren Zhongyuan's confidants were almost wiped out.

  Yin Shen Palace was particularly ruthless this time. In line with the principle of "I'd rather kill the wrong person than let go", killing someone is a decisive act.

  If these people defected to the guards and betrayed the Yixin Sect, Yin Shen Palace would not even be so angry.

  Just because the purpose of their betrayal was to get rid of the leader!
  Therefore, Yin Shen Palace was particularly furious.

  After finally getting rid of the purge after the crisis, with the anger of the Yin Shen Palace being doomed for the rest of his life, how can it be better?
  Countless backbones of the One Heart Sect, including family members old and young, have not been spared.

  Kill them all.

  We are currently discussing how to deal with Ren Zhongyuan who has returned.

  While the arrangements were being discussed, news from Fang Che came.

  Yin Shen Palace's face was originally full of sinister birds of prey and filled with murderous intent, but when he saw the news that it was the Night Demon, he immediately softened.

  He grabbed it with a smile and took a look, his expression suddenly changed.

  Throw the communication jade aside.

  No reply either.

  A look of frost on his face.

  "You little bastard, you have no conscience at all!"

  Yinshen Palace scolded angrily.

  "What's going on?"

  Mu Linyuan now took the Danyun Pill that Fang Che asked Yin Shen Palace to bring back. Ninety percent of his injuries were instantly recovered. His love for Fang Che had reached its peak.

  This situation is obviously a message from the Night Demon. Why is the leader so angry?
  "Did that kid get into trouble again? Leader?" Mu Linyuan asked worriedly.

  "Didn't cause trouble! What the hell, he asked Sun Yuan why he didn't go back. When Sun Yuan left, he said it was a minimum of three months. Isn't the time exceeded now?" (End of Chapter


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