Chapter 103 Blood Tank

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  Chapter 103:
  The purple spirit beast with blood pills is clearly revealed.

  If you look carefully, you can faintly see dark ropes that seem to be restraining it in the clouds and mist, preventing it from moving at all.

  He could only struggle feebly and growl.

  Wang Ba didn't know much about Fan Ming, but even from such a distance, he still felt suffocated when he saw the other party's purple figure.

  And even such a powerful being who could kill a foundation-building cultivator with a single feather can now only struggle under the rule of Tianmen Sect.

  It is conceivable that if the Tianmen Sect had not thought of subduing it, I am afraid that this Fanming would have been refined by the unparalleled leader of the Tianmen Sect.

  Wang Ba's eyes were hot and he shook his head regretfully.

  He immediately turned his head away, not wanting to look any further.

  As a professional chicken farmer, when he saw such a magical chicken, his heart moved almost instinctively.

  Even vaguely delusional, it would be great if we could breed it.

  It is a pity that for such a divine object, even the leader of Tianmen, who is the True Monarch of Nascent Soul, has to spend so much effort trying to convince the opponent. He is just a young Qi refining monk and has no even close qualifications, so he has no virtue or ability.

  Simply out of sight, out of mind.

  Standing in front of the mountain gate, he activated the transmission talisman.

  Soon the transmission note turned into a stream of light and shot into the mountain gate.

  Wang Ba stood in front of the mountain gate and waited patiently for a while.

  Yu Changchun didn't know whether he was practicing or had something important to do, so he didn't see the other party for a long time.

  Just as he was about to leave, he unexpectedly saw a somewhat familiar figure surrounded by the crowd, flying slowly towards him with a magic weapon.

  "Huh? Lin Yu?"

  We haven't seen each other for more than two years. Compared with the soft and charming look of the past, Lin Yu now has a bit more sassiness.

  Surrounded by several female cultivators with different temperaments behind him, they were high-spirited and high-spirited. They seemed to be talking about something with a few other people, and bursts of silver bell-like laughter came out from time to time.

  The monk's perception was very keen. When Wang Hao noticed her, Lin Yu, who noticed his sight, also immediately sensed Wang Hao's presence.

  The sharp sword-like gaze suddenly swept over Wang Hao. When he glanced at Wang Hao, Wang Hao felt an imperceptible tingling sensation on his body!
  Wang Ba was shocked.

  However, when he saw Wang Yan, an old acquaintance, Lin Yu, who was talking, was slightly startled.

  When Wang Bao saw that Lin Yu noticed him, he quickly suppressed the surprise in his heart and showed a smile on his face.

  Seeing that there were other people around, he took the initiative to say hello: "Lin Yu..."

  Unexpectedly, when Lin Yu saw him, she just nodded slightly and squeezed out a polite smile on her face.

  "Well, hello."

  Then he turned around and started chatting with the other female nuns.

  At the same time, several people speeded up their magic weapons in unison and passed by Wang Ba.

  "...Senior Sister, who is this leftist monk? He has no idea of ​​superiority or inferiority at all."

  "It's just an acquaintance from the past..."

  "...Stop interacting..."

  Wang Hao listened to the voices of several people in the wind. There was chatter, and for a moment, I didn’t know what to say.

  After not seeing each other for more than two years, the two of them had nothing in common.

  Life is also a matter of course.

  He sighed, but he didn't feel anything at all. After all, Lin Yu was just a slightly familiar old friend to him.

  What only made him a little surprised was that Lin Yu's cultivation progress was a bit too amazing.

  The slight tingling sensation just now made him immediately realize that Lin Yu's cultivation level was probably much higher than his.

  This is what makes him feel incredible.

  The reason why he was able to reach the eighth level of Qi refining so quickly had a lot to do with the fact that he could break through the bottleneck with his longevity energy and continuously replenish it with resources such as spirit chickens every day.

  Although Lin Yu had the support of the Tianmen Sect monks behind him, it was a bit exaggerated to be able to jump from the fifth level of Qi Refining to the eighth level in such a short period of time, even if he was practicing a magic method known for its fast cultivation speed.

  Unless, like Yu Changchun, you cultivate the Blood and Bone Path.

  But Lin Yu is obviously not the one with pink muscles and jade bones.

  "Maybe Lin Yu has some special talent, otherwise her master wouldn't think highly of her."

  Wang Yan didn't think much about it, packed up his mood, put on the magic talisman, and headed for Nanhu.

  But before he had gone far, a transmission note flew towards him and landed in his hand.

  Hearing the content of the transmission notes, Wang Hao suddenly paused.

  "Yu Changchun asked me to wait for him?"

  After thinking for a moment, he turned around and rushed to the mountain gate.

  After a while, a familiar figure was seen flying out from the clouds and mist on the mountain peak with a magic weapon on his feet.

  "Senior Yu."

  Wang Hao quickly bowed his hands and saluted.

  "You're welcome, fellow Taoist!"

  Yu Changchun's face was blurry and he raised his hand with a smile.

  After a brief exchange of greetings, Wang Hao took out a pot of wine from his storage bag and said with a smile:
  "This is a spiritual wine made from the black crystal peaches that grew this year. As soon as it came out of the cellar, I quickly brought it over for seniors to taste. Tasting."

  "Oh? This year's wine has been released from the cellar?"

  Yu Changchun suddenly said in surprise, and quickly took the peach wine from Wang Hao, and didn't care that it was in front of the mountain gate, and directly opened the wine jar. of sealing mud.

  Immediately, the spell was removed from the face, revealing a face with only one eyeball left and the rest turned into blood and bones. He pointed it at the mouth of the wine pot and took a big gulp.

  Seeing Yu Changchun's only remaining eyeball, Wang Hao was thoughtful.

  The pink peach wine slipped in between Yu Changchun's bloody teeth, passed through the jaws, throat...

  but was quickly absorbed by the surrounding blood and bones.

  Yu Changchun let out a long sigh of satisfaction.


  "Fellow Taoist's black crystal peach spirit wine is one of the few things I can still feel the taste of!" "

  Other spirit wines that can be bought have more spiritual energy, but they all have no taste."

  In one breath After drinking a bottle of wine, Yu Changchun's face became blurry again.

  Wang Bao heard this and immediately sent another one to the altar.

  However, he also showed a hint of pain: "Senior Yu, I don't make much wine, so you have to drink sparingly." "Haha!

  Fellow Taoist

  , you are interested." Yu Changchun was overjoyed when he saw that there was still a jar of wine. Without refusing, he hurriedly put the jar of black crystal peach spirit wine into his storage bag.

  After getting a jar of wine for free, Yu Changchun was satisfied and said with a smile: "Haha, fellow Taoist, you are here not only to bring me wine, right?"

  "Haha, I know I can't hide it from you, senior."

  After saying that, Wang Hao told Yu Changchun the news he heard from the monk surnamed Yan.


  Yu Changchun's eyes revealed as he thought: "I'm not sure about this. It's been at a critical moment recently, and I don't care much about things in the church." "But don't worry, I'll ask you later

  . I will tell you the accurate news immediately."

  "Thank you, senior."

  Wang Yan quickly handed over his hands and thanked him.

  Yu Changchun waved his hand: "Thank you, why should the friendship between me and my Taoist friends be so close?" "

  But..." Yu Changchun said with a solemn expression: "If there is really a recruitment, Taoist friends should stock up on more talismans. The price of these items, such as weapons and other Taoist treasures, may skyrocket in the near future." "

  Such a thing happened when we were recruiting to attack the Dongsheng Sect a few years ago." "

  Also, we must find a way quickly. Improve your cultivation strength as soon as possible. Once the recruitment starts, you will either attack other sects, some families, or the casual repair market..." "Once the war starts,

  you left-behind monks must charge forward." "

  Of course, As long as you can survive, you will also get a lot of benefits. The monks who charge forward will have all their gains, and no one in the church will rob them." "After each

  recruitment, someone will gain a lot of merit and become a Disciples within the teaching."

  "This is not only a danger for you, but it is also a rare opportunity."

  Yu Changchun explained to Wang Hao seriously.

  Wang Ba heard the words and remembered them in his heart.

  The two talked for a while, and then Wang Hao took the initiative to leave.

  Yu Changchun did not hold him back. His cultivation had reached a critical stage and he did not want to be distracted by other things.

  Wang Ba also followed Yu Changchun's suggestion and rushed to Fangshi.

  However, they found that whether it was talismans or magic weapons, there had been a significant price increase.

  "It seems that the recruitment within the sect is probably true, but I don't know where the Tianmen Sect's upper echelons are targeting it."

  This time, Wang Yan did not wait for the price of these materials to drop with luck like before when he was in Dongsheng Sect. , but took action decisively, gritted his teeth and bought a first-grade top-grade "Sacred Heart Mirror", a top-grade "Jade-flow Armor", and a top-grade "Feihuang Ruler".

  The Sacred Heart Mirror can protect the soul, the Jade Flow Armor can protect the physical body, and the Flying Yellow Ruler is a rare flying magic weapon. It has no offensive and defensive capabilities, but is extremely fast.

  With these three pieces of equipment, Wang Yan's life-saving ability suddenly increased a lot.

  I also wanted to buy a magic weapon with offensive capabilities, but after looking at it for a long time, I couldn't find anything suitable.

  "It seems that I have to go to other stations

  when I have time." In three years, his permission as a Zuodao monk has reached the third level, and he can use the teleportation array of Tianmen Sect to go to other stations.

  However, each use requires an advance reservation, and it is expensive. The next delivery will not be available until next month.

  He also went to the talisman shop, but unfortunately the prices in the talisman shop were too high, and the effects were not as good as those made by monk surnamed Yan.

  "I'm going to trade with him in a few days. I don't need to buy the talisman for the time being."

  After thinking about it, he went to the elixir store one of the few times he usually went.

  The effect of the elixir is obvious, but there are also many side effects. The foundation is weak, and the erysipelas corrodes the body and even the Dantian. It is difficult to break through to high realms in the future. It may even lead to inner demons coming when the big realm is broken through, or even losing control of the mana and causing sudden death, etc.

  Under normal circumstances, after taking the elixir once, it is necessary to eliminate the erysipelas as soon as possible and spend a certain amount of time to stabilize the foundation.

  And the price is still very high.

  Wang Yan has a daily supplement of spirit chickens and spirit turtles. There are no side effects, and he does not need to spend time to solidify the foundation. The speed is actually not much slower, and he is not too concerned about elixirs.

  However, today is different from the past. If you can improve your cultivation quickly, even a little bit of erysipelas may not be unacceptable.

  At worst, we can just eliminate it slowly later.

  But when he walked into the elixir store, he was helplessly aware that most of the elixirs in the cabinets had been sold out.

  The few remaining elixirs were also being snatched up by the monks, and their prices were raised to the sky.

  Even so, it was a steal.

  Inexplicably, he remembered a similar scene he had seen in Dongsheng Sect's market.

  However, what surprised Wang Ba was that when he saw that these pills were sold out, the customers in the store did not disperse. Instead, they all looked at the store expectantly.

  The store owner did not disappoint everyone and said loudly:

  "Everyone, the secret treasure of Xuan Dan Dao, 'Blood Pill', that everyone has been waiting for for a long time, has finally arrived!"

  Soon, the store monks took out boxes one by one from the back.

  Opening one of the boxes revealed a red and somewhat transparent elixir inside.

  What made Wang Ba couldn't help but be shocked was that through this somewhat transparent pill, he saw a baby crying in it...

  (End of this chapter)

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