295.Chapter 287 Ghost Pattern Skink Lizard

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  Chapter 287 Ghost Pattern Skin Dragon Lizard

  Chunyang Palace.

  Located above the three halls.

  In the palace, the thousand-year-old auspicious incense rises from the incense burner, changing all kinds of strange phenomena.

  A Taoist figure sat cross-legged in front of the incense burner, closing his eyes and meditating.

  Suddenly, a small stone quietly flew out of his sleeve and floated in mid-air.

  The Taoist slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were as cloudy as those of ordinary people.

  But an urgent voice came from the small stone:
  "Sect Master, Monk Wang Xin has crossed the Fengxiao Strait and successfully merged with the monks headed by 'Ashna' in Tubizhou. The West Sea National Front may lose something. !"

  The Taoist's expression did not change, but he frowned slightly:

  "Monk Wang Xin crossed the Fengxiao Strait? Could it be that Master Nephew Yao failed?"

  "With Patriarch Yuyang here, he should not die, but the road ahead may... "

  The Taoist shook his head slightly, and then whispered to the voice in the small stone:

  "Let Xumi retreat, and at the same time inform the Changsheng Sect that we missed this time, and we will send people again." "


  The sound breaks.

  The small stone also fell down immediately, but it happened to fall back into the Taoist's hands.

  The Taoist gently pinched the small stone, with doubts in his eyes:

  "Is it a defeat or a draw..."


  "Ghost-patterned Skink!"

  Wang Hao called out the name of the spiritual beast in surprise.

  The owner of the spirit animal shop looked back at Wang Hao in slight surprise when he heard this:

  "Hey, you still know this?"

  Wang Hao shook his head slightly, not caring about the ridicule in the other person's tone, and made a decision almost immediately:

  " What's the price of this ghost-patterned skink?"

  "For the sake of your knowledge of the goods, it can be a little less, 5 high-grade spiritual stones."

  Wang Yan directly handed over the spiritual stones to the other party without any hesitation.

  Such a generous attitude made the store owner a little surprised:
  "Can I ask, what are you going to do with the ghost skink lizard?"

  Wang Hao smiled:
  "What you can do, of course, is to cultivate it.

  " The boss suddenly showed a look of astonishment:

  "Nurturing? Brother, are you crazy? Its bloodline cannot be captured at all..."

  Wang Yan walked straight to the iron cage and looked at the half-grown animal. It is about ten feet long, with a head that looks like a dragon's head, its body is covered with alluring lines, and there is a dragon lizard with a sharp spike on its back.

  The hazel brown pupils without any emotion reflected Wang Yan's figure.

  "This is its spirit beast circle seal."

  The shop owner still couldn't believe it, but he still opened the iron cage and chanted the seal.

  The ghost-patterned skink lizard was driven out of the iron cage and slowly walked out.

  His cold eyes glanced at Wang Yan and the shop owner indifferently and vigilantly.

  Wang Hao learned about the seal of the spirit beast circle from the shop owner, and immediately included it in the spirit beast circle.

  Immediately he left Taiyin Mountain without stopping.


  The night was dimly lit and the wind was blowing strong.

  Wang Ba was extremely excited.

  "I unexpectedly encountered a ghost-patterned skink... I came at the right time this time!" The

  ghost-patterned skink is still an extremely peculiar second-level high-grade spiritual beast that he saw in the beast control volume, volume two.

  Its breeding difficulty is relatively low, and it can produce more than ten or twenty offspring every few years.

  Therefore, among the second-level spiritual foods, there is one related to it.

  The key is that its body is neither male nor female and it can reproduce offspring alone.

  This resulted in its offspring being almost identical to it.

  Even after dozens of generations, its descendants are not any different from it in terms of blood, which is completely contrary to common sense.

  Normally, as blood circulates in the body of a spirit beast, there will inevitably be a drop in grade or other changes.

  However, this is not reflected at all in the ghost-patterned skink lizard.

  They seem to have been set this way by heaven and earth from the beginning of their birth, and they have never changed since.

  Countless monks who mastered the art of beast control have racked their brains and tried their best, but they have never been able to decipher the mystery.

  They could clearly feel the composition and proportion of its bloodline, but there was no way to change the ghost-patterned skink.

  This is also one of the small regrets in the hearts of the previous peak masters of the Beast Control Vein who compiled the book "Beast Control Scroll".

  But when Wang Ba saw the ghost-patterned skin dragon lizard in the beast control scroll, his first thought was that if he could not succeed with the bloodline breakthrough method, would the longevity breakthrough method be different?

  Compared with the spiritual chicken that needs to cultivate both the male and female lines at the same time, the method of breeding the ghost skink lizard is undoubtedly much simpler.

  He only needs to perform a longevity breakthrough on the ghost-patterned skink lizard, and then wait for it to give birth to offspring. Since the offspring are exactly the same as the mother, they can inherit the state of the mother after the breakthrough. After ripening and giving birth, he can give birth to them again. The offspring undergoes a longevity breakthrough, and then waits for it to give birth to offspring, and the cycle repeats.

  In a short time, he would be able to achieve the purpose of nurturing by giving longevity breakthroughs to the offspring of generations of dragon lizards.

  The rank of the dragon lizard's descendants will also rise step by step.

  And this kind of increase can almost continue forever, except for the pregnancy, childbirth, incubation, and encountering major hurdles such as the Golden Core Tribulation and the Nascent Soul Tribulation.

  The premise of all this is that the longevity breakthrough is indeed effective for dragon lizards.

  It is precisely because of this that Wang Hao is so eager to go back and try it out.

  However, after flying for a while, he stopped, quickly sorted out his mood, and calmed down.

  The ghostly skin dragon lizard was an unexpected surprise. His real purpose of going to Taiyin Mountain was to understand the market situation of the spiritual chicken essence.

  Now that we understand it clearly, it's natural to go and meet that Gu Wen.

  According to his guess, the other party came to him probably for the spirit chicken essence.

  At that moment, he quickly changed direction and flew towards Jade Peak.

  Not long after, he stood in front of Jade Peak.

  Soon, a slightly familiar figure flew out from the mountain peak, it was Gu Wen.

  Not only her, but there was also a female cultivator with similar cultivation level next to her.

  There is a piece of jade stuck between the eyebrows, which looks a bit cold and glamorous.

  Wang Ba didn't look too much, his eyes fell on Gu Wen, and he said in a calm tone:

  "What do you want from me?"

  When Gu Wen saw Wang Ba, her eyes suddenly lit up, and just as she was about to speak, the glamorous female cultivator beside her coughed lightly.

  Gu Wen was startled, but she immediately reacted. Her somewhat eager expression suddenly softened, and she pretended to be reserved to Wang Hao: "Well...

  this senior brother, the essence you gave me last time didn't work. Let me break through smoothly... This... do you still have it there? I want to use the spirit stones to buy a few more copies."

  Wang Yan has been working at the bottom for many years, and he can tell the difference between the two of them almost at a glance. Be careful.

  He chuckled slightly in his heart.

  There was no extra emotion on his face, and he said coldly: "Yes, but I won't sell it."

  After that, he turned around and left.

  Wang Yan's reaction immediately caught both of them off guard.

  "Hey! You, why don't you sell it to me?"

  Gu Wen couldn't care less about being reserved now and hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

  Wang Hao didn't really want to leave. Hearing this, he stopped flying the magic weapon, turned around, and said calmly:
  "For the sake of my fellow disciples, I gave you a discount. Four spiritual food can be sold. I only have two of you for seven or eight points of merit, and now you actually want to buy it with spirit stones? Could it be that you are trying to deceive me into being kind-hearted?" After

  saying this, Gu Wen and the glamorous female cultivator beside him couldn't help but blush. Face.

  It was obvious that both of them were foundation-building monks, but they clearly felt like they were young and had nothing to do.

  Wang Ba saw this and secretly shook his head.

  These fellow disciples are really well protected by the senior leaders of Wanxiang Sect, but they are not as ruthless and shameless as the monks of the same realm outside.

  He just said a few words, and they were swayed first.

  At this time, Gu Wen also realized that the other party had already seen through her thoughts. While her face was blushing, she was also brave enough to say: "Since senior

  brother knows, then, then I will tell you directly!"

  "Senior brother's spirit !" The food is really good. I want to buy a batch from my senior brother. The price is up to you." "

  That's right. Open up the skylight and speak out."

  Wang Hao nodded slightly and quoted a price:
  "I don't care if you plan to use it yourself. , it’s better to take it out and sell it."

  "In short, starting with ten spiritual chicken essences, it counts as fifteen points of merit." "

  This is impossible! At this price, we might as well exchange the merit into spiritual stones and go to the market to buy medicinal elixirs. Yes!"

  Gu Wen immediately retorted.

  "Then how much did you say?"

  Wang Yan asked.

  "One piece of soul chicken essence means one piece of merit..."


  Wang Yan said decisively.

  Only the confused Gu Wen and the equally confused female cultivator next to her were left, stupidly unable to believe their ears.

  "No, what's going on, I..."

  Gu Wen was confused for a moment.

  Wang Yan said patiently:
  "This price is exactly the most suitable price. I can see that you want to sell these soul chicken essences to other monks, and a piece of soul chicken essence and a little merit are already enough. The profit will be given to you, and it will be cheap enough to attract others to buy it."

  Without enough profit, Gu Wen would not help him sell the soul chicken essence.

  If it's not cheap enough, why would other monks come to buy it? After all, there are countless resources within the sect.

  So from the very beginning, the best price in Wang Hao's mind was that a portion of spirit chicken essence equals a little merit.

  In fact, even if it was still the first price, two portions of spiritual chicken essence in exchange for a little merit, he would still accept it.

  After all, the cost of the soul chicken essence is limited to him, but merit is extremely scarce at the moment.

  After some struggle, Gu Wen finally made an oath with Wang Ba and asked Wang Ba to provide her with the essence of the spiritual chicken.

  After that, the three of them went to the Shaoyin Mountain mission hall. Gu Wen issued the mission, and Wang Ba took it on the spot.

  Handed over on the spot to the monk in the mission hall.

  Gu Wen took out 200 merit points in one breath.

  Wang Yan was unambiguous and directly gave him 200 copies of Spirit Chicken Essence.

  Although 200 points of merit are only a drop in the bucket for the practice of Wan Dharma Lineage, you can't reach a thousand miles without accumulating small steps. This is also a necessary accumulation in the early stage.

  So Wang Yan was quite satisfied.

  After saying goodbye to Gu Wen, Wang Ba immediately flew towards Wanfa Peak. He could no longer hold back.


  The Roaring Strait.

  Located in the northwest of Dajin Overseas.

  It's called a strait, but it's actually the only safe sea channel nearby.

  The huge waves and hurricanes on both sides that were almost as high as the sky made the area near the Fenghao Strait look like the end of the world.

  From time to time, you can see huge sea beasts swimming here, being picked up by the wind and waves, and being easily torn into pieces in the astonishing strong winds.

  The power of magnetism that shrouded the area caused confusion and confusion, and also caused many methods to lose their effectiveness here.

  The teleportation array cannot be teleported here, and the teleportation notes all fall down one after another when they fly here. If the monk is within the Five Elements, he cannot even use his magic power.

  In the face of such a powerful force of heaven and earth, even ordinary god-transforming monks would avoid it if they encountered it.

  The boy in white stood quietly in the wind and waves. Countless waves and strong winds blew through him, but they could not affect him at all.

  But at this moment, his usually cold face was horribly dark.

  "This Yao Wudi, where has he gone?!"

  "Didn't he say he would show up soon? I have been waiting for half a month, and that monk Wang Xin has left, why hasn't he shown up yet?" And

  with At the same time.

  To the northeast of Dajin.

  A burly man with his upper body bare, revealing his explosive muscles, was taking out a simple map with a confused look on his face.

  "It's strange... is it that far to Fengxiao Strait?"

  "Why does it feel like this place doesn't look like... the sea at all?"

  "No matter... there seems to be a city there, go and ask!"

  Yao Wudi's The figure disappeared in a flash.


  A huge blood-red boundary monument composed of countless bones stood silently.

  On the boundary monument, two words are faintly written:

   I can't hold it anymore... Although this chapter is a little short, I tried my best...

  (End of this chapter)

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