287.Chapter 279 Universal law uniqueness

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  Chapter 279 Ten Thousand Methods and One Intent

  Wang Hao opened his eyes drowsily, and then suddenly sat up in shock.

  He looked around quickly while his consciousness spread outward.

  Then he found himself lying on the branch of a thick tree. There were only a few old houses around, and it seemed that no one had lived in them for a long time.

  Wang Ba was at a loss.

  "Aren't I cutting up the turtle-tailed sparrow? Why suddenly..."

  He felt a sense of dizziness rising in his mind, and then he lost consciousness.

  When he woke up again, he seemed to be on the top of a mountain.

  at this time.

  A familiar voice flew into my ears.

  "My good disciple, are you awake?"

  Wang Hao subconsciously followed the sound and saw a naked, muscular man sitting cross-legged on a treetop not far away.


  That figure was naturally Yao Wudi.

  Clearly seeing the other party, Yao Wudi's position within his consciousness was empty.

  Wang Hao was not surprised. As a Nascent Soul cultivator, it was too easy to hide from him as a Foundation Establishment cultivator.

  Yao Wudi stood up and disappeared from the treetops in a blink of an eye.

  "Good disciple, come down!"

  Wang Hao stood up immediately and was about to get down when his expression suddenly changed slightly.

  "The second dantian... has reached the middle stage of foundation building?"

  After practicing for more than a year, his second dantian has successfully reached the early stage of foundation building.

  However, after foundation building, the speed of improvement is much slower. Even if he concentrates on improving the second dantian, it will probably take seven or eight years to reach the middle stage of foundation building.

  However, what surprised him was that when he woke up, his second dantian was directly in the middle stage of foundation building. Even in his main body dantian, he could faintly feel that he was far away from the late stage of foundation building and only had the last bit of accumulated work left.

  In another half a year, we can successfully break through to the late stage of foundation building.

  "How could this happen..."

  Wang Hao was surprised and happy at the same time, but also full of doubts.

  He thought for a moment but couldn't figure it out, and jumped down quickly.

  At the same time, he informed Yao Wudi of the changes that had occurred in his body.

  After hearing this, Yao Wudi burst into laughter:
  "It's Drunken Immortal Brew."

  "You're quite like me, you're very courageous. You dare to drink He Jiugui's Drunk Immortal Brew even when you're only at the Foundation Establishment level."

  "Drunken Immortal Brew?"

  Wang Bao was startled for a moment, and suddenly he remembered the two sips of spiritual wine he had taken from He Jiugui's wine gourd.

  It suddenly dawned on him:

  "It was the one I drank before. I didn't feel anything at the time, but after that..." "

  He Jiugui's Drunken Immortal Brew is just like an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator who takes a sip of it and is confused, let alone you. ”

  Yao Wudi explained with a smile: “However, the interesting thing about his spiritual wine is that he does not notice it when he drinks it. When the wine is strong, it will immediately make him unconscious and drink it. The more you drink, the deeper you get drunk. When you wake up, it will be of great benefit to your cultivation." "

  So that's it!"

  Wang Yan suddenly realized in his heart. He had previously wondered why the alcoholic spirit wine could smell to him. I feel drunk, but I don’t feel anything when I drink it. It turns out that it’s all about the stamina.

  "Then I'll sleep..."

  "You've been sleeping for more than a month. It was Cui Xiaoqi...Xiao Cui who sent you here."

  Yao Wudi said, "I have asked him to arrange a bath for you."

  Wang Hao: " Uh..."

  Xiu Mu, that is, taking a vacation.

  He didn't expect that he would take a month's leave just after he reported to the Spiritual Food Department.

  It's a bit too showy.

  But what he is more concerned about is another thing:

  "After sleeping for more than a month, you can increase your cultivation level so much at once... It's worth it!" "

  I don't know if He Jiugui's wine is good or not."

  Yao But Wudi saw through Wang Yan's thoughts at a glance and exposed this beautiful vision mercilessly:

  "He Jiugui's wine is just like spiritual tea. Most spiritual wines are effective only for the first two times of drinking. It's just a taste, unless they are monks with spirit wine veins, spirit wine is more effective and longer lasting for them." This is the first time

  Wang Yan has heard of such a strange way of practice.

  However, he thought thoughtfully:
  "So, we can try other things... But I don't like He Jiugui, so I guess it will be difficult." At the

  same time, he told Yao Wudi about He Jiugui.

  When Yao Wudi heard this, there was no surprise on his face:
  "Xiao Cui has already told me about this, you don't have to worry, just stay and learn from Xiao Cui with peace of mind. Don't throw away the craftsmanship of Ling Chef! "


  Wang Yan was a little confused.

  He actually doesn't want to put his energy into the spiritual kitchen. After all, there are many things to do in cultivating the Ten Thousand Dharma Lineage.

  "As the old saying goes, a sharpened knife will make you a good chopping wood. If you master the skill of spiritual chef, you will be able to earn spiritual stones and merits more easily in the future... unlike your master and me, who focus on cultivation and are not interested in other skills. Interested, practice is fast in the front, but it is hindered in the back. Without spiritual stones and meritorious deeds, it is difficult to make progress..."

  In front of Wang Yan, Yao Wudi did not hide his true thoughts:
  "You must take me as a warning. ."

  Wang Yan had heard Yao Wudi say this several times.

  I didn't quite understand it at the time, but now I gradually understand it a little bit.

  "Earning spirit stones... The practice of Wan Dharma Lineage involves a lot and consumes a lot of resources. Spirit Stones... do have to be taken seriously." "But for now, it is better to familiarize yourself first."


  Hao secretly thought in his heart. thinking.

  The Wanxiang Sect encompasses Wanxiang, a spiritual chef that is extremely rare in the outside world, but there is an entire spiritual food department within the sect.

  Just the various methods used to divide the turtle-tailed sparrows opened Wang Yan's eyes and he felt that his own background was not enough.

  If you want to rely on spiritual chef methods to make money, I'm afraid it may not be as simple as the master thinks.

  But he wasn't too anxious.

  Wanxiang Sect was a rare and peaceful place full of order since he started practicing.

  Here, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief. He didn't have to race against time because of precarious situations, and lost a lot of the fun that practice should have.

  Yao Wudi suddenly said:

  "By the way, you are now a disciple of the sect. I have also registered with Tongren Dedian that you have been officially included in our 'Wanfa Peak' lineage. I have asked Master Xian's nephew to be your general." Bring your Taoist companion and you can come over after the assessment."

  "In addition, our Wanfa Peak's cultivation method can finally be officially passed on to you."

  Wang Hao was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then happily bowed to Yao Wudi and said formally:
  "Disciple Wang Hao, I have met Master. "

  Yao Wudi quickly used his magic power to stop Wang Ba, and the master and disciple immediately looked at each other and smiled.

  From this moment on, the two of them were truly recognized as masters and disciples by the Wanxiang Sect.

  Yao Wudi was not the kind of person to stick to vulgar etiquette. He sat casually on the ground and took out a jade slip and handed it to Wang Hao.

  "Try it."

  Wang Hao took the jade slip and put it between his eyebrows.

  ""Ten Thousand Methods and One Mind Skill"?"

  In an instant, a large amount of knowledge and content related to it poured into his spiritual platform.

  Wang Hao also quickly absorbed many of the key points of this practice...

  After a long time, he slowly put down the jade slip.

  There was a faint feeling of fatigue in his eyes.

  "How do you feel?"

  Yao Wudi asked softly.

  Wang Hao digested the massive information in the Lingtai, and the Lingtai felt a little swollen and sore.

  However, when he heard Yao Wudi's inquiry, he still shook his head slightly, with a hint of shock in his heart, and sighed:
  "Four words."


  The jade slip given by the master recorded all kinds of magic. The fundamental method of pulse-"Ten Thousand Methods and One Intention Gong".

  Even with his soul who had just entered the Golden Core Realm, after absorbing the vast amount of knowledge about this technique in one breath, he only felt that it was complicated and had a headache.

  The reason why it is complicated is because the path Wan Dharma Line wants to take is really too ambitious.

  "Ten Thousand Methods and One Intention Kung Fu" is not so much a technique as it is digging a dry sea in advance.

  If you want this sea to be magnificent, you need to practice many essential skills and incorporate them into the "Ten Thousand Methods and One Intention Skill".

  For example, the five elements, yin and yang, wind, thunder, snow and lightning, etc.

  They are the sea water needed for "All Laws and One Intention Gong".

  With each additional skill, there will be more sea water in the sea, and the power of "Ten Thousand Methods and One Mind" will be stronger.

  However, each additional skill means that the time and resources required will also increase.

  The difficulty also increases.

  Most of the descendants of the Wan Dharma lineage in the past could only enter the Tao through the five elements.

  It’s not that they don’t want to increase the number, it’s just that they really can’t do it.

  The way of heaven prohibits surplus.

  Even "All Laws and One Intention Gong" also needs to abide by this principle.

  Yao Wudi nodded slightly and continued to ask:

  "What are your thoughts?"

  Wang Hao hesitated for a while, and then asked curiously:
  "I wonder what kind of skills you have practiced, Master?"

  Yao Wudi was startled for a moment, and then his face showed relief. With a smile:

  "Good boy, do you regard me as a target?"

  But after taking a look at Wang Yan, he still shook his head:
  "That's all, I'd better not say it, so as not to affect your Taoist heart."

  Yao Wudi said this, Wang Yan On the contrary, Ba became even more curious and couldn't help but said:

  "Master, besides the Five Elements, do you practice anything else?"

  "That's natural. You, Master, and I are the only people in the Ten Thousand Dharma Lineage who have practiced to this level for generations. , how can the Five Elements alone do it?"

  Yao Wudi said proudly.

  After thinking about it, he was still afraid of affecting Wang Yan, so he quickly said seriously:
  "However, you better not ask anymore, and practice with peace of mind. After you have condensed the second Dantian, you will be considered to have the five elements. You can first integrate the five elements." The Ten Thousand Methods and One Intention Skill has been achieved."

  "Five Elements..."

  The topic returned to him, and Wang Yan also became slightly serious.

  "Don't underestimate the Five Elements. Ninety-nine percent of the way to practice, in the final analysis, is still within the Five Elements." When

  Yao Wudi talked about practice, he had the style of a master. He said casually:

  "Do you still remember? Is it the Jiang Yi who pioneered the furry method that I met during the sect entrance examination? "

  Jiang Yi? "

  Wang Hao immediately thought of the bald female cultivator, and he was deeply impressed by her indifferent temperament.

  "This Jiang Yi has an extraordinary Taoist heart. But for a person who can open up a lineage, if he does not have a Taoist heart that is far beyond ordinary people, it would be abnormal." Recalling

  this man's demeanor, Yao Wudi sighed slightly, and then asked Wang Yan:

  " Leaving aside these, let me ask you, do you know the essence of the fur path she opened up?" "


  Wang Hao thought for a moment, but he really couldn't imagine what the essence of fur is, flesh and blood? Essence, energy, blood?

  He couldn't help but look at Yao Wudi.

  Yao Wudi didn't show off, and said directly:
  "The so-called lungs govern the fur, and the way of the fur is obviously inseparable from one of the five internal organs of the practitioner - the lungs." "

  And the heavens and humans sense that the lungs belong to gold. In other words, the essence of this furry way is actually the 'gold' among the five elements." "

  If you practice a method related to the metal element, it is hard to say which level you will go up, but among the same level, if you major in the metal element In your hands, it is difficult for a monk to resist." "

  By analogy, if you use the Five Elements to Enter Ten Thousand Methods and One Intention Skill, 99% of the monks at the same level will be weaker than you."

  " The lungs govern the fur... and belong to metal..."

  Wang Yan listened to Yao Wudi's simple words, but he felt as if a door to a new world had opened in front of him.

  He had never thought before that he could think about the Five Elements from this perspective.

  But Yao Wudi's words suddenly gave him a lot of inspiration.

  He couldn't help but start to think about the essence of the many cultivation methods he had seen.
  Yao Wudi continued:

  "General monks, after completing the Five Elements, usually only practice one method that takes into account the Five Elements. However, our Wan Dharma Lineage is different. We need to practice the Five Elements separately one by one, and finally use the Wan Dharma. Unify them all with one intention."

  Wang Hao nodded slightly.

  This content is also found on the jade slips, which also recommend some specific directions for practice.

  For example, for the Wood Walking Technique, it is best to go to Qingmu Peak to practice the "Qingdi God Seed Technique".

  This technique, purely from the perspective of Mu Xing, is extremely advanced within the Wanxiang Sect.

  This skill is also recorded in the 'Wanxiang Sutra Library' and can be exchanged for merit.

  The same is true for the other four techniques, each with its own inheritance.

  "First, turn all the magic power in your body into the mother energy of all laws."

  Yao Wudi said his arrangement:

  "When you complete this, we can go to Wufeng to collect practice skills."

  He used the Five Elements to Enter Ten Thousand Things. He had learned all these exercises when he was practicing Fa Yiyi Gong, and he was even practicing them now.

  It's just that according to the rules within the sect, except for the monks in the peak who can practice freely, other people must either obtain the permission of the peak master of the peak, or they can only spend merit to purchase it from the Wanxiang Sutra Library. It would not work even if it was passed on to Wang Yan from him.

  Wang Hao nodded.

  But before he could practice, the middle-aged female cultivator who had previously treated Bu Chan personally sent Bu Chan over.

  Now more than a year later, Bu Chan's injuries have almost disappeared, except for the obvious bulging feeling in his abdomen.

  Fortunately, she is a monk after all, and being pregnant will not affect her in any way.

  "Senior brother."


  When Bu Chan saw Yao Wudi, he followed Wang Yan and called Yao Wudi master, and he quickly saluted slightly.

  But Yao Wudi quickly raised his hand to stop her:
  "Don't do it, take good care of her..."

  The middle-aged female cultivator couldn't stand it anymore and said coldly: "There's no need to do this, her body is fine. Doing some things will actually help her absorb the medicinal properties of the spiritual materials."

  Yao Wudi shrank his hands and looked embarrassed: "Oh...that's it..."

  Bu Chan had already taken the initiative to clean up Wanfa Peak. A few dilapidated houses on the street.

  First use magic to clean up the whole place, and then repair each room.

  Wang Hao was about to go to practice, but he was given a rare lesson by Yao Wudi:
  "You kid! Xiaochan is pregnant and still busy, you have the nerve to leave?"


  Wang Hao looked at the busyness, Bu Chan, who didn't look tired at all, finally followed Bu Chan to repair and tidy up several rooms one by one.

  It's not that he really doesn't care about Bu Chan, the main thing is that these things are really not a big deal to Bu Chan.

  Even if they are pregnant, the foundation-building monk's physique will have almost no impact.

  However, if the master speaks on his own, Wang Yan will naturally not be able to disobey him.

  It was busy until the next day.

  Wang Ba and Bu Chan finally tidied up the house on the mountain.

  Wang Ba also helped Bu Chan reopen the spiritual field.

  The spiritual veins on Wanfa Peak are of the fourth level. Although there are not many, it is enough to open a fourth level spiritual field on it after leaving enough space for three people to practice.

  Plant the Thousand God Trees, Spirit Rice, and other spiritual plants.

  Except for Jia Fifteen and Jia Seventeen, all the spiritual beasts raised by Wang Ba were released by him.

  For some reason, Yao Wudi looked happy every time he saw these spiritual beasts.

  After everything was done, Wang Ba didn't take much rest, so he hurried to the Spiritual Food Department of Mu Xing Division.

  It's really unreasonable to take a month off from bathing when I first came to the Spiritual Food Department.

  When we arrived at the Spiritual Food Department, the scorching sun had not yet reached the sky, and there were no one basking in the sun at the entrance of the bamboo house, which made it seem a bit empty.

  However, when Wang Ba walked into the bamboo house, he found that there was no one in the bamboo house.

  "Strange, where did they go?"

  Wang Hao frowned slightly.

  Could it be that there was another tyrannical beast that recruited them all away?

  Thinking of the large numbers of troops and crowds used to divide the Turtle-tailed Sparrows before, Wang Yan could understand.

  Just when I was thinking about whether to go back to Wanfa Peak to practice, I suddenly saw a group of monks flying back from a distance with their arms around each other and laughing.

  Some people were carrying wooden buckets, and some were stroking the fishing rods filled with spiritual energy in their hands...

  Even a person like Wang Yan, who was already indifferent to emotions and anger, couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when he saw this scene.

  He realized that he might really be thinking too much.

  How could the people in the Spiritual Food Department be so busy!
  From a distance, he saw the familiar old man with thinning hair and a drunken face at the head of the crowd.

  My heart couldn't help but tighten.

  What a drunkard!
  However, it was beyond his expectation.

  When He Jiugui saw Wang Yan, his smiling face suddenly froze. However, he did not try to blow Wang Yan away like last time. Instead, after a slight pause, he passed Wang Yan and flew straight into the bamboo. inside the house.

  Wang Hao was slightly stunned when he saw this scene, and then a smile appeared on his face.

  When the other monks from the Spiritual Food Department saw Wang Yan, they all gathered around him in great surprise.

  Everyone talked about Wang Yan's previous method of dividing the turtle-tailed sparrow.

  Such enthusiasm was far beyond Wang Yan's expectations.

  It has to be said that Wang Yan's technique was so amazing that most of the spiritual food monks who were not very close to Wang Yan couldn't help but have a little more respect and enthusiasm for Wang Yan.

  Of course, they would never tell Wang Ba that the reason why they had such a change was entirely because Cui Daqi, the minister, personally sent Wang Ba away after seeing him drunk.

  They would not tell Wang Ba that during his absence, they had already gone to the Rende Hall to understand the situation.

  A foundation-building monk who was appointed as a deacon when he first joined the sect, and he was also a disciple of Yao Wudi who was invincible to the Nascent Soul in the sect...

  Tsk tsk.

  "Deacon Wang, it just so happens that this month's quota has also come down. I will teach you how to refine spiritual food."

  A deacon surnamed Kong took the initiative.

  When Wang Ba heard this, he didn't explain much. He originally came to learn more comprehensive methods of making spiritual food.

  At that moment, a group of people welcomed Wang Ba into the bamboo house, and then took out a large bucket of spiritual rice and spiritual fruits.

  Wang Yan: "..."

  He really doesn't know how to do this.

  "Deacon Wang, let me demonstrate it to you..."

  "Thank you!"

  Wang Yan did not refuse. Since he was already here, he could just study in peace.

  Most of the progress is not achieved overnight. Although he needs to learn the method of refining spiritual food for spiritual beasts, it is not a bad thing to learn more skills.

  Sure enough, Wang Yan was quite surprised to see how Deacon Kong dealt with Lingmi and Lingguo.

  The requirements for the separation of these things are almost zero. The only requirements are the processing liquid and the heat of refining.

  There is not much difference with the spirit kitchen method that uses spirit beasts as materials.

  Of course, some of the refining techniques and the configuration of the treatment fluid made Wang Yan feel quite rewarded.

  Wang Ba also began to try to refine it.

  With his experience in refining massive amounts of spirit chicken essence, he is very comfortable refining spirit rice and spirit fruit.

  A few bottles of 'fruit pulp and rice juice' were quickly refined.


  Wang Hao refined the 'Fruit Puree Rice Cake' so easily and freely, which actually made everyone respect Wang Hao more.

  After all, it seems that Wang Yan is indeed quite capable.

  Wang Yan felt the effect of this 'fruit pulp and rice juice', but unfortunately he was a little disappointed.

  It contains spiritual energy that is easy to absorb, but the grade is not high, just like the first or second grade, which is far inferior to the second grade spirit chicken essence.

  "Who is going to use all this fruit pulp and rice custard?"

  Wang Yan asked curiously, looking at the large amount of raw materials in the bamboo house.

  "Our Spiritual Objects Department is mainly responsible for refining some first- and second-level spiritual food, which is specially supplied to the Wanxiang Treasure House for people to redeem with merit. One point of merit can be exchanged for three bottles." "Of course there are also big things, that is, we have to deal with some high-level spiritual food on a regular basis

  . The beast is used to feed the true legends."

  "True legend?"

  Wang Hao's eyes were full of curiosity.

  He had heard that the true disciples were ranked higher than the Dharma Protector, even the Peak Master and the Minister.

  There are only nine people in Wanxiang Sect.

  Unexpectedly, the Spiritual Food Ministry would even provide a special supply of the true biography.

  In comparison, he, the deacon, has nothing to say.

  He can receive some merit every month, but unfortunately he took a break last month, so there was no merit to be gained.

  Apart from this, there are no other benefits for the time being.

  After practicing refining the 'Fruit Pulp and Rice Cake' in the bamboo house for a while, Wang Yan's speed improved rapidly.

  In an hour, three or four portions of this fruit pulp and rice custard can be made.

  According to what the deacon surnamed Kong said, this speed is still a bit slow. After a busy month, he may not be able to complete the designated share.

  Wang Hao was still not in a hurry after hearing this. He mainly focused on studying now and didn't value efficiency so much.

  Regarding the refining of spiritual food, I have some new ideas.

  The day passed quickly.

  During the whole process, Wang Hao saw He Jiugui twice, but the other party seemed not to see him at all.

  Wang Ba didn't care either.

  After leaving the Spiritual Food Department, he did not rush back to Wanfa Peak immediately, but went to Shaoyang Mountain.

  Not long after, he walked out of Shaoyang Mountain.

  His face looked a little ugly.

  "A "Qingdi God Seed Technique" actually costs five thousand merit points!"

   Sorry, it's a bit late tonight. I'm really out of shape after staying up late... I should be able to return to normal tomorrow.

  (End of chapter)

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