227. Chapter 222 The gathering place for casual cultivators

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  Chapter 222:

  The quiet room where casual cultivators gather.

  The green smoke from the 'Dong Shen Ning Ling Incense' rises straight up, condensing and not dissipating.

  Wang Yan, who was sitting cross-legged on the 'Qing Ling Jade Futon', took a gentle breath, and the wisp of green smoke poured into his nose leisurely.

  Then Wang Hao let out a long, white breath.

  After a while, Wang Hao slowly opened his eyes, with a look of satisfaction and regret:
  "This spirit stone is well worth the money. It can not only refine the magic power again, but also speed up the movement of the magic power..." "

  It's a pity that it's too little. "

  This Dong Shen Ning Ling Fragrance was specially bought from Wen Yong for the spirit stones.

  It is very beneficial to practice.

  The price is high, one stick of incense costs about three or four mid-grade spiritual stones.

  Even if Wang Yan took the spirit chicken essence every day, it would take him more than ten or twenty years to reach the middle stage of foundation building. It was by relying on precious cultivation resources such as the 'Dong Shen Ning Ling Fragrance' that he could quickly accumulate mana.

  This method has no other disadvantages, except that it consumes a lot of spiritual stones.

  Of course, as the current cash cow of the Shanli Singing Club, Wang Yan said, even if Wen Yong bought the Dong Shen Ning Ling Xiang from someone else, and the cost was not low, Wen Yong would not accept his spirit stone.

  But Wang Yan was determined not to owe any favors.

  After all, he had a stake in the singing club and owed favors. How could he have the nerve to take more when the dividends came.

  What's more, since the two of them cooperated, everything Wen Yong has done has made Wang Yan quite satisfied. Not only has he never revealed Wang Yan's identity, but he has also been extremely generous when it comes to dividends.

  Although he knew that the other party did this because he wanted to keep his money tree, Wang Yan was really embarrassed to take things from the singing club for nothing.

  In particular, he also knew that over the years of cooperation between the two, the spiritual stones Wen Yong had earned were actually far less than what he had earned.

  Because the cost of making spiritual chicken essence is just spending money to purchase chicken feed and spiritual materials for preparing the treatment solution. Other than that, it only consumes more time.

  After all, even if his refining speed is fast, there is an upper limit to the number of spiritual chickens he can process every day.

  He would be able to make about one or two bottles of Spirit Chicken Essence even if he did nothing for the whole day.

  Both he and Bu Chan would keep some of it to supply their own practice first, and then sell the excess.

  Even so, he would release twenty or thirty bottles every three or four months.

  It’s just that the more you earn, the more you spend.

  After 1989, with the dividends, I purchased spiritual beasts, purchased training resources, and spent a lot of money on the second floor of Linglong Ghost Market to buy a set of incomplete small third-level defense formations and two sets of 'teleportation talisman formations'. , he also spent 77,888 yuan of his savings, and only had nearly 10,000 middle-grade spiritual stones left.

  It's not like he became floating just because he had a spiritual stone.

  The main reason is that the incomplete third-level defense formation and teleportation talisman formation are too friendly to people like him who have always had no sense of security.

  There is no need to say much about the third-level defensive formation, everyone knows it.

  The teleportation talisman array can lay down a formation disk in a fixed place. As long as you are within the coverage of this formation, you can use the teleportation talisman to quickly return to the vicinity of the formation disk.

  Of course, this coverage is a bit useless, with the array as the center, it is about 200 miles.

  Wang Ba placed one directly at home, and also placed one in a hidden mountain ravine not far from Baiyunping, about 180 miles away from home.

  In this way, if something dangerous happens, he and Bu Chan can escape in time.

  It's a pity that these three items were obtained from a monk whose sect was destroyed and had to sell off his sect's heritage. Even if he wanted to buy a few more sets, they were gone.

  He stood up leisurely and walked out of the quiet room used for practice.

  As usual, he took time to go to the chicken coop and quickly processed hundreds of first-order spiritual chickens one after another.

  But before he could refine it with the spiritual kitchen weapon, he suddenly felt something in his heart.

  Faintly aware of a movement coming from outside.


  His eyes were electric, as if he had penetrated an extremely long distance.

  "Transmitting talismans?"

  Wang Hao looked confused and made a move.

  Soon, a transmission note was put into the formation barrier and fell into Wang Ba's hands.

  "Wen Yong?"

  Looking over, Wang Yan's face suddenly showed a hint of surprise.

  "Okay! The second-level weapon refiner has arrived in the Yan Kingdom and is now heading to the area where the Zhenling Palace is located. I am afraid that he will be able to reach the vicinity of Baiyunping in three to five days at most."

  Wang Hao was delighted.

  Second-level weapon refiners need to accumulate a lot of refining experience to achieve success. They are very rare in the Yan Kingdom and are basically controlled by a few major sects.

  Especially in the Zhenling Palace in the far north of the Yan Kingdom, its Supreme Elder, Zhang Daobai, the only Nascent Soul Lord in the Yan Kingdom, is an extremely rare third-level weapon refiner.

  As for the fourth level, not only is it not available in the Yan Kingdom, but also in almost all the surrounding small countries.

  The reason is also simple. In a small country, low-end resources can be used to make ends meet, but when you reach the third level, they become tight.

  There is basically no need to think about the fourth-level resources. They are almost all in the hands of top forces such as Da Chu, Da Yan, Da Qi, and Da Jin.

  Without sufficient resources for training, no matter how talented a monk is, it is impossible to be promoted. Therefore, among small countries, the top monks who are proficient in various arts are at the third level.

  There are occasional exceptions, but they are few and far between.

  In most cases, many of the magical weapons in the hands of monks from small countries were dumped by big forces.

  This can also be regarded as a means for big forces to exploit and suppress monks from small countries.

  In this regard, although Wang Yan was not a weapon refiner, he had heard a lot of relevant insider information from Wen Yong.

  However, Wang Yan's heart was still full of expectations when he thought that the second-level spiritual kitchen weapon that he had longed for could finally be refined.

  It's really because refining the spirit chicken essence is too time-consuming.

  One bottle of essence requires the processing of approximately one thousand first-order low-grade spirit chickens.

  And if it is changed to a second-level spiritual chicken, not only will the effect of the spiritual chicken essence be greatly improved, but the number of spiritual chickens that need to be processed will also be greatly reduced.

  In this way, it can be regarded as saving time and increasing production, which is simply the best of both worlds.

  But although he was a little happy and a little impatient, he still calmed down the waves in his heart.

  I endured my patience, processed and refined the spiritual chicken on hand, and finally got half a bottle of spiritual chicken essence.

  After tidying up, the defensive formation was opened.

  Strided out.

  And the moment he walked out, the power of Yin Shen also quietly started to rotate.

  In the eyes of outsiders, he once again looked like 'Zhao Wei'.

  He has a handsome face and looks to be in his forties.

  Even in the perception of others' spiritual consciousness, his mana aura and divine soul aura are similar to those of ordinary people in the early stage of foundation building.

  This is also a change that quietly occurred after the power of Yin Shen grew stronger.

  This change is not recorded in the "Yin Shen Great Dream Sutra" and "Shen Meng Fa".

  According to the records in the exercises.

  Normally, the power of Yin Shen can only blind the five senses, and is easily seen through by the divine sense.

  Even if the "Yin Shen Great Dream Sutra" enters the second level, it is the same. It just has the ability to invade the opponent's soul and change the cognition.

  But now, even if the opponent scans it with his spiritual consciousness, he can only feel a middle-aged monk with an extremely ordinary aura in the early stage of foundation building.

  The effect is much better than the "Lightless Technique" taught by Zhao Feng.

  Wang Bao vaguely guessed that it was related to the faceless statue in Lingtai Temple.

  Over the years, as his Yinshen power has progressed, the contours of the faceless statue's face have deepened slightly.

  It's just a pity that I still can't see the specific appearance.

  Of course, the current power of Yin Shen can only maintain such an effect without taking action. Once the magic power is used, it will be difficult to hide it from others.

  At this moment.

  "Hey! Senior Zhao, I don't see you coming out often."

  As soon as Wang Yan came out, he saw a skinny old man with three long beards smiling and saying hello to him.

  "Haha, after practicing for a long time, you still need to come out and take a breath."

  Wang Hao also smiled and nodded.

  It seems that there is no difference from ordinary casual cultivators.

  And Wang Hao's eyes swept around him habitually.

  This is a typical gathering place for casual cultivators with the distribution of 'spiritual veins' as the main influencing factor.

  Surrounded by mountains and rivers.

  Houses of different styles, either exquisite or rough, are scattered irregularly on this hillside.

  It can be seen that there are many houses closely arranged together in order to occupy a spiritual vein underneath.

  Most of these are Qi Refining Realm monks with little strength or financial resources.

  You can also see people like him using formations to encircle a large area of ​​land.

  In fact, for various reasons, foundation-building monks will look for places with high-grade spiritual veins nearby when they have spare energy, and then circle a large piece of land.

  No one would say anything about this kind of thing.

  They are all casual cultivators, each relying on his own abilities.

  Unless it goes too far, someone will stop it. Under normal circumstances, a simple value is followed - the strongest comes first.

  As for the foundation-building monks, they are undoubtedly the strongest among casual cultivators.

  However, Wang Yan is still very low-key among the foundation-building casual cultivators here. He occupies a small place and only occupies a second-level middle-grade spiritual vein that is rare in this place. He has always lived in seclusion.

  And many foundation-building monks occupy a lot of spiritual veins, and the area is much larger than him.

  It was already evening, and some monks were talking outside in twos and threes.

  Occasionally, monks would set up a stall in front of their house, mostly selling ordinary talismans and low-quality elixirs for bartering.

  There are many monks hanging the corpses of low-grade spiritual beasts.

  Full of life.

  There are even some foundation-building monk settlements where a very small street has been built near the middle. There are shops and stalls in it, and there is a vague prototype of a market.

  And those who do good deeds are indeed called so.

  It was also named 'Chongzhifang City'.

  This means that these casual cultivators are like insects living in the world of cultivation.

  Full of self-deprecation and helplessness of low-level monks.

  This was also slowly formed after Wang Ba's arrival.

  Of course, it has nothing to do with Wang Ba, mainly because the invasion of the Kingdom of All Gods led to the transfer of a large number of sect monks. The casual cultivators here gradually formed due to the needs of trading.

  Wang Ba was not in a hurry to leave, but went to Chongzhifang City for a walk to see if there was anything new.

  But after walking around for a while, he didn't encounter anything that made his eyes light up.

  He didn't feel disappointed at all. After all, he had been working with Wen Yong for several years and had seen a lot of good things, and he couldn't even use a lot of them.

  With his current level of vision, I am afraid that only third-level things can allow him to take a high look.

  We walked to the only Lingcha Tea House in Fang City.

  It's a small place with only seven or eight small tables.

  The environment is really average.

  Wang Ba didn't care. He ordered a pot of first-grade medium-grade spiritual tea, took a few sips, and then pricked up his ears to listen to the chatter of the monks in the teahouse.

  Every once in a while, he would come here to sit.

  It’s not that the tea is good, it’s mainly that you don’t lose touch with the current environment.

  Although these casual cultivators are at the bottom, because of this, they can see things from different angles.

  From their chats, we may be able to learn about the latest situation in Yan Kingdom.

  "Senior Zhao Ankang!"

  "Senior Zhao is here to drink tea again?"

  Several Qi Refining Realm monks who were chatting noticed Wang Hao, stopped their conversation immediately, and stood up to salute Wang Hao politely.

  Wang Hao smiled and waved his hand in an easy-going manner: "You guys can talk and don't worry about me." There are

  a lot of casual cultivators gathering here, but there are only so many foundation-building monks. Although Wang Hao is low-key, apart from the new monks, there are also Almost no one doesn't know him.

  Everyone knows that this 'Senior Zhao' has a gentle personality. He mostly does hard work on weekdays and only comes here to drink tea occasionally.

  He almost never had any disputes or disagreements with other monks.

  Therefore, even when they saw Wang Ba, they were not too nervous. After hearing this, they all sat down and started chatting in low voices again.

  The teahouse is a place where everyone exchanges information. As long as it is not too loud, there is no need to worry about disturbing others.

  Wang Ba then sipped tea and listened to the monks whispering.

  There are all kinds of strange things in the conversations between these people.

  From sharing experience in refining first-level low-grade elixirs, to trivial matters such as a local cultivator imitating others and going out to rob cultivators, only to be killed.

  For example, a casual cultivator went out and encountered a cave left behind by a foundation-building monk, and obtained a lot of elixirs and magic weapons. However, he did not expect that the foundation-building monk was a demon cultivator, and there were many vicious mechanisms hidden in the cave. , the casual cultivator was directly attacked, and soon after he escaped by chance, he suffered a recurrence of his injuries and died, leaving only the anecdote of a beautiful Taoist monk.

  Some people are concerned about those pills, while others are concerned about where the beautiful Taoist monk is now.

  This is probably a common problem among people and has nothing to do with their cultivation level.

  Even Wang Ba couldn't help but stop drinking water and pricked up his ears to listen.

  But soon, his hand holding the tea cup stopped.

  "Have you heard? The monks from Xuli Zong who went to the front line of Wei this time suffered a lot of losses. It is said that even Master Jindan died." "

  What? Even Master Jindan died?"

  There was a sudden burst of excitement among the monks around him. exclaimed.

  The person who spoke was quite satisfied with the effect of his words, and said proudly:
  "I heard this from a senior. The Xuli Sect suffered a lot this time, and many foundation-building cultivators also died. I I estimate that after they come back this time, they will not dare to attack us casual cultivators again."

  Someone immediately expressed their hatred and said:
  "Okay! Great! This person from the Xuli Sect is the most vicious to the casual cultivators. Lifang City has sucked our blood dry, and some Taoist friends have even been sold to the demon sect in the west. This time we suffered heavy losses, but it can be regarded as relieving the hatred in our hearts!" "That's it, let me tell you, Wan

  Shen It's not necessarily a bad thing that the country has come. It is said that there are no sects in the Kingdom of the Ten Thousand Gods. Except for some divine envoys, everyone has equal status and resources are equally distributed. It is not like these sects are sitting on our heads and doing nothing. It's urine."

  A monk with a grimace couldn't help but said.

  In the eyes of the sect monks, this kind of rebellious statement was recognized by many monks.

  "Yes, if the Kingdom of All Gods calls, we will be the first to lead him!"

  "None of the sect monks are good!"

  Wang Hao secretly shook his head after listening to the words of these Qi Refining monks.

  If status was truly equal, resources would be equally distributed. He had searched the souls of the Yinshen lineage monks and knew that this was not actually the case.

  The normal cultivation of Incense Dao monks is very difficult. Although there is demand for resources, there are not many.

  Instead, you need to continuously expand your territory, spread followers, and collect incense for those gods, so as to get feedback from the gods and quickly improve.

  Therefore, for monks of the Incense Path, cultivation resources are far less important than the competition for believers.

  Moreover, the upper limit of Incense Dao monks is also deeply restricted by the gods.

  If you really become a cultivator of the Incense Path, you may have no choice but to follow the path of the gods until death, and you will have to contribute to the gods throughout your life.

  But even if he said these words, they would have no meaning.

  Rather than saying that they recognized the Kingdom of All Gods, these people were deeply oppressed by the sect forces and even more disgusted with the sect forces.

  When the monks at the other table heard the chat between these people, they immediately interjected:

  "The Xuli Sect's losses this time are not too big. The Zhenling Palace just lost blood. Three Jindan Daoists died in one go. It is said that they are still chasing. Those who died fighting in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Gods will probably make everyone in Zhenling Palace cry to death."

  "Three of them died?! Wow! Then its title as the number one sect in the Yan Kingdom is probably on the line!"

  Someone was shocked. road.

  "Haha, don't you think Zhang Daobai is gone? Even if all the four remaining Jindan masters in Zhenling Palace are dead, as long as Zhang Daobai is still there, it will still be the largest sect in the Yan Kingdom." "Zhang Daobai? That old immortal, no

  . Did you say that the last time Da Chu sent people to recruit, he was too injured to go?"

  "Do you believe this? He has been injured for decades! I just lied to you and Da Chu's people. ."

  An old monk with gray beard and hair sneered.

  "Ha! Don't say that. Anyway, I will be happy no matter how many people from these sects die, it would be better if they all die!"

  A monk with a broken arm and a terrible scar on his face gritted his teeth and said with hatred on his face.

  Obviously there is an unforgettable tragic past.

  Feeling the deep resentment of the monks around him towards the sect's power, Wang Yan felt the same way.

  After all, although he had gone through Dongsheng Sect and Tianmen Sect, he was always the one being exploited. In fact, he was not much different from these casual cultivators.

  It's only now that I feel more comfortable.

  But at this moment, a monk's words made Wang Hao's heart suddenly lift.

  "Speaking of them all dying, I have some news. I don't know if it's true or not. Do you know about the demon sect in the west? Someone sneaked in, but guess what?" "There is not a single monk in this demon sect

  . , the whole thing is empty!"

   In the first chapter, the spiritual stone given by Wen Yong should be 1,000 spiritual stones. I made a mistake in my calculation and it has been changed. Please let everyone know.

    Also, thank you all for your understanding.

    Thanks to Feng Er Chuchui for the 600-point reward and book friend 20230402184543854 for the 500-point reward!
  (End of chapter)

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