Chapter 91 Fill it with soy milk

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  Chapter 91: Fill it with soy milk.

  Song Yu didn't open the door until the next morning.

  Fairy Qiong and Lan Ning were waiting at the door on time.

  "Ning'er, stay here with peace of mind and don't run around."

  Fairy Qiong warned and left with a heavy heart.

  Song Yu was not surprised.

  Because last night, Liangcheng was not peaceful all night long.

  There were also many people nearby risking their lives running in the dark, and the streets were as lively as during the day.

  They are moving their families away.

  Fortunately, the Special Affairs Bureau knew about the outbreak of ghosts in advance and persuaded half of the ordinary people in Liangcheng to leave and evacuated towards this direction. The traffic was almost paralyzed.

  But at least ordinary people can stay away from that horrible ghostland as soon as possible.

  Except for a few people who wanted to die and did not believe in evil, they were killed.

  The sky that was bright and shining last night was now filled with dark clouds and extremely gloomy.

  After activating his ability to connect to the underworld, Song Yu looked at the sky in the distance that had been completely eroded by ghost energy and sighed.

  People were coming and going on the street, and ordinary people couldn't see Qi Hongye who was staying in the alley.

  She no longer needed a black robe to cover herself, and her scarlet wedding dress was extremely conspicuous in the morning light.

  Seeing Song Yu open the door, she walked in.

  "You owe me 30 silver coins."

  Song Yu spoke first, and Qi Hongye gradually opened his mouth.

  "When did I owe you 30 silver coins?" She was stunned for a long time before she spoke.

  "Last night, the emergency reward required 30 silver coins to publish."

  Qi Hongye: ...

  After a while, she seemed to come to her senses and said, "But no one saved me."

  "Su Xianlong and Bai Ying." Song Yu said. .

  Qi Hongye defended, "Although he said he was here to save me, but..." "

  But at that time, he stopped others from taking action against you, and Bai Ying also asked them to give up and kill you completely, right?"

  Song Yu explained , under the judgment of the bounty system, Su Xianlong and Bai Ying were given one bounty coin each because they contributed simultaneously to prevent Qi Hongye from being killed.

  Although they did not solve the subsequent big trouble, the goal of the emergency reward was to get Qi Hongye out of danger.

  So they have completed their mission.

  At this point, Song Yu found that the reward system was not so deductible, and divided a reward coin into two halves to distribute rewards.

  A dull expression appeared on Qi Hongye's pretty face, and she gradually accepted this fact.

  So how should I repay the 30 silver coins?

  "Don't worry, our store... focuses on human touch, so although you owe me 30 silver coins, the points in your membership card can still be used for the time being. However, if you default for more than a hundred days, I will have to enforce it. If you didn't do this If you have too many assets, you can only use your body to pay off the debt."

  Qi Hongye's face turned even paler when he heard this, and he quickly took two steps back.

  She knows that ghosts are acquired here.

  And I heard that the shop owner will use these ghosts to study.

  She didn't want to be studied.

  "I will find a way."

  Qi Hongye said, then he remembered something and quickly took out the black and white flowers.

  "Boss, can you save it?"

  Song Yu was stunned and stared at the withered black flower.

  "I'm just a cook, not a doctor. I really don't know how to save this."

  He shook his head repeatedly because he really didn't know how to save it.

  But these black and white flowers look very valuable no matter how you look at them.

  "This is a rare item. If you recharge it, you might be able to pay off the debt of 30 silver coins." Song Yu suggested.

  Who would have thought that as soon as he said these words, Qi Hongye suddenly felt like he was facing a formidable enemy and hugged the whole flower in his arms.

  "Huh?" Song Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at her in confusion.

  "If you don't want to recharge, don't recharge. I won't rob you."

  Qi Hongye did not relax his vigilance.

  "This is the twin creature with her body. It can survive with the help of the Earthly Evil Yin Point." At

  this time, a voice came, making Song Yu couldn't help but look towards the door.

  Bai Ying didn't know when he came, and his energy was a little sluggish, as if he had stayed up late last night.


  Song Yu was a little confused, but didn't ask any more questions.

  "Now that the Disha Yin point is destroyed, it seems that these two flowers will gradually wither. However, maybe you can try filling it with soy milk..."

  Bai Ying suggested.

  Qi Hongye and Song Yu were stunned at the same time.

  Fill this flower with soy milk?
  Is this reasonable?

  "It's just a suggestion, in case it works." Bai Ying said, but his tone was obviously more than a suggestion.

  Qi Hongye was a little hesitant, but a cup of soy milk was not expensive, so he asked Song Yu for a cup on the spot.

  As a result, several people stared at Qi Hongye with interest.

  She carefully dripped the soy milk onto this distinctive plant.

  However, it had no effect after dripping it on, and Qi Hongye's eyes showed disappointment that could not be concealed.

  Even Song Yu felt the same way.

  But soon, their expressions became wonderful.

  Because the withered black flower seemed to have discovered something and actually trembled twice.

  The soy milk dripping on the roots of the plant is absorbed by it.

  "It's really useful..."

  Lan Ning murmured, looking stunned.

  Qi Hongye was so surprised that she directly put the root of the entire flower into the cup.

  After a few breaths, the soy milk was gone.

  The withered black flowers have some energy.

  Sensing this obvious change, Qi Hongye was in high spirits.

  "Boss Song, let's have ten more cups of soy milk."

  Song Yu was silent for two seconds and said, "How about you try other high-value foods?"

  He had finally figured it out. The reason why the flower withered was probably due to the lack of food. energy.

  And your own food can provide a variety of energy.

  No matter whether you have magical power, Buddha power or demon power, you can all improve it.

  Therefore, it is definitely most cost-effective to use high-value foods to provide energy. Ten cups of soy milk is too troublesome, and I don’t make much soy milk.

  The way she is, she can't drink dozens of cups of soy milk.

  After all, after pouring a cup of soy milk, the flower moved a little, but to the naked eye it looked the same as before.

  Qi Hongye was a person who listened to advice, so he looked at the food list for a while and said: "Then let's have a bowl of beef soup."

  Soon, the beef soup worth three hundred points was absorbed by it like it was swallowing.

  And the withered black flower finally cheered up a bit, and it could be seen that it was not dead yet.

  Qi Hongye held it like a treasure and observed it.

  Bai Ying said: "It seems that if you want to keep it alive, you need a lot of points to support it."

  These words made Qi Hongye's heart sink.

  But where can I find so many points?

  In the short term, it is okay to catch some wild imps, but in the long run, can I hold on?
  If he let it die, wouldn't all his previous efforts be in vain?

  The tangled emotions suddenly filled Qi Hongye's heart, causing her to stare at the flowers in her hands in a daze.

  "Thank you..."

  After a long time, Qi Hongye whispered, and then walked out of the store holding flowers.

  "Boss Song, I'm afraid Liangcheng can't be saved. Will you continue to open a store here?"

  Bai Ying asked.

  Song Yu was stunned.

  "Can't save it? Why?"

  "At least three passages have been opened now. Liangcheng and Qingyu City will probably be occupied in the next two days."

  Song Yu was shocked: "Three?"

  "Yes, the blood tree last night There is one place there, and it is also the most exaggerated one, allowing high-level ghosts to pass through. The altar in the Qinglin Mountains has also completely exploded, opening a passage. There is also a hidden altar over there in Qingyu City erupting, opening a passage.

  " Only the altar in Liangcheng was hacked by Su Xianlong with a kitchen knife. "

  When Song Yu heard this, did he mean that it would be enough to split the other passages?
  He looked at Bai Ying and found that she was staring at him with a very complicated look.

  What are you doing?

  (End of this chapter)

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