Chapter 31 Shadow, old man, woman

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  Chapter 31 Shadow, old man,

  can you see the woman’s shadow?

  Song Yu was stunned for a moment, and then thought of the news report he had read.

  It seems that someone in Qingyu City next door has appeared without a shadow, and the Special Affairs Bureau has investigated it, but no results have been found yet.

  It sounds like Uncle Li's father-in-law is one of those people who has no shadow.

  What the hell is there without a shadow?

  Song Yu was a little confused.

  This is again a very unscientific situation.

  Song Yu listened on the sidelines, and finally, Uncle Li left with the old lady.

  He searched for information about the absence of shadows.

  But they found that there were more than a hundred people without shadows in Qingyu City.

  How could this still be contagious?
  But this had little to do with him, Song Yu just kept paying attention.

  Ask them when they come tomorrow summer, maybe they have more detailed information.

  Song Yu was bored in the store and waited all afternoon for the people from the Taoist sect that Xia Tian mentioned, but they didn't arrive.

  But the doors and windows came.

  Xia Tian was right. They came quickly to replace the doors and windows, and also helped hang up the signboard. The whole store instantly became brighter.

  "Song Ji".

  In the end, he removed the three characters "Snack Bar" and left only the two characters "Song Ji".

  Anyway, this is not for ordinary people, so there is no need to be too precise.

  In the evening, he had a meal of egg fried rice and entered a state of cultivation.

  The food produced by Li Gui is enough for him to digest for a long time.

  It's just that the eggs are at the level of resentful souls, so the effect of this egg fried rice is only to enhance perception.

  The next day it was still the same people as usual.

  Regarding the shadow, Song Yu asked Xia Ling.

  "Shadow incident?" Xia Ling said doubtfully.

  "Yes, is there any news you can reveal?" Song Yu said.

  Xia Ling thought for a while and said: "There is nothing to keep secret, because there is no inside information at all, and the Qingyu Special Affairs Bureau has not found out the reason. Why are you interested in this, Boss Song?" "I saw it on the Internet before

  . There is no shadow. I feel curious. What is it like?"

  Xia Ling thought for a while and said: "It's strange. Anyway, I am standing with others. Others have it, but they don't. The Qingyu Special Affairs Bureau has actually dispatched a powerful ghost-level ghost controller. They still found nothing unusual, but things are indeed not normal, so they can only find ways to continue investigating." "No

  results yet? Then this matter does seem to be quite troublesome."

  Song Yu said.

  Xia Ling said: "It's quite troublesome. If it were left to us, we wouldn't know where to start. There are no signs at all, and there is no ghost." "

  That's okay, I'm just curious."

  Xia Ling waited After they left, Song Yu searched again.

  Sure enough, the number of people increased again today.

  If it continues to rise like this, the Special Affairs Bureau is afraid that it will dispatch strong men in red.

  Song Yu suddenly felt something was wrong in the atmosphere and quickly raised his head.

  At the door of the store, there was an old man looking at the store.

  The old man's beard and hair are all white, and he looks quite old. His beard is neatly groomed, and he has an air of immortality.

  "Welcome, sir, do

  you want to have something to eat?" The old man nodded and said, "Do I need to be a member to eat in your store?" "

  You don't have to, but if you are a member, it's half price."

  The old man's expression did not change and he said, "Then make one for me. Let me have some fried dough sticks first and a bowl of millet porridge." "

  Okay, I need 15 points." Song Yu said.

  The old man was unambiguous, and the five hundred yuan was credited directly to his account.

  He glanced at the small blackboard again and said, "You can only exchange points here with ghosts?" "You

  can also use demons. This is the price we clearly marked, and there won't be any increase or decrease."

  Frowning, the old man took out one He reached into the cloth bag, dug it out, and then caught out an evil ghost.

  "Then let's get an evil ghost first."

  Song Yu was a little surprised. The old man caught the evil ghost with his hands, but he didn't feel any energy fluctuations such as Yin force.

  Master, Song Yu thought in his heart.

  Soon, Song Yu served the dishes.

  The old man came forward and smelled it, his expression unchanged, and then tried to take a bite of the fried dough sticks.

  Suddenly, the old man frowned and stopped.

  Although Song Yu seemed bored at the counter, he was actually paying attention to the old man.

  When I noticed the change in his expression, I felt a little thump in my heart. Doesn't it smell right?

  Or are you deliberately looking for trouble?
  But the old man didn't say anything and continued to eat.

  He ate very slowly, as if he was savoring the taste and savoring it, like a gourmet eating something delicious.

  He finally breathed a sigh of relief after finishing all the fried dough sticks and millet porridge.

  "Everything the boss makes is good."

  The old man wiped his beard and said with admiration.

  However, Song Yu did not see any surprise on his face.

  This old man has seen the world and is not as easily shocked as those ghost masters.

  Fortunately, I don't need to use shock to earn anything, I just need someone to give me ghost objects.

  "As long as the old gentleman approves," Song Yu replied.

  The old man glanced around, looked at the kitchen, and then slowly left the store.

  Song Yu was a little curious as to whether this old man was from the Taoist sect that Xia Tian mentioned, but he seemed to be easy to get along with.

  Little did he know that there were several other old men in a commercial vehicle not far away.

  "I just tried it. It's not an illusion, it's real. The shop owner should have some cultivation, but I can't see clearly what his specific cultivation is." The old man who was in the store just now, as soon as he got in the car

  , Said to the rest of the people.

  The rest of the people were stunned for a moment, and then someone said: "Is it possible that he recognized you, and then deliberately used real things to show you the show?" The old man shook his head: "No, I don't go down the mountain very often

  . I haven't been in contact with many people, and we are the only ones who know my identity."

  Another old man said: "Then is this young man named Song Yu really young, or does he have good looks?" "

  Is it true ? Young, I can still judge this. There is no trace of vicissitudes of life in him. Whether it is body or mentality, he is completely young. Everyone, I will say that he has nothing to do with monsters. Your thoughts are a bit extreme. "

  The old man with white hair and white beard said something, and then looked at a few people deeply.

  "I have already confirmed it. If you don't believe it, go and see it for yourselves. But let me remind you that if you want to take other actions, it is best to do it in your own name. And... if you lose your life, I will not be too lazy to find any justice for you. Go."

  Then he got out of the car and left with his hands behind his back.

  Everyone in the car was left looking at each other in shock.

  Everyone is quite young and knows what they want to do.

  But being warned like this, they couldn't save their face. If someone else had come, they would have been slapped and flew out.

  "It seems I have to try it too."

  Someone said.

  The other people didn't say anything, but looking at their expressions, it was obvious that they couldn't simply believe the old man who left.

  Inside the Songji store.

  "Give Taoist master some spicy tofu to try first."

  Su Xianlong sat on the bench and dangled his calves.

  Han Qinglong and Dahei were not with him, and they were probably busy practicing.

  Song Yu didn't pay attention. He was a big customer. Why did he speak louder?
  But after a slim woman wearing a white gauze dress entered the store, the calmness that had lasted for many days was completely broken.


  Su Xianlong didn't even look at the spicy tofu that had just been brought to the table. The trumpet whisk in his hand flew into the air and instantly turned into a blue sword hovering in front of him.

  The tip of the sword was pointed directly at the woman who had just entered.

  The woman smiled gently at Song Yu.

  "Boss Song, excuse me."

  (End of chapter)

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