65. Chapter 65 18 gold coins

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  Chapter 65 18 Gold Coins

  Song Yu rubbed his hands and opened the drawer under the stone mill.

  A foot-long mandarin fish lay quietly.

  Of course it's not alive. This mandarin fish has no internal organs or scales, so it already looks like a perfect ingredient.

  Why is it mandarin fish?
  Song Yu was stunned.

  This stuff is hard to do.

  If it was just ordinary braised and steamed food, it would be simple, but since it takes so much effort to produce high-end ingredients, it needs to be made into something awesome.

  However, he quickly put away the ingredients and sat down on the spot.

  Because the energy in the body surged in like an explosion, even more than yesterday.

  All day yesterday, he had been slowly digesting and absorbing the excess energy in his body.

  Until now, it has not been fully digested.

  Now a large amount of Yuan energy was pouring in, making Song Yu feel like he was bursting.

  He quickly ran the technique and began to practice.

  The energy is rolling like the Yangtze River.

  In a blink of an eye, it was already eight o'clock in the morning.

  Song Yu finished practicing and felt refreshed.

  But when he looked at the time, he suddenly froze.

  He actually practiced for ten hours.

  After briefly washing up, he stared at the mandarin fish he had harvested last night.

  Judging from the raw materials, this mandarin fish is of a higher grade than yesterday's piece of pork belly.

  Therefore, today there is always a food that they can only look at dryly but have no money to buy.

  Song Yu even looked forward to seeing their dull eyes.

  There is still an hour until the official opening, which is just the right time.

  And he also had an idea of ​​how to deal with this mandarin fish.

  Song Yu smiled and started working in the kitchen, knives flying, and he was carefully carving the food in his heart.

  He enjoyed this feeling.

  Unfortunately, there was only one fish and he couldn't get another portion.

  But it doesn't matter. After someone can afford this fish, they will definitely provide themselves with stronger ingredients.

  Following this cycle, just like the mantra of a certain commentator, you will never lose money.

  And it's not no loss, nor a small profit, but a huge profit.

  At nine o'clock, he opened the door on time.

  There was no one guarding the door today.

  After waiting for a while, diners came one after another.

  "Boss Song, can you open the door earlier? I always feel like it's neither breakfast nor lunch at this point."

  said a team leader from the Special Affairs Bureau who was the first to arrive.

  Song Yu spread his hands: "There is no way. A good cook must have enough sleep and maintain a good mental state."

  The man stopped talking.

  Not long after, Xia Tian walked in with his head hanging down.

  "Brother Song..."

  "Huh? Why does it look like an eggplant beaten by frost? Did you lose money?"

  Xia Tian nodded: "I did a good calculation. Han Qinglong also did the calculation. He obviously made a profit no matter what. Why?" It will be a loss."

  Song Yu then remembered what happened yesterday.

  He didn't lose money, he lost money.

  "What do you want to eat?"

  He looked at everyone with a smile.

  But those few people who came together were collectively dumbfounded at this moment.

  Xia Tian casually said: "Let me fill my stomach with fried dough sticks first, and I have to pay back Han Qinglong's points. Life is too difficult."

  He sighed, but found that the others were silent.

  Then he looked over.

  Following their gazes, Xia Tian also saw the dish that was at the top of the food list today.

  [Squirrel Mandarin Fish: 18 gold coins]
  (Note: Eating it can awaken the heavenly demon body, strengthen the body, strengthen the soul...it can condense the mother-child demon spirits.) Xia Tian did
  not watch the series of enhancements that followed.

  The words "Tian Yao Tyrant Body" had already stunned him on the spot.

  "Brother Song, are you sure you got it right? Heavenly Demon Overlord Body? Special physique?"

  In fact, Xia Tian didn't know what was special about the Heavenly Demon Overlord Body, but he could tell from the name that it was not a simple thing.

  It's crazy enough that a dish can awaken people's natural abilities.

  Now comes another awakening of special physique?
  But isn’t a special physique something you are born with?

  "You can treat it as fake."

  Song Yu said.

  Xia Tian looked at the 18 gold coins behind him and felt a little bad.

  Can my master collect these 18 gold coins?
  Ghosts and monsters at the heaven level are only worth ten gold coins, and Master Guiyuan Zhenjun is only at the earth level.


  Song Yu was very satisfied with their reaction.

  Yesterday, Xia Tian had the idea of ​​going back to find his master.

  But this time, when he saw the 18 gold coins, he gave up.

  In less than ten minutes, Song Yu saw members of a certain group explode.

  "Heavenly Demon Tyrant Body? Why does it sound familiar?"

  Su Xianlong was in the small villa equipped for him by the Special Affairs Bureau. He was looking at his phone and lost in thought.

  You can still fight with silver coins by yourself, but forget about gold coins.

  Maybe my master can give it a try.

  But Su Xianlong didn't think that his master would give up some of the wonders of heaven and earth in exchange for the Heavenly Demon Hegemony.

  Heavenly Demon Tyrant Body...

  After thinking for a moment, but with no results, he chose to ask others.

  "Senior sister, do you know about the Heavenly Demon Tyrant Body?"

  Su Xianlong dialed a number.

  Senior sister is a top student, so she should know.

  "Heavenly Demon Tyrant Body? Have you heard of it? What's the matter? Linxian, have you also begun to study special physiques?" A

  gentle voice came from the mobile phone.

  Su Xianlong said: "Senior sister, can you tell me about the Heavenly Demon Overlord Body?" "

  I will sort it out and send you a document later. I really don't pay much attention to the Heavenly Demon Overlord Body. The special physique has disappeared for too long and has no research value. Just take a look, but don't do anything else, or I will call my senior brother to beat you up."

  Su Xianlong sweated violently and said: "I bumped into it suddenly, and it sounds familiar to me. Let me ask you, where is the waste of time to research, and I am already an adult, and you still beat me every time, senior sister." "That's fine,

  wait... have you met the celestial demon tyrant? Impossible, according to the current situation Under such circumstances, it is impossible to give birth to a celestial demon hegemonic body."

  After waiting for two seconds, the other party said again: "Where are you? Tell me quickly."

  Su Xianlong sighed, "Still in Liangcheng."

  After hanging up the phone, Su Xianlong clenched her fist and punched the table.

  "I've already said don't call me Linxian, don't call me Linxian. Why does everyone I know call me that, and I can't refute it." "

  Linxianzi, Linxianzi... I don't know what Master thought, naming me like this." Taoist name, I am a man..."

  That means there is no one around at this moment, otherwise Su Xianlong's image as a Taoist master would be completely distorted.

  Songji Shop.

  Song Yu was chatting with Xia Tian.

  "I won yesterday."

  "Well, Brother Song, tell me, it's just for running errands."

  Song Yu muttered, "Although it's a place for running errands, it's actually good for you."

  Xia Tian's eyebrows twitched and asked: "What's the benefit?"

  "It will make you a lot of money."

  "Brother Song, tell me in detail."

  Song Yu said: "Look around, these stores, and the outside of my store, Isn't it a little old, and is it not too high-end?"

  Xia Tian nodded: "It is a little bit."

  "Then look again, are the prices of the land around here going to increase?"

  Xia Tian couldn't help but be stunned as he listened. live.

  He murmured: "I...fuck, it seems to be true."

  "No, Brother Song, why don't you fix it yourself?"

  "I don't have the energy or time."

  Xia Tian thought for a long time and said, "Brother Song , your store is too small, do you want to expand it?"


  Song Yu hesitated.

  He is not sure whether the expanded scope is still within his control.

  "Yes, it's an expansion, otherwise the store won't be able to seat a few people, and it will be full at every turn."

  Song Yu thought about it and decided not to take risks for the time being.

  "You don't need to expand, but you can build a lounge or waiting room, but I won't participate in these."


  Xia Tian was shocked. This is a pretty big piece of cake. Why doesn't Brother Song eat it?
  (End of chapter)

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