180.Chapter 180 Undercurrent surges, accountability gate

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  Chapter 180: Undercurrents Surge, Accountability Dao Sect

  This senior Chen is clearly an earth-level powerhouse, and there are three earth-level powerhouses among these two groups of people.

  The young man who asked Senior Chen, dressed in black, spoke again at this moment: "Senior Chen, as for Liyan, if it weren't for the support of Daoxuanfeng Sword Xunxian and Song Yu, I'm afraid she and the evil sword on her body would have long been It was caught and destroyed."

  Senior Chen remained silent and stared into the depths of the canyon.

  After a long while, he spoke: "Is what you just said true? Is Li Yan really from here?" "

  Exactly, she is not the ancestor of the Taiyin Sect as rumored, it's just that the people of the Taiyin Sect want to win over the strong one when they see it. , these fake news, the real big forces have already identified it clearly."

  Senior Chen thought for a moment and said: "Let me go in and investigate. If it is true as you said, we will contact the three religions to deal with the matter. The evil sword harms People must not wander around in the cultivation world as unscrupulously as they are now."

  A look of surprise flashed in the young man's eyes, and he bowed and said: "Please be careful, Senior Chen, that Liyan is the pinnacle master of the earth level, Jian Xunxian and the others They all treat her as a master of the same level."

  Senior Chen chuckled: "Sword Seeking Immortal? True Lord Daoxuan is not here now. Does Daoxuan Peak still want to be as prosperous as it was decades ago?"

  The young man asked curiously: " Senior Chen, what happened five years ago? Why did many forces choose to suddenly close the mountain, and even strong men like Zhenjun Daoxuan disappeared?"


  Senior Chen's face darkened, and he clapped it out with a palm. , hitting the young man's chest.

  The young man's eyes were horrified and he flew out. Before he landed, a mouthful of bright red had already sprayed into the air.

  "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask. This matter is not something you can know, so as not to bring disaster to yourself and the forces behind you."

  As he said this, he glanced at everyone as if to warn.

  Even the other two earth-level masters avoided his gaze at this moment.

  After saying that, Senior Chen turned around and entered the canyon.

  The young man got up, and the gloom in his eyes disappeared the moment he raised his head.

  He has been practicing for decades and is only in the middle stage of the spiritual level. How dare he confront the masters of the earth level.

  Damn it, if I had the opportunity like Su Xianlong, I would already be a powerful person on the earth level by now, and I would have the protection of powerful people like Daoxuan Zhenjun and Jian Xunxian, how could I be afraid of him... The young man was indignant in his heart, and on his

  face But he had a look of regret on his face, and kept repeating to the people around him that he was the one who talked too much.

  But obviously, no one present knew about what he mentioned about five years ago.

  Even the other two earth-level experts had doubts in their eyes.

  They may have heard something about it but don’t know the details.

  "Everyone, be careful. Although Daoxuan Zhenjun and the others have disappeared for many years, they may not be dead. Please do not discuss related matters again." The

  old woman among the two earth-level masters stamped her dragon-headed crutches and said in a deep voice.

  Everyone responded incessantly.

  Only then did she look at the other middle-aged man with satisfaction.

  "Master Lin Shan, Tuo Qianshan, do you have any other opinions on this matter?"

  Master Lin frowned, feeling displeased in his heart that this old woman actually wanted to drag him into it.

  But since I am standing here, I must have a voice.

  After sorting out his words, he said: "About Li Yan and the evil sword, it has been circulating among the forces in the cultivation world for a long time, and has also caused dissatisfaction among many people. We, Tuo Qianshan, will abide by everyone's choice. "

  The old woman snorted softly: "Master Linshan, you don't want to contribute?" "This is

  serious. We have a duty to do things that are righteous. In recent years, we have recruited more than 200 disciples who have gone down Qianshan Mountain to eliminate demons and ghosts, killing them. There are countless demons and ghosts, but they never slack off..."

  The old woman said: "As for the evil sword, I heard that the evil sword was revived during the River God incident?"

  Master Lin nodded: "This is Tianying The news coming out of the sect will naturally not be false. Jian Xunxian and others are protecting and supporting it. When the time comes, we can unite with Confucianism, Buddhism, Taixuanzong and other representatives of the Taoist sect to hold them accountable." "That's good." ...



  Taoism In the main hall of Xuanfeng, the three brothers and sisters of Jian Xunxian were sitting at attention.

  Jian Xunxian didn't have his own airy posture, and Su Xianlong didn't sit casually with his legs crossed outside.

  Fairy Qiong looked at her senior and junior brothers with a calm face.

  "Senior brother, it seems that there has been some movement in the cultivation world recently."

  Jian Xunxian raised his eyebrows slightly, "Let's talk about it."

  Fairy Qiong nodded and said: "I heard some rumors. It seems that many strong people have appeared and want to Take action against Miss Liyan's evil sword."

  Jian Xunxian looked calm, as if he had expected it.

  He glanced at the tablet that Su Xianlong handed him, which was displaying a lot of information.

  "Do they want to capture Li Yan? And they also want to destroy the evil sword? Humph...are they going to destroy the evil sword or keep it for themselves? They really have the nerve to say it."

  Su Xianlong was much more rude and said that he was immature . The voice cursed: "Five years ago, they didn't show any strength at all. They were like mice in the darkness. After hiding for five years, they thought they were good again." Jian Xunxian

  looked at Fairy Qiong, "Xian Qiong, what do you have here? Any special news?"

  "Yes, these people are mainly from the Zhengyang Sect, as well as the Li, Han, and Lu families of Qizhou, and together with other sects, they are preparing to hold the Dao Sect and...Boss Song to account." Jian Xunxian's expression became surprised

  . got up.

  "They want to hold the three religions and Song Yu accountable?" Su Xianlong almost laughed out loud.

  Jian Xunxian also had a smile on his face.

  Su Xianlong added: "At that time, those elders of the Wuwei Sword Sect who were walking outside provoked Boss Song. I was going to send a letter to their headmaster, but they came out to check on their own, and those old guys were taken care of. After a while, what they are looking for now is either Wuwei Sword Sect or Taixuan Sect."

  Fairy Qiong nodded: "Taixuanzong is more likely, Wuwei Sword Sect generally has a bad temper, so they should not dare to go."

  Jian Xunxian said : "Qianyuan Temple and Du Nan have all been in contact with Liyan, so they have no idea about Buddhism?"

  Fairy Qiong shook her head: "I haven't heard of it. This information is a waste of two of our earth-level magic weapons. There shouldn't be anything wrong. ."

  Su Xianlong asked: "Elder brother, what should we do?"

  "There is no need to do anything, just wait for the result. Song Yu and Liyan alone are enough for them to touch, not to mention they want to ask Taixuanzong. You are so brave."

  Su Xianlong rolled his eyes and said, "Senior brother, I will stay in Netherworld Pavilion these days." "That's

  okay, but I'll tell your two disciples to be more restrained recently. Su

  Xianlong's face stiffened slightly, and he nodded awkwardly and said, "I will restrain them." In the

  Netherworld Pavilion in Kitchen God Alley, Song Yu was studying with a frown while holding a scroll of scriptures.

  This is exactly the Diamond Sutra given by monk Tongtong of Qianyuan Temple.

  As for why he became interested in Buddhist scriptures, it was entirely because of Xiao Hei.

  At this moment, Xiao Hei was lying motionless in the Netherworld Pavilion. Golden lines appeared on every piece of its back shell, which made Song Yu a little confused.

  Could Xiao Hei really be a Buddhist holy turtle?
  But this golden pattern does not have any Buddhist atmosphere.

  He didn't notice at all that passenger traffic had skyrocketed in the past two days, and Lan Ning and Huang Ning were extremely busy.

  Lan Ning was wondering if she should call out Hong Ning and Zi Ning to help.

  (End of chapter)

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