178. Chapter 178 Netherworld Ghost Body, Netherworld Pavilion

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  Chapter 178 Netherworld Ghost Body, Netherworld Pavilion
  After Qi Hongye finished speaking, he took out the Life and Death Naihe Flower.

  The current life and death flower was planted by her in a flower pot, and there was also a handful of Huangquan soul soil in the pot.

  This is the treasure she has always treasured, and this is the only one.

  Song Yu said: "You finally figured it out. Life and death are useless. You can't play its true role. Instead, you may fail because of it. Not to mention wasting treasures, you may also be in danger. How can the reversal of life and death be as you thought?" Simple."

  Qi Hongye looked at Song Yu in shock.

  "Boss Song knows what I'm going to do?"

  Song Yu shook his head: "I don't know, but I know the effect of Life and Death Naihe Flower." A

  sad look flashed across Qi Hongye's face.

  When she died, she seemed to be a ghost. She was still the kind of ugly ghost that was full of rage and sorrow.

  At that time, she was living on the rag doll, and she was filled with resentment.

  However, when she looked for the source of her resentment after regaining consciousness, she found that the other party was already dead, and the entire clan was killed, leaving no one alive.

  Without the goal of revenge, Qi Hongye lived in confusion for hundreds of years, and his resentment gradually dissipated.

  After her resentment dissipated, she began to practice consciously after being in a daze for several years.

  It wasn't until later that I encountered the Disha Yin Point, and encountered the Life and Death Naihe Flower in it.

  The death energy on the flower made her cultivation level increase rapidly, but the vitality made her unable to understand why the two flowers had completely opposite vitality and death energy.

  The forces of death and the forces of life flow upon it.

  Only when Qi Hongye fully recovered himself and reached the ferocious state of cultivation did he understand the power of this flower.

  The intersection of yin and yang creates the cycle of life and death.

  To say that this flower can kill human flesh and bones is to underestimate it.

  Reversing life and death, reversing yin and yang, this is something that is legendary to be discovered only after entering the Hall of Hell in the underworld.

  But she might be able to do it with just this flower.

  Unfortunately, it's not fully grown yet, it's still a little bit off.

  This was worse, and she wasted another few decades.

  With the help of the flower of life above the flower of life and death, her ghost body is not like other ghosts. Instead, it is more solid and closer to human beings.

  However, fate caused her to encounter events such as Netherworld Blood Locust Tree and Liangcheng Ghost Domain.

  The Disha Yin point was destroyed, and there was no place with sufficient Yin energy to breed the Naihe flower of life and death. When the future was about to change, she encountered Song Ji's shop again.

  Until a few days ago, a gold-level dish called sweet and sour pork ribs appeared.

  Just by eating it, you can awaken your ghostly ghost body and have a top-notch physique.

  If you want to become a human, you can become a human. If you want to become a ghost, you can become a ghost. You can also change at will and travel between the human world and the underworld.

  Qi Hongye was excited.

  But she doesn't have that many gold coins.

  21 gold coins were not enough even if she sold herself.

  But the flower of life and death is worth 73 gold coins.

  This made Qi Hongye feel a huge sense of conflict in his heart.

  Do you want a ghost body, or do you want to use the mature Naihehua of Life and Death to reincarnate from death and become a human again?

  She struggled with the two choices for many days.

  Today, she finally made a decision and came to Song Ji's store.

  She entered the empty Netherworld Pavilion, with only Song Yu inside.

  Then, after she confirmed it, she heard Song Yu's words.

  "Boss Song, can't I succeed when it matures?"

  she asked hesitantly.

  Song Yu considered it and said: "It can succeed, but the chance is less than 10%. First of all, when it matures, you need to be able to withstand the impact of the energy of life and death in turn. Secondly, the process of fusing the flower of life, even if you are an earthly It is impossible to complete the peak level, not to mention that you are just entering the earth level for the first time.

  "Perhaps you can do the first item if you are more determined, but in the face of the huge vitality impact in the flower of life, there is still the life of the flower. With the infusion of laws, your ghost body will only be completely washed away. Whether you can survive or not is a question, let alone whether you can successfully reverse death and reincarnate. "

  Qi Hongye's face became a little paler, her lips moved slightly, and finally she just said dejectedly: "Thank you, Boss Song. "

  "Don't thank me. It's your luck to get it. " "

  Song Yu took the Naihe Flower of Life and Death.

  At the counter in the front hall, Song Fei silently added 75 gold coins to Qi Hongye's account.

  Song Yu said: "One flower of Naihe Life and Death, in the growth stage, costs 75 gold coins. "

  Qi Hongye was stunned: "Isn't it 73 gold coins?

  Song Yu replied: "It has grown a lot under your watering during this period. " "

  Qi Hongye was dumbfounded, is this okay?
  Song Yu said again: "Will I serve you sweet and sour pork ribs now? Or should you wait until you are mentally prepared?

  " Does it have an impact? " "Qi Hongye was a little worried.

  "It doesn't matter at all. After eating the food, your ghost body will definitely awaken. "

  Qi Hongye's face flashed with unconcealable joy, and his voice was a little excited: "Okay, let's have a serving of sweet and sour pork ribs.

  " Okay, wait a minute. " "

  Song Yu went to get the sweet and sour pork ribs, but everyone outside started discussing with each other like crazy.

  75 gold coins, even if they were sold ten times, it wouldn't be enough.

  In just two minutes, someone was already rushing from outside like crazy. Come in.

  After all, this place has expanded a lot, but it can’t accommodate all the diners. Those who should queue up still need to queue up.

  People who queue up now have a tacit understanding to go to Xia Tian’s shop next door to drink tea, eat some snacks and wait.

  Xia Tian, ​​Han Qinglong, Dahei and others all appeared in the hall. At this moment, everyone did

  not care that the hall was getting crowded, and they all looked eagerly in the direction of Netherworld Pavilion.

  On the first floor there, a group of people was sitting. The figure wearing a scarlet wedding dress.

  The wedding dress on her body was like a wisp of netherworld fire, burning quietly in the netherworld pavilion.

  Everyone felt like they had eaten ten pounds of lemons, and they couldn't help feeling sour at all.

  "75 gold coins, this is Gold coins..." Xia Tian murmured to himself.

  Han Qinglong on the side said: "You can eat three or four gold-level dishes. If you give this to me, I can take off on the spot and suppress the cultivation world. "

  Dahei: "Woof woof woof..."

  If there weren't too many people in the hall, it would jump up and scream.

  75 gold coins, ghost body.

  In just two minutes, these two words have already overwhelmed the circle of spiritual practitioners. .

  There are many old-fashioned practitioners, but that doesn’t mean they don’t know how to play with mobile phones. Why don’t they use such a convenient thing?
  Moreover, cultivators use mobile phones more easily than ordinary people.

  Qi Hongye watched Song Yu bring the sweet and sour pork ribs, and said with some trepidation: "Boss Song, can I go to the private room upstairs?"

  She couldn't stand the hungry wolf-like looks from outside, even if the Netherworld Pavilion blocked it. Most of it, but she still felt uncomfortable.

  She didn't like dealing with unfamiliar people.

  "Of course. Gold-level membership only requires 10,000 points per month."

  Qi Hongye nodded quickly: "Okay, then I'll go to the private room on the second floor."

  Song Yu responded understandingly: "Okay, then I'll give it to you Send them to the second floor."

  The two quickly disappeared from everyone's eyes.

  The oppressive atmosphere in the hall suddenly erupted.

  "Damn Boss Song, he actually created such a thing as a private room."

  "Yes, yes, I strongly demand that the private room be cancelled."

  "We want to see the ghost body."


  Of course, these are all teasing and joking. , and no one really dares to say that.

  After Song Yu came down, they all looked at him one by one.

  "Let's go, let's go. What are you looking at? You're scaring others."

  Song Yu waved helplessly, wanting everyone to disperse.

  "Boss Song, since we can't see it, let's stand here and feel it." "

  Yeah, I can't say anything envious. It's too sour, eh eh eh..."

  someone said aggrievedly.

  Song Yu was made to have goosebumps all over by their tone, and couldn't help but said: "Of course you can feel it, but don't affect the normal dining customers." "Okay, okay, Boss Song, don't worry,

  we understand."

  So, a group of practitioners The soldiers stood neatly and neatly in rows, leaving no gaps.

  Of course, they still left a path just big enough for one person to walk through.

  At this moment, a fiery red figure floated over from outside.

  By the time everyone reacted, she had already entered the Netherworld Pavilion.

  It's Liyan.

  "Liyan, what do you want to eat?" Song Yu asked.

  "Let's have a pot of immortal rice wine."

  This is a kind of wine, a bronze-level food, and the price of a pot is 2 bronze coins.

  Song Yu talked about brewing wine before, but it has only been brewed in the past few days.

  "Okay, please wait a moment."

  Li Yan suddenly said: "Boss Song, this ghost body is really not something you specially researched?"

  Song Yu shrugged: "No, I said it was created by me unintentionally. Do you believe it?"

  Li Yan shook his head, obviously not believing it.

  Accidentally created a ghost body?
  Accidentally created a celestial demon body?
  Then he is more terrifying than he imagined.

  Liyan didn't ask any more questions. She also knew that Song Yu would usually not hide anything he could say, or would say that he would know when the time came and would not lie to others.

  Li Yan poured two glasses of wine.

  "Boss Song, come and have a drink?"

  Song Yu was stunned: "Me?"

  "Well, drinking alone is boring. The smell of this fairy rice wine is delicious. Since it is a good wine, it is natural to drink it with friends. Yes."

  Everyone in the hall was licking their lips, greedy.

  Song Yu muttered, "Okay, I'll have a few drinks with you."

  He sat on the seat opposite Li Yan.

  "Are you concerned about the ghost body?"

  Song Yu asked in a low voice as they clinked glasses.

  Li Yan looked at Song Yu, a look of doubt flashed in his eyes.

  She replied: "Of course I care. I have heard of the Netherworld ghost body, but I have never seen it. If it can ignore the rules and suppression of the Netherworld world and transform humans and ghosts into each other, how can I not care?" Song Yu raised his eyebrows, "Then what

  if For you?"

  "Me? I won't want it."

  Song Yu smiled and said, "Then how will you face the Netherworld Ghost Body?"

  "I... don't know either." Li Yan said quietly.

  Then, she added: "It is said that the ghost body of the Netherworld has an extremely heaven-defying opportunity. It possesses human-ghost bloodline, and the soul must be able to withstand the erosion of the Netherworld's energy before it can awaken. I wonder what her appearance will bring to today." How will the situation change, but now it only needs one meal..."

  Song Yu felt that Li Yan talked a lot today.

  Just when he was thinking about what to say, a terrifying energy came from the second floor, making the entire Netherworld Pavilion and Songji Restaurant become extremely eerie.

  Li Yan's expression suddenly became sharp, and she raised her head and stared upward.

  Song Yu was about to speak but hesitated. He did not open his mouth and felt the changes above him.

  Qi Hongye has begun to awaken the ghost body.

  Everyone in the hall outside held their breath at this moment, looking at the location on the second floor of Netherworld Pavilion.

  "Boss Song, why did you name this place Netherworld Pavilion?"

  Suddenly, Li Yan's voice sounded in Song Yu's ears, extremely calm.

  (End of chapter)

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