Chapter 93 Bad Bird

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  Chapter 93 Bad Bird
  The injured crow kept making loud noises and tried to call its companions through the wooden window.

  Sariel didn't like this noisy crow, so she looked at Lawrence and suggested, "It's better to roast it and eat it."

  Lawrence also felt it was a bit noisy, so he stood up and walked over to cut a piece of moose meat.

  After taking the slices of meat, Lawrence walked to the window and took away the wooden stool that served as a baffle.

  Perhaps because of the sight of the person, the originally noisy crow was nesting quietly in the stone on the window sill, looking at Lawrence timidly.

  Lawrence put the pieces of meat inside and said softly: "It's time to eat."

  The crow had no intention of moving and kept a quiet posture to continue the silence.

  Lawrence quickly blocked the window again with a wooden stool and pushed the food inside towards the crows.

  After doing this, Lawrence returned to sit down by the fire.

  Sariel said: "Is this the crow from last time?"

  Lawrence was also thinking about this question, "It seems not. The previous one was not only slightly bigger, but also looked smarter." "It

  seems like these crows should have A lot."

  Lawrence knew that crows live in groups. In winter, it is easier to find food in groups, and they can also huddle together to keep warm and resist the cold.

  Sariel knew the situation nearby better than Lawrence, and said, "Then this one you caught is a forest crow, and the one you encountered before was a mountain crow."

  Lawrence didn't know this, so he became interested at this time.

  "What's the difference between these two kinds of crows?"

  Sariel introduced: "Big crows are all in groups. Forest crows are small crows and like to move in groups. Small crows like to fly in the forest. Big crows are in the forest." Fly in a bigger place."

  "The little crows don't go to Clodagh, only the big crows go there."

  "The two crows often fight, I don't know anything else."

  Sariel told the little information she knew Tell Lawrence she doesn't seem to like the little crows.

  "Little crows often eat our food, so you might as well eat it."

  Lawrence originally wanted to raise a few crows to relieve his boredom, or to train crows that could talk, but he didn't expect that the crows here were also divided into factions.

  "It doesn't matter. Let's keep it and see. Which crow is more suitable for us depends on the follow-up situation."

  Lawrence is more inclined to the big crows he encountered before, because the big crows provide food guidance, and these little crows are currently running. Came for theft.

  Seeing that Lawrence had made up his mind, Salil stopped trying to persuade him.

  She didn't think of many things at first, but now she thought of something.

  "Both big crows and little crows will steal eggs. They will steal the eggs laid by hens on the grass. They are both bad guys."

  Lawrence suddenly felt that both crows were bad birds!

  "It's not a good habit to steal eggs." Lawrence became wary of crows.

  Salil added: "But it doesn't matter. Many hens will lay eggs in the chicken coops. Crows will not dare to approach the chicken coop if there are roosters. Some hens always like to stay where we can't see them. When laying eggs, mice and crows always steal the eggs."

  Lawrence said: "Speaking of which, we also need to build chicken coops and cellars, as well as special sheep pens and warehouses."

  What will happen in the future, and how to design the layout of the outside buildings? There are also vegetable planting and farmland issues, as well as breeding matters.

  Lawrence found that he had to solve something quickly, otherwise he would be too busy in the spring.

  Seeing what Lawrence was thinking, Salil made a suggestion, "In fact, you can raise crows and chickens together. If the birds grow up together, they won't attack each other." "That's right." Lawrence thought

  : "But we need to have little crows."

  Sofia listened for a while and then said: "We have a lot of meat, which is only eaten by good obedient crows. Whoever is obedient will be raised."

  Lawrence smiled, "Yes, Sofia said That's right. We don't have to think too far now. In the future, we will just shout three times when eating. Whoever accepts our gifts the fastest will be the elf of the mountain." Whether it is a big crow or a small crow

  , All need to adapt to changing circumstances.

  The process of domestication is a two-way selection. On the one hand, humans domesticated chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, and on the other hand, chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep used the blessing of humans to expand their populations. Lawrence stopped thinking about the crow, it just took its course.

  Rather than that kind of thing, it is more practical to focus on vegetable seeds and plan how to defend your home and solve problems such as draft and water use.

  Lawrence didn't think about the crows, but soon a dozen crows flew outside the house.



  More than a dozen crows screamed outside Lawrence's house, making a noisy sound.

  Lawrence and Salil went out to check the situation, and there were more than ten crows standing on the rocks in the distance.


  These crows were all screaming at Lawrence, with no intention of flying up to provide guidance.

  Salil asked: "What's wrong with these crows?"

  Lawrence didn't understand bird language, but he still said: "It should be because I fed a few crows just now, which caused these crows to come over and ask for food."

  Salil looked at it It was because of Lawrence, so he asked: "What should we do now?"

  Lawrence thought for a few seconds and said decisively: "Drive it away."

  "Okay!" Salil took a breath quickly and said The crows in front shouted: "Ahhhh!"

  The woman's shouting quickly startled a group of crows, and these crows quickly flew away from the stone and away from the woman.

  However, these crows did not fly too far. Some were standing on the snow in the distance, and some were standing on the roof.

  A little girl ran out of the door behind Lawrence. Sophia said anxiously: "Master, there seems to be a crow in the window!" Lawrence

  walked around to the side of the house and soon saw a crow flying with pieces of meat in its mouth. Got out.

  There were obvious scratches on the wood pieces of the window, and through the cracks you could see the injured crow still nesting inside.

  "It's really troublesome. I didn't expect the crows to have gathered here to cause trouble."

  Lawrence no longer hesitated, because his thoughts caused the nearby crows to focus on this place, and it would not be a good thing to continue.

  After making his decision, Lawrence went into the house, took out the injured and panicked crow, and placed it on the stone.

  "Just do what you have to do!"

  Lawrence put down the crow and returned to the door, looking at the crows nearby.

  The crows nearby were also looking at Lawrence, and soon some crows jumped on the rocks, but they were still looking at Lawrence.

  Sariel seemed to understand the language of the birds, "Lawrence, the crows want to eat."

  Lawrence said calmly: "You can't give it. Our charity and their request are two different things. Don't forget your dignity as a berserker."

  After being reminded by Lawrence, Salil quickly found herself again.

  Seeing that the bad birds were still looking at her, Salil looked directly at the vicinity.

  "These bad birds are just thinking about our food!"

  Salil quickly grabbed a handful of broken snow from where there was snow and started compressing it.

  The crows nearby also suddenly found themselves, and after seeing Sariel's starting gesture, they scattered.


  Not only the crow that came this time, but also the crow that was originally injured and could not fly, now also flapped its wings and flew out hard.

  The white world has returned to calm, with only the messy crow footprints and a few fresh bird droppings remaining on the ground.

  Salil threw down the snowball with pride and resentment, clapped the snow dregs on her hands and said, "They can run fast! Otherwise, I will eat roasted crow today!"

  (End of Chapter)

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