Chapter 53: War exploits, a pig

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  Chapter 53: Battle Exploits, a pig
  passed two or three days.

  Lawrence still goes to work in the mountains every day, while Sophia plays with Salil every day.

  In addition to herding sheep, Saryl also teaches Sophia how to use a shield.

  It’s not surprising that Andrew’s daughter knows some self-defense methods.

  Lawrence had realized why Andrew was so relieved to protect her daughter.

  People are afraid that their daughter will be alone, not that they will meet bad people.

  Without the three sled dogs, Lawrence also felt a little lonely.

  A man tied branches on the top of a mountain and brought them back to the stone house. When he found a crow stealing branches on the roof.

  Lawrence quickly went over and waved at the crow with a wooden stick, "Don't steal things from the house!"

  "Gah!" The crow flew out from the haystack on the wall, still holding the roasted hay in its mouth.

  Lawrence had finished piling up the walls of the stone house and was now mainly trying to figure out how to build the roof.

  Not only did Lawrence need the materials for the roof, but the crows also liked it.

  They love stealing things they like from Lawrence's house and bringing them back to their nest.

  Lawrence didn't hate these crows, mainly because after the three sled dogs went home, they were lonely on the top of the mountain all day.

  The crow didn't take much. Lawrence looked at the crow that stood looking at him from a distance after flying out.

  "It's time to eat." Lawrence put down the straw frame he was carrying and sat on the hay to prepare lunch.

  Lunch was a big pie, and Lawrence quickly broke off some dough and threw it out.

  "Here you go."

  The crow has been freeloading these days, and it didn't go far after being driven away by Lawrence.

  After being on guard for a few minutes, the crow soon couldn't bear the temptation of food and approached again with its thin feet.

  Lawrence had no idea of ​​hunting these crows. Although these crows could also steal things, they were much cuter than mice. At least they would not disturb his sleep in the middle of the night or chew up things.

  After eating, I slept for a while and continued working for a while after waking up. The crow had already flown away.

  Lawrence carried the straw basket home, washed and slept for another day.

  When preparing to go out the next day, Salil reminded: "Lawrence, things will be distributed at the bottom of the mountain in the next two days, so don't go to the mountain."

  Salil has always disliked Lawrence building a stone house on the mountain. Well, she didn't want Sophia to live in such a desolate place on the mountain.

  Lawrence asked curiously: "What are you sharing?"

  Sariel said: "If you kill a person, the town will give you something." The

  Kur people invaded the Pumixiu people's village, burned, killed and looted, and Lawrence assisted the Pumixiu people to complete the task. If you want revenge, you will naturally have military merits to gain.

  Whether you are a barbarian or a civilized country, you can get merit rewards for killing people on the battlefield.

  Lawrence knew this, but he had a different idea, "I thought my hoe was enough. Salil killed so many, the reward is all yours, it has nothing to do with me." Salil is the main force,

  Lawrence and Sophia are both Those who gather people are very self-aware about this.

  Salil shook her head seriously, "This is the reward you deserve. Just a hoe is definitely not enough. As for my share, forget it, I don't lack anything." If you have the strength, you can get what you want

  . Things, Andrew's wealthy life stems from his strength.

  For example, hunting and farming can only be regarded as leisure activities.

  Lawrence no longer refused, "Okay, I'll wait and see. I happen to have time today. I'll make a furnace to refine the copper ore into copper ingots."

  Salil didn't understand some words well, but she knew Lawrence would be at home today. .

  Soon everyone started to get busy. Salil said to Sophia who was about to go out to work:
  "Sofia, your face is frozen. This is not good. I will help you apply some snake oil."

  Lawrence was moving the clothes. Tan's grass basket went out, and after hearing it, he quickly said: "Give me some, too. My ears have been frostbitten for a long time, and I can feel a lot of cracks when I touch them." Salil

  nodded, "I'll give it to you later. , you apply it yourself."

  "Okay!" Lawrence didn't mind Salil's attitude, since he got the ointment for free anyway.

  After applying the ointment, there was no change on the ears, except for a slightly cooling feeling.

  Lawrence decided to take a few days off and take good care of his body.

  In the afternoon, I basked in the sun on the hillside and used mud to make a copper-burning blast furnace.

  Nothing is needed, just burn the copper ore at high temperature, and then the liquefied copper ore and the impurities inside will naturally separate.

  After that, the cooled copper stone is taken out from the ashes and processed again.

  Now that he has all kinds of tools at hand, Andrew has a rich family, which can save a lot of effort.

  Or you can go to the town down the mountain to borrow some tools, but I don't know who is in charge of the blacksmith shop now.

  Lawrence was thinking about tomorrow. The mud on his hands was cold and hard. Not to mention the copper pot, not even the blast furnace could handle it.

  "Winter is really not suitable for working..."

  Lawrence complained, and quickly gave up the idea of ​​making a blast furnace to burn copper.

  "In this season, just do some carpentry work in the room. It's really irrational to use cold water and mud outside." The

  plan to burn copper was temporarily shelved by Lawrence because the water was too cold in winter.

  It sounds ridiculous. Copper ore, charcoal, labor and technology are all available, but the river water is too cold this winter. Even with hot water, it will get cold very quickly, making it unsuitable for outdoor work. Sariel and Sophia didn't expect anything anyway, so Lawrence quickly washed his hands and went back to prepare for something else.

  "Mr. Lawrence!"

  Lawrence heard someone calling him, and it was Emma's voice.

  Looking down the mountain, I quickly saw Emma walking this way alone.

  Although she was alone, Lawrence was stunned by what she was carrying.

  Emma, ​​who was less than twenty years old, was holding the rope on her shoulders with both hands and carrying a large gray pig behind her.

  The gray pig is an adult pig, with a body length of over 1.5 meters and it feels like it weighs over 200 kilograms.

  Lawrence quickly ran over. Although he often met women who could carry hundreds of kilograms of things, Emma was very different from the aunts he had seen before. Her figure was not that fat.

  Salil is an exception. Salil has a good father. Lawrence, like the Pumixiu people, thinks that whether Salil is strong or kills people normally, it is acceptable.

  "Emma!" Lawrence came to Emma.

  Emma smiled and said: "Mr. Lawrence, last time you killed a Kur man, Vip gave you a pig, and I brought it."

  "Okay!" Lawrence quickly shouted to the other side of the house: "Saryl! Come out and help!"

  Emma continued to bend down and walk up the hillside, "I will help you put this big pig in the pig pen. He has a good temper and is very honest, but when he gets along with the piglets, he has to be separated for a while and then locked together again after a few days."

  Lawrence looked at the big black pig, whose belly was supported by a wooden board. The head and hooves were hanging on the sides, but it was obviously a large living pig.

  "Isn't this heavy?" Lawrence once again felt like a weakling.

  Emma smiled and said: "It's very heavy, but if you bring this pig up, I can get a chicken. Mr. Lawrence also helped us with a lot of things." Lawrence asked: "Why don't you let it come

  down and walk by itself? Wouldn't it save a lot of trouble if you lead it here?"

  If you think about it with your brain, carrying a pig up the mountain is outrageous. The normal method is to lead the pig or guide the pig up the mountain.

  Emma explained: "It wouldn't be obedient. After walking for a while, it wouldn't leave. It needed to be driven with a whip to become obedient. And it suddenly ran fast and entered the mountains. I couldn't catch it, so it got lost." The woman

  's The strength is not as strong as that of a pig. Maybe a strong man like Andrew can lead a pig like a dog, but Emma can't.

  Driving pigs up the mountain is not something that ordinary people can do. Pigs are not dogs, nor are they horses or donkeys. In comparison, carrying pigs up the mountain is more reasonable.

  Salil came out soon. When she saw Emma coming with the pigs on her back, she went to clean up the pig pen and let the three little pigs out first.

  With the help of Salil and Lawrence, the big fat pig behind Emma landed smoothly, and then was pulled into the pig pen by Salil by its ears.

  Lawrence heard the screams like a slaughtered pig, and said to Emma who was sitting down to rest: "Emma, ​​you also participated in revenge last time, didn't you get anything?" Emma shook her head and said embarrassedly

  : "I didn't kill anyone, and they didn't give me anything."

  As a member of Pumixiu Town, she only helped with some trivial things. If she didn't kill the Kur people, she was not qualified to share the things.

  The method of calculating the barbarian's combat merit is very simple, that is, the number of heads.

  Salil came out quickly and said: "Emma, ​​tell Vip and Doug that I need a jar of snake oil ointment to treat frostbite."

  Emma said cheerfully: "Okay! I will!"

  "That's right! ." Emma thought of something and said: "The miller was stabbed in the stomach by a knife last time and died in the past two days. His mill was smashed and burned by robbers last time. It will take a long time to repair it.

  " Emma's family provided flour for Andrew and Salil, and now the mill where the flour was ground was burned down by bandits, which saddened Emma more than the death of several people.

  Lawrence took the initiative and said, "I can help."

  Sariel looked at Lawrence curiously, "Lawrence, can you repair the mill?"

  "Yes." Lawrence smiled and said, "I've been busy with this these days, don't you? Do you know?"

  Salil shook her head. She really hadn't cared about Lawrence in the past few days. She only knew that he went to the mountains to work on the broken stone house all day long.

  Sariel sometimes even wanted to sneak up the mountain in the middle of the night and kick down the shabby house.

  Of course it's just a sometimes thought, and the barbarian's thoughts are sometimes a bit direct.

  Neither Emma nor Lawrence knew what Salil was thinking. Emma smiled and said: "Don't bother Mr. Lawrence, the miller's son will fix it."

  Lawrence said nonchalantly: "Well, then I will make a stone mill myself. "

  As soon as he spoke, Lawrence found that Emma couldn't laugh anymore, and there was a stunned expression on her face.

  "But it will take at least several years to do it. That would be too much trouble. I have other things to do, so I won't do that." Lawrence looked

  into the distance and said he didn't insist.

  Emma breathed a sigh of relief and talked about some things in the village before going down the mountain with peace of mind.

  After Emma left, Salil asked Lawrence: "Lawrence, are you really not going to do stone grinding anymore?"

  Lawrence said: "Yes, I will use it after it is done, not for you."

  Emma is Relying on Salil's business, Lawrence grinds his own food and has nothing to do with each other.

  Salil, who has been lonely since she was a child, cannot understand complicated emotional thinking. When she heard that Lawrence was not giving her anything to use, she thought she was disliked.

  This dangerous barbarian girl is enraged!

  "If you don't need it, don't use it!" Salil was very angry and immediately retaliated: "I'm going to boil eggs tonight! I won't give them to you!!"

  (End of Chapter)

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