Chapter 179 History of the Tribe

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  Chapter 179 The History of the Tribe

  The arrival of spring was a very sudden day. The day came earlier than usual that day, and the sunlight shining in the house was particularly warm.

  The snow on the mountains began to melt, and the ice on the creek rushed downstream to the larger river.

  The sound of water drops falling can be heard everywhere in wooden houses, woods, and stone houses, as long as they are slightly higher.

  The ground is no longer hard, and green grass sprouts on the distant hillsides.

  While working in the morning, men, women and children returned to the house one after another with their clothes and put their winter coats into the house.

  All the windows in the wooden house were also opened, allowing the long-lost spring breeze to blow in and take away the stuffiness in the house.

  Lawrence sat by the river feeding the fish. Half a month had passed since Delenn arrived.

  The food problem has become more and more tense in the past half month. I have been frugal and frugal for a long time, and finally got the life-saving potato food.

  Kehalan used her ability to ripen ninety square meters of potatoes, at the cost of resting for three days without being able to use witchcraft, and within five to seven days she could no longer use such large-scale ripening witchcraft.

  In exchange for more than a thousand kilograms of high-yielding potatoes, each potato is as big as a fist, and the yield far exceeds any potato known to Lawrence.

  With the life-saving food, more than 70 people in the manor were able to survive until spring.

  Throwing the adult mealworms in his hand into the river to feed the fish, Lawrence stood up and walked back to the cabin.

  There are a lot of things to do today. More land must be cultivated as soon as possible. Normal crops will not be available until summer at the earliest. Just relying on Kehalan's ability will not last that long.

  After Lawrence entered the room, he smelled the smell of alcohol and looked towards the sofa to see a diligent woman struttingly lying on the sofa drinking.

  Khalan would reward himself if he did just a little bit of work.

  Like Dren, Khalan is very capable and can survive on their own.

  But if there is no one to guide me, my whole life will be like that.

  Before meeting Lawrence, creating more food would have gained him nothing.

  Even if they meet a Pumi Xiu, the two parties will not get along well because of this ability.

  There are endless fruits and dried meat on the mountain in Kehalan.

  She also thought about making a wooden house, but she was too lazy to give up. After finding the cave, she couldn't muster the energy to do such a thing.

  Delen's ability can also dig out mountains to create caves, but compared to dark caves, Delen prefers to live in a spacious, bright and airy wooden house.

  After attaching themselves to Lawrence, the two's abilities were transformed into productivity, which could visibly improve the quality of life, and each time they could work for a few minutes and rest for many days in comfort.

  Lawrence looked at the lazy Kehalan and Delen who moved a chair and sat by the fireplace grilling fish.

  In the eyes of most people, these two people are a little too comfortable.

  Lawrence knew the huge contribution of the two of them, and was very considerate of the drinking and resting, but he didn't want the two of them to just be lazy.

  "I'm going to go down the mountain today to see the beehives. It's almost time to separate the hives. If conditions permit, I plan to find another place in the mountain to establish a beekeeping site." "When we have honey and beeswax, we can take

  them Exchange food and money."

  After spring arrived, there was more food in the mountains, and the food problem was temporarily less tense. Lawrence also had to think about the future.

  Kehalan, who often eats sweet fruits, was not interested in honey and said directly: "Why raise bees? I will get you some medicinal materials. You can sell them to buy wine."

  Delen was interested in this and turned to look here. , "I'll be with you."

  Lawrence stood up and made preparations, "Khalan and Salil will look after the house, and Derren Sophia will go down the mountain with me to take a look."

  Kharan didn't want to move after drinking, and said happily: " Bring back some wine, I can use witchcraft tomorrow."

  At this time Bull walked in with Brick.

  "Master, Brick has something to tell you." Lawrence looked at Brick, quickly sat down and said, "What's going on?"

  Brick was still a little afraid of Lawrence and whispered: "Master... our tribe... In spring, you have to go hunting in the ice on the other side of the sea. You have to row a boat to move there. You will not come back until winter. The seals and big fish are there." Lawrence asked curiously: "Does

  this matter have anything to do with me?"

  Bull directly replaced Brick said: "Brick said that at this time, he would trade with the snow cave people. Doug would trade knives, wood, wheat and wine with the snow cave people for meat and dogs." "And women!" Brick

  said In order to increase his attractiveness, he took the initiative and said: "If you go to our tribe, you can have a woman sleep with you."

  Lawrence looked at Brick, "Forget it, I don't need this kind of care."

  There were very few caravans in this era, and there were often several It only happens once a year or decades, especially in remote places where few people go.

  Even barbarians can trade with people, and they don't always fight and kill.

  Neither the church nor the nobility liked merchants, and they tried their best to suppress those merchants. Coupled with various problems on the road, exchanges between various regions were decreasing day by day.

  Generally, if there is not enough profit, businessmen will not patronize this place again, nor will they bring various external materials.

  Therefore, except for a small number of savage natives with bad brains, or some tribes with poor conditions, and excluding those tribes that do not welcome merchants to disturb them, there will be some hospitable tribes left.

  Of course, there is also the most important reason. During this period, everyone was generally not doing well, so businessmen who were able to travel were thought to be richer and more powerful.

  Brick lowered his head in disappointment.

  Lawrence did not refuse completely and asked: "Is there enough food for the Snow Cave people? If there is enough food, I can exchange the supplies you need for food." Brick quickly raised his head, with a happy look on his face


  "Yes! We can hunt and get food. It doesn't take long, just a day or two!"

  Lawrence asked curiously: "Do you have so much food?"

  "Not much. Before moving, we can catch the seals we didn't catch before. You can also go fishing for whales nearby!" Brick said very simply.

  The Snow Cave people do not lack food, but what they lack is resistance to extreme weather, as well as medicine and iron tools.

  Sofia had been downstairs for a while, and when she heard Brick's words, she had questions.

  "You are not short of food, why don't you find a place to live, why do you have to live in such a cold place?"

  Brick explained dullly: "We can't hold the land, and there were people who wanted to live on this continent before. , and then they were all killed."

  Kharan said casually: "It's the same outside. After countries in many places perished, their people have been wandering. They have been wandering for hundreds of years without finding a place to live. It is said that most of them will go to the north. Run."

  Sophia looked at Lawrence: "Is this the same in the Luofen Kingdom?"

  Lawrence shook his head, "No, the people of the Luofen Kingdom came out of the mountains and forests. At that time, there was a conflict among that group of people. The frightened ones went to the north, and the majority went to the south." "Even

  if Now, the Valkyries are also afraid of the military power from the Kingdom of Lofen, and Count Valkyrie responds to the call of Lofen III every year."

  As a mountain barbarian, Delen also has his own knowledge of this kind of thing.

  "Our tribe came from the south. According to the tribe's inheritance, a long time ago, a tribe came out of the forests in the south and thrived in the Agama Mountains. Our tribe belongs to a branch of the Agama ethnic group.

  " Rick said: "Our tribe also has the same legend. A long time ago, we had a country with an unknown name. After the country was destroyed, we were hunted down. In the end, there were only a few people and now we have 200 people." Lawrence did not expect that

  . Our ancestors are all southerners, and we all grew up from losers.

  "Let's do this. You take the two men back to the Snow Cave Tribe first. If they prepare food and prepare for the trade, you can stay there. I will go over to trade in five days." "If they don't agree or are unable to do it, you will do it tomorrow.

  " Just come back."

  Lawrence asked Manderkru to take the people with him, allowing them to accept the hospitality of the Snow Cave People and improve the Snow Cave People's genes.

  (End of chapter)

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