Chapter 157 Kharan

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  Chapter 157 Kehalan

  In the afternoon,
  Lawrence found Emma who was building wooden fences with the serfs in the field.

  "Emma, ​​it's already very late, you should go back."

  Emma came over after hearing this, wiped her sweat and said, "Yeah, I'll go back first."

  Lawrence and Emma walked towards the manor together Go, walk into the manor and approach the wooden house, and you will see Salil coming over carrying a colorful pheasant.

  "Emma, ​​take this chicken back." Salil handed the small grouse to Emma.

  These grouse were attracted by the chicken feed here. They had eaten chicken food all summer, and now they have reached the end of their lives.

  Emma took the grouse and said happily: "Thank you! I'm going back, and I'll come over to help tomorrow!"

  Lawrence said: "No, the work here is almost done, the fuel and wood are almost ready, the fields There is nothing else to do here."

  "You have come here too many times, and the people in Vip will remember this, and we will go down the mountain to visit you after a while."

  Emma felt very sorry, hesitated and said, "Then Can our family be slaves here?"

  The food here is good and the treatment is good. Emma feels that it is better here than in Pumexiu Town.

  Lawrence said: "It's not appropriate now, and Doug is probably unwilling. Let's see if he can bring back enough loot this time."

  Emma nodded, "Okay, then I'll go."

  Lawrence and Sariel Watch Emma leave.

  Lawrence said: "It's good for Emma to come to us, but if her husband brings back food and treasures, they don't need to come up."

  Salil was very pessimistic about Emma's future, "I think we should help her, no need Regardless of Queeg's wishes, that man goes to fight every year and will die on the battlefield sooner or later."

  Just as Lawrence was about to speak, he soon noticed a strange woman standing outside the stream to the north.

  You can see the situation from all four sides on the hillside. The direction Emma left is to the north, going down the hillside from the north to the south. The location of Pumexiu Town is in the southeast.

  The river is a river that can surround the hillside on three sides. It may be wide or thin, and the woman stood on the edge of the wide shallow stream and stared at this side.

  She looks a bit older, about forty years old, more primitive than ordinary barbarian women, and even looks more like a forest savage than the Cloda and Ug people.

  She was wearing very little clothing and her body was tall and strong. It was obvious that she was a woman.

  No mounts, no companions.

  Lawrence soon discovered that the woman was holding a box in her hand. When he looked at her, the woman raised the box above her head with both hands, and then moved closer along the stream.

  "Salil!" Lawrence saw Salil walking back to the cabin and shouted quickly: "Come here!"

  "What's wrong?" Salil asked and came over with some doubts, "Why is there something wrong with your voice?"

  Lawrence said quickly: "Do you know the woman in front of me?"

  His voice was a little nervous, even a little scared.

  If that woman is a poisonous witch, with her witchcraft, everyone in the manor will die.

  Sariel had seen the poisonous witch from a distance a long time ago, but that was a long time ago.

  At this time, Salil was very unsure, "I don't know you, let me go and have a look!"

  Salil volunteered and walked over, not wanting Lawrence to take any more risks.

  Lawrence quickly followed and found calmly that the woman did not look offensive.

  If it's an attack, it would be most appropriate to attack secretly according to the opponent's personality after living alone for more than ten years. This time not only did he leave the mountain, but he also took the food box he sent, and when they looked at each other, the other party took the initiative to lift the box. This is more like... Lawrence has a guess,

  but he is not sure because it feels a bit too... Too absurd.

  Sariel ran straight away and climbed over the wall.

  Lawrence also jumped over the 1.5-meter stone wall with a running start. After jumping outside the stone wall, he remembered that he was not armed.

  But when Lawrence saw the woman fifty meters away, he finally passed by with his bare hands.

  It is better to express goodwill without weapons.

  "Hello, lady who came from afar, where did you get this box with food?"

  Lawrence asked proactively.

  Salil had already reached the stream, and now she was standing by the stream looking at the woman opposite.

  From a physical point of view, the opponent is much stronger than Salil, like a ripe kiwi fruit.

  Kehalan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Lawrence's voice, "Thank the God of Nature, I happen to know what you said. I am Kehalan. I picked up the box you dropped where I live."

  Kehalan He took the initiative and said, "I ate when I saw something edible inside. I followed your scent here to ask if you would take me in as an old woman." Lawrence confirmed his guess and asked, "

  We need something here. There are many people who can work. Are you a witch?"

  Kehalan admitted: "Yes, I am a witch just like the woman next to you."

  Lawrence breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, Kehalan, but I I want to know why you want to work for me."

  Kharan explained frankly: "I have lived alone for many years. After seeing you, I felt that you would not come here again, so in order to eat the same food again , I will take the initiative to come to you."

  "I am already very old and cannot have children. If I continue to live alone in the mountains, I will be too old to move in a few years. In order to live a good life in the last few years, Some, I am willing to work for you."

  Kehalan had no other choice. In almost 20 years, he only met a kind person who was willing to give food. If he missed it, there would be no next time.

  In Kohalan's opinion, the food eaten today is very precious food, and it is impossible to eat it twice.

  Lawrence asked: "I can take you in, but you have to keep the secret of being a witch and not reveal to others that you are a witch." Kehalan said cheerfully: "

  Of course!"

  Lawrence always felt that it was a bit too simple and asked : "Why are you hiding in the mountains?"

  Kehalan explained: "Probably many years ago, I killed the king of the Southern Guluo Kingdom and then escaped here. It must have been twenty years. I ate a lot of fruits from the mountains. Years."

  Lawrence felt that nothing was wrong and continued to ask: "Well, can your ability be controlled? I don't want your poisonous gas to affect others." Kehalan grinned and said: "No, like

  me A young witch can already control the natural power in her body, and as you can see, I used to be a warrior."

  Lawrence thought for a moment and understood the situation from a different perspective.

  "Do you know her?" Lawrence pointed to Sariel beside him.

  Kehalan shook his head, "I don't know her, but she has a special smell on her body. She should be a descendant of the Berserker and the Sea Tribe."

  Lawrence and Salil both looked shocked.

  Kahalan gave the two a very surprising answer.

  (End of chapter)

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