Chapter 148 Comparison of Happiness

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  Chapter 148 Contrasted Happiness

  After returning to the manor, Lawrence began to prepare for winter.

  The men on the manor were chopping wood and clearing land to build houses. Lawrence called to the female slaves during dinner.

  Colin stood next to Lawrence and translated.

  Lawrence said: "You are the slaves I purchased."

  "After working here for three years, I will set you free."

  Lawrence left time for Colin to translate his words and watched the reactions of the slaves.

  In addition to the seamstress who came with the nuns, there were five female slaves exchanged for the Ug.

  These five people are all village girls in ordinary villages. They only know how to farm and grow vegetables, take care of livestock, cook, take care of children, clean the house, pickle vegetables and other things that ordinary women can do.

  "In another month, I will release a missionary from Durila. He has finished his work." "

  If you have anything to say to your family, or think someone can save you, If you want, you can write to him."

  "I accept the exchange and can use the ransom to buy your freedom." "

  If no one values ​​you, then you need to work with me until the end of the three-year period."

  " Don't think about running away. If you run away, you will fall into the hands of the other barbarians. You know better than me how those people treat you." "Believe me,

  this is the best place. If you don't cherish kindness, My mercy for you, then you will fall into hell."

  Lawrence waited for Colin's translation.

  Colin quickly translated Lawrence's words.

  Laurence, dressed in cloth clothes, looks like a respectable aristocrat because he is young and has no beard.

  Unlike the local barbarians, Lawrence is clean and decent, which makes the villagers feel that Lawrence is not like the barbarians here, but more like the nobles of the Western Kingdom.

  Lawrence found that these people, like Seravan and others in the past, did not know how to speak.

  They have no channels to express their opinions, and coupled with their timidity, they are not as courageous to speak as some people with lively personalities.

  "If there's no problem, just keep working. Now the winter houses are being built for you on the river bank. I'll arrange what you need to do tomorrow." "If you finish it in advance, you can rest in advance, whether you are sleeping in the sun in the haystack or

  not Walking outside the wall or chatting are all allowed, but you can't hinder others from doing their work." "

  Unless you are willing to help her with her work, don't get in the way." "

  If you feel unwell, have a headache or are injured Come on, go find the nuns in the wooden house."

  None of the village girls had any objections. Some of these people were in their twenties, some in their thirties, and some in their teens. The same characteristic was that they were unwilling to speak.

  Not mute, but afraid to speak and not knowing what to say in unfamiliar and unfamiliar situations.

  Whether here or among the Pumixiu people, these women of the Western Kingdom did not dare to resist.

  So it is an unrealistic delusion to expect these women to defend the manor... The

  only two men Lawrence can fight now are Salil, Reglo, Mandekru, and Reglo.

  Seravan is half of the family. Now Seravan has a child and a stable home.

  If he runs away next time, he won't even be qualified to be a slave.

  Including Lawrence, there are six combat forces. Sariel can hold up several of them one after another, and Lawrence also has a bow and arrow.

  Unless it was a sneak attack, it would take at least twenty men to capture this manor head-on.

  Women should also take advantage of it. After the house is built, let them take up arms and learn to hunt. At least they can take up arms to resist when foreign enemies invade. The day passed quickly, and Lawrence sighed helplessly as he thought of the water tank he had not finished.

  The hottest days of summer have passed. If you want to have a box of hot water and take a shower at night, you have obviously missed the best time.

  In the future, bathing will still have to rely on fire heating.

  "Fortunately, there is enough wood in the forest."

  "If it were a town with a few thousand people, the surrounding wood would have been cut down long ago, and there would be bare patches of grass everywhere." "

  Because I have few people now, so You can get enough food from the mountains and water just by gathering and hunting, and you can’t finish the meat every day.”

  Lawrence thought of this, and saw the nuns cooking in the fireplace and kitchen in the wooden house.

  Bread was baked in the fireplace, while broth and vegetables were steaming and simmering in the kitchen.

  The kitchen room is mainly used for cooking, and the fireplace not only serves to cook, but also provides lighting.

  And in the four corners of the house and on the floor of the stairs, young nun Navia is lighting oil lamps.

  In the public kitchen outside the wooden house, more than 20 people from different places gathered around, talking to each other in languages ​​that outsiders did not understand, eating and chatting.

  Although the weather in autumn is cold, the house is also a bit dull. In addition, ready-made food is provided here, so the fire tent is very busy every day.

  Mandekru and his wife were responsible for carrying wood, and their children were responsible for herding sheep and pigs. They drove the big sows into the forest to find food for themselves, just being careful not to let the pigs escape.

  In addition to the three nuns, Lawrence's cabin also housed a seamstress.

  The three nuns spent most of their time busy with the housework in the cabin and Lawrence's arrangements, or whatever Saryl and Sophia used to do.

  Saryl and Sophia have more time to practice their martial arts, spend time with Lawrence, nap and study.

  The seamstress supervises the work of the five women and will lead them to make ropes, baskets, leather and other tasks when necessary.

  Lawrence said to Brielle, who was walking by him: "Let's sit down and talk."

  "Me?" Brielle looked around, and after confirming that it was herself, she said, "Yes, Master."

  Lawrence. Seeing Brielle sitting directly next to him, she said speechlessly: "Sit opposite."

  "Yes." Brielle quickly sat on the sofa opposite.

  Lawrence asked: "What do you usually eat there?"

  Brielle said: "Bread, cheese, meat, fish and vegetables."

  Lawrence asked in detail: "Can you eat meat every day?" Brielle

  said He quickly shook his head and said, "That's something only nobles can do. If anyone has no time to eat meat, he must be showing it to others on purpose."

  Lawrence asked, "How many meals a day? Three meals?"

  Brielle introduced: "Two meals, or no food. We have a holy fast day every twenty days. You can't eat on this day. There is a small fast day every ten days. You are only allowed to eat one meal, but you can drink ale." Lawrence asked

  curiously He said: "Compared with these days, in terms of food, is it better here or in your ordinary village?"

  Lawrence added: "I don't compare with your monastery, I only compare with those who live in manors or villages." There is no need to lie on

  this point, Brielle affirmed: "If you compare it based only on the food you have eaten in the past few days, , it’s better here.”

  Most of the serfs in the Middle Ages lived a very dark life, and most of the materials obtained from the land were given to the church and the nobility.

  Whether it's in the water or in the forest, it's all noble.

  Suffering is relative. After comparison, Lawrence found that his living standard was already very good, and he felt a little happy!
  (End of chapter)

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