Chapter 142 Maid

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  Chapter 142 When the maid
  Saryl saw Lawrence accepting these three women, she asked how to arrange it.

  "Are they sleeping with us today?"

  Salil felt that the bedroom was big enough and the bed was big enough, but it was a bit crowded with so many people sleeping together.

  The three nuns looked at Lawrence, their faces somewhat nervous, but mostly silent.

  No matter what, the young man in front of me can be called a clean and decent person.

  Even in their own country, there are very few men who care about cleanliness.

  In this era, there are not so many things to pay attention to. A piece of bread can make many village girls and women do things for a few minutes at your request. Although they will appear impatient, they will still do it for the sake of stuttering.

  For those women who live a prosperous life and don’t have to worry about food, as long as they are not annoying, it is easy to have such an intimate time behind the hillside, in sheep stables, haystacks, idle mills, and storage warehouses. .

  Lawrence said: "Live in the spare room downstairs."

  The entrance to the first floor is the living room. A fireplace and pickle jars, as well as cooking utensils such as wine and salt are placed against the side wall of the living room.

  The living room occupies the space next to the door. In the middle of a row of rooms further inside is the staircase going up. On the side of the staircase near the fireplace is the warehouse for storing food and the second kitchen.

  The chimney here will pass through the wall of the bedroom on the second floor. Above the warehouse is the weapons warehouse on the second floor. Lawrence's bedroom also has a closet in the wall opposite the chimney, so that the temperature of the fuel can be maximized in winter.

  The bedroom on the second floor has a bathroom on the left and a weapons depot on the right. The bathroom uses the same sewer pipe as the bathroom under the stairs on the first floor.

  The bathroom on the first floor has pipes on the side and stairs on the top. When someone comes down, there will be footsteps to remind people who are in the toilet to come out quickly.

  When the house was being built, Seravan and others all joined in, and it was only after Seravan and others joined that the planning of the new residence began, so the original plan was for Seravan, the Shepherdess, and others to also live in it.

  When planning, I didn't expect that so many people would come later. In addition, Seravan and others had built their own houses before the wooden house was built, so the remaining four rooms had always been empty.

  Lawrence wanted to leave rooms for his children and father-in-law Andrew, so the rooms for the maids could only be two rooms on the first floor.

  Colin quickly said: "Yes, Master."

  Lawrence saw that the nun adapted to the role so quickly, and asked curiously: "Were you also a maid before?"

  Colin replied: "No, I used to be a deacon in the monastery, responsible for discipline. Other nuns."

  Lawrence asked: "Deacon? What are the positions in the convent?"

  Deacon sounded very powerful, but Lawrence did not think that the woman in front of him was a powerful character.

  "In the monastery, there are abbots, deputy abbots, deacons, and ordinary nuns."

  Lawrence was more curious about nuns. This not only represented the extension of the religious system in a vast area, but also represented the extension of aristocratic power within religion.

  Lawrence asked: "Can women from ordinary peasant families become nuns?"

  Colin replied decisively: "No, the nuns in the monastery all come from noble and knight families. We are the brides of the Lord of the Morning, and we swear to dedicate our lives to God. ."

  Colin wanted to raise his hand. As the bride of God, the nuns of the Lord of the Dawn can wear rings on their hands.

  But her ring was snatched away by a barbarian...

  Lawrence looked at Colin's hand suspiciously, it was a normal hand, there was nothing strange about it.

  "Is it true that as long as you are a daughter of a noble, you can become a nun?"

  Colin shook his head, "No."

  "You must pay a large sum of money to the monastery. This is the woman's dowry and will be used for everything in the monastery in the future. Cost."

  Lawrence asked: "What do you usually do?"

  Colin: "Praying, copying scriptures, visiting the poor, caring for the sick, and sometimes teaching the little girls sent by the nobles."

  Lawrence asked again "Do you still have contact with your parents and brothers?"

  Colin replied: "The monastery has complicated rules and regulations. The nuns have to give up all worldly possessions and cut off contact with relatives. Some royal families have their own monasteries. All the women in the family will be sent there, and they will be called sisters-in-law outside, and they will only be called sisters after entering."

  Lawrence also asked a lot about the monastery. The monastery has its own land and assets, and the abbot of the monastery is usually the monastery. The noble nun here will not airborne.

  To join a monastery, nuns must contribute land, money, or valuable things. Most nuns can only stay in the monastery to work and chant scriptures. Only a small number of nuns can go out to participate in banquets and other activities, and participate in aristocratic social interactions as the owners of the monastery. and temple activities.

  The monastery model is similar to the manor model. It also requires paying taxes to the church in exchange for autonomy and protection.

  After the barbarians sacked the villages and monasteries this time, the nobles and churches there should start taking precautions.

  Salil said at this time: "It's time to eat, it's time to eat. Eat before we talk."

  Salil, who was already very hungry, stood up to prepare dinner. She had no interest in the affairs of the monastery.

  Several people started to prepare for dinner, and two maids brought dinner.

  Chicken boiled peas, pork bacon, black berry vegetable platter, bread. At least two chickens died during this meal.

  Lawrence looked at the roasted chicken that the maid put on the table and couldn't help but ask: "Salil, why are you willing to kill the chicken?"

  Salil said with a smile, "Sofia told me that we are masters now, so we can't It's as shabby as before."

  Sofia explained: "Master, these chickens have been castrated. Castrated chickens can't lay eggs and can't give birth to chicks. We have to make room for the chicks." "That's right

  . That's it." Lawrence said with emotion: "Then eat it, don't kill it in the future, save it for autumn." There is

  really no need to say this kind of thing, otherwise there will be too many things in the manor.

  It's a good thing that Sofia and Saryl can make their own decisions, but Lawrence is still thinking about fried chicken.

  The fried chicken thing was a private wish in his heart, and Lawrence had not told anyone else.

  I castrated the little rooster, hoping that in the fall it will grow into a capon with tender meat and be ready for the frying pan with the best attitude.

  "Okay, Master." Sofia agreed happily, and then happily enjoyed a sumptuous dinner with Lawrence.

  Lawrence had almost finished eating when he saw the three maids standing next to him.

  "What did you have for dinner?"

  Colin replied: "Chicken and bread."

  Lawrence thought for a moment and quickly said: "What did you eat when you were captured?"

  Colin and the other two nuns were exposed A very bad expression, obviously it was a very unpleasant memory.

  "The food here is not that rich." Lawrence reminded: "The people here are not as easy to talk to as they seem. Killing, plundering, robbery, and violence are all normal things." "If you think that your status as a noble

  , If your blood can get more food here than others, then I can tell you, no." "

  No one cares about those titles in this land."

  "You can meet a wise man like me who is easy to talk to. It's you. Lucky, but I am not a generous and merciful god, and I will not tolerate a group of strangers who have just arrived two days ago." "

  Before you become maids, I think you should first understand what most women in this land have to do. "

  Perhaps you can understand the warmth of a wooden house after living with those savages for one night." "

  You have to go to the fields to farm, go to the forest to cut and carry wood, and then you can understand how good it is to be a maid."

  Colin said quickly: "No. , Sir, we have accepted God's trial. It was God who allowed us to meet and let us stay here." "

  That is God's business, not mine." Lawrence said directly: "We have our own rules here. , the slaves who come here on the first day will have to stay outside all night." "

  I was tired and didn't arrange for you to do this before, so let's start from today." "

  Of course you can also choose to escape, the people at the foot of the mountain are the ones who captured you The acquaintances who came here, maybe you miss their strength and smell more."

  Sariel watched quietly. They didn't have the rule of sleeping outside on the first night. It was obviously Lawrence's own nonsense.

  Lawrence didn't like these noble descendants very much, but compared to other barbarians, these people were indeed easier to communicate with.

  It is not to punish these people for remaining humble and submissive, but these people want to be like their family, eating chicken and bread.

  Sophia usually doesn't dare to make such an opinion, and Salil is not a luxurious girl.

  It was obvious that these three nuns came over and tried to persuade them. In order to eat some meat for themselves, they used the tricks of nobles to deceive children and stupid women.

  Bang, a crow flew towards the window.

  The crow stood at the window and looked at it, tapping the wooden window with its beak.

  Lawrence walked over and opened the window. The windows at home were covered with screens, so he chose the pulling method.

  Open the window and put the crow standing there on your shoulder.

  The crow stood obediently on Lawrence's shoulder, waiting for his meal.

  Lawrence often feeds crows cooked meat. In addition to insects, the crows have developed a preference between cooked meat and raw meat.

  "By the way, I haven't told you my name yet." Lawrence closed the window and walked to the dining table.

  "Lawrence Crowfeather is the owner of this Mountain Breeze Manor, and he is also the prophet, witch doctor, priest, and wise man here in the Agama Mountains."

  Lawrence was not a kind person. He kept the food prepared by the nuns for themselves. While serving his own breakfast, he drove the three poor maids to sleep under the simple wooden shed.

  (End of chapter)

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