Chapter 135 Treasure Chest

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  Chapter 135 Treasure Chest
  Redbeard watched Lawrence’s performance with a smile.

  He doesn't believe this.

  Andrew didn't believe it either.

  But neither of them revealed this.

  Because the Pumixiu and the Wakili believe this.

  On the way back, it was precisely because Kate waited day and night for Lawrence to save him that she infected the rest of the Pumixiu and Valkyrie people, allowing these troublesome people to persist.

  People who are sick are not just as simple as not wanting to eat and bleed, these guys with bad brains will question Redbeard's orders like crazy.

  Redbeard used to rely on killing people to solve problems and throwing the sick people into the sea.

  If there were better means, Red Beard would not want to kill people, and he would not want the number of people who were already few to become fewer and fewer.

  It does no harm to Red Beard that others believe these things, so Red Beard does not object to the ridiculous performance of the weak man in front of him.

  Lawrence quickly comforted the patient, then walked over and said: "They will no longer get sick, but they will not get better easily within a few months and need to rest for a while." Red Beard said casually: "Okay, no need in winter

  . There are so many people, and I just have to go back."

  Lawrence said: "It is best for patients not to take a boat. If you must take a boat, I hope you will spend some time collecting some fruits and vegetables from the forest, and don't eat them all the time. Bread and meat."

  Redbeard thought for a moment, "I will consider your request."

  Andrew and Sariel walked over together.

  "Lawrence, I didn't grab many things this time. I heard from Kate that you don't lack those things now." Andrew smiled and said, "Go to the box over there and take a look at the gift I gave you." Lawrence said very gratefully

  : "Thank you Andrew, I brought the fruit wine, do you want to try it?"

  Andrew laughed heartily, "Hahaha! Of course!"

  Lawrence quickly handed the food he brought to Andrew.

  Buttered bread + kale + garlic + lamb slices = Big Mac lamb and vegetable burger.

  Pair it with slightly sweet fruit wine to taste even better!

  Seeing this, Doug and Red Beard next to him also had great appetites.

  Redbeard said directly: "Haha! Give me some!"

  Lawrence smiled and said: "Dum Village is already cooking. I suggest everyone take a rest tonight and eat some land food."

  Redbeard looked at Andrew , Andrew ate the fresh vegetables and butter that he had not eaten for a long time, and said with a smile: "Doug, kill a few sheep, we are going to have a lively drinking session today!" Doug naturally agreed, and quickly asked the other healthy

  Pumixiu people to make arrangements. .

  Seeing that everyone had no questions, Lawrence walked to the box to check the gifts.

  There were five boxes that looked different in size. Lawrence opened the first box.

  Inside the box was a thick pile of fabric.

  Lawrence turned to the end and couldn't find the hidden items. These were just ordinary linen fabrics that could be used to make about a dozen clothes.

  The second box contained a box of wheat, about two hundred kilograms.

  The third box also contained grain. It seemed that Andrew knew about the last time the slaves escaped and the wheat fields were eaten by sheep, and he was worried that the family would not have enough to eat.

  The fourth box contained books and scrolls, all of which looked fresh, as well as several blank scrolls and quills, and bottles of ink. The fifth box contains utensils, including silver candle holders, tin pots, iron knives and forks for eating, clean tablecloths, and exquisite glass bottles.

  Looking at the five boxes, Lawrence suddenly didn't know what to say.

  They are all useful things, and they are also quite heavy...

  "Thank you, Andrew!" Lawrence thanked him sincerely. It was better to receive a gift than nothing at all.

  Andrew said: "As long as you like it. You and Salil can go back together tomorrow. I'm going to go to Valkyrie."

  Lawrence nodded, and Salil said reluctantly: "Don't go to Lawrence's place." Take a look? The place we live in now is very spacious and can accommodate many people."

  Andrew smiled: "Saryl, I don't want to go back anymore. You and Lawrence are there quietly. I will wait for a few years, or many years. If I have time, I will go back to see you."

  Salil had no choice but to do this.

  Lawrence did not interrupt the father-daughter reunion and quickly went over to help.

  Kate felt much better after going to the ground, especially after waiting for a while and eating the food brought by her wife, she no longer looked so haggard.

  Lawrence asked: "Kate, did you get a lot of good things this time?"

  Kate was very grateful for Lawrence's rescue and didn't feel the need to hide it.

  "Red Beard and my father robbed the nobles on the beach. There were several boxes of silver coins, jewelry, and weapons on the boat! I heard that there were also two sets of armors, which were not cheap." Lauren's eyes widened after hearing this

  . Having lived in a noble manor, I knew very well that these were hard currencies.

  Sure enough, all good things come from these heads.

  Lawrence could only be envious, who allowed people to risk their lives to snatch these things?

  Moreover, several Valkyries and Pumixiu people died, and they were the ones who formed the fleet, so they naturally had to take the lion's share.

  Lawrence and Kate sat on the beach chatting, and soon Friesen came over.

  "Mr. Lawrence." After seeing Kate, Friesen said happily: "Kate, has the curse on you disappeared? I said Mr. Lawrence can definitely get rid of Poseidon's curse!" Kate said: "I feel much better

  ! "

  Lawrence looked at Friesen, "Friesen, how's your harvest this time?"

  Friesen said proudly: "I got jewelry as heavy as a goat! You can go to Telland Big Hoof City to exchange for it later. How many carts of food and wine!"

  Kate said: "I grabbed an iron sword and clothes worn by nobles! More silver coins than two hands can hold!"

  This time, under the leadership of Red Beard, a group of people did indeed A bumper harvest was achieved.

  At first, Lawrence could get pigs, sheep and chickens for five silver coins. This time, Kate, Friesen and others gained more than that.

  The three of them chatted for a while, and Friesen quickly whispered: "Red Beard will not always follow the count, nor will he always give his share to the count. I heard from Doug that Red Beard plans to take his family home." In the western island, we will specialize in western business from now on."

  Lawrence nodded, "Sounds perfect."

  The east and south have been washed almost ten times, and now only a little bit of land is left in the southern kingdom.

  The Western Kingdom is still a land of girls that has not been visited too many times by barbarians.

  Compared to the harsh cold climate of the Wakiri people, the Wakiri people are naturally willing to live on a much warmer island, and by the way, they are closer to the fat sheep.

  (End of chapter)

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