Chapter 75 Remarks on the launch

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  Remarks on the launch of Chapter 75
  In October 2019, I was diagnosed with "moderate depression" at Anding Hospital in BJ City.

  It is a genuine brainwave and visual power test result.

  The doctor suggested that I take medication for treatment, but the risk was a bit high, because at that time the moderate condition had turned to severe, and there was a chance that I would develop "bipolar disorder" due to taking the medication.

  So I refused to take medicine.

  The only way to get out of depression on your own is to change your lifestyle.

  I moved.

  Quit my job.

  Every night I still experience rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, and even visual ghosting.

  With no other choice, I took out the PS4 that had been stored for half a year, thinking about playing games to distract myself, and then I started "Dark Souls 3" again.

  ...I don’t know what I was thinking at the time.

  While playing, I fell in love with the obscene genre of red tear stone and inherent potential.

  Then that night, when I was playing Thriller Paradise for the third time, I suddenly thought, should I write a novel about "unlimited blood flow"?

  So, "The Bloody Player" came out.

  21,000 words were received from the contracted website.

  Then it was on the worst "new book selection" recommendation at the time.

  Only one book could be promoted in this recommendation. When the situation was good, I was rejected by a big brother by buying chapters (the effect of chapter promotion was extremely good at that time).

  I didn't take it seriously.

  I just thought, it doesn’t matter, as long as it’s fun to write.

  220,000 words returned to the recommendation position for the first time.

  280,000 words and six channels.

  I could have rushed to Sanjiang, but the editor told me at the time that there were too many words and I had to put it on the shelves.

  I didn't take it seriously, thinking that I wrote it for fun anyway.

  On the first day it was released, I came to ask for leave.

  On a whim the day after it was released, the first chapter was free.

  I haven't seen the above operations from other authors... Facts prove how indulgent a person can be after suffering from mental illness.

  Until February 2020, a review at Anding Hospital showed that my depression was effectively under control.

  I was shocked.

  After thinking about it for a while, it seemed that writing a novel had completely diverted my attention.

  It seemed like it was during the epidemic.

  I just sit at home every day, write novels and treat illnesses, and then do private work to earn living expenses.

  About half a year passed.

  I'm in a good condition to go to work.

  I kept writing the novel until one day, the editor told me that I was on the "Editor-in-Chief Recommendation" list.

  I didn’t understand at the time how a small book like mine, which cost RMB 300 per order, could be so highly recommended.

  "Residual Blood Player" only has 40-70 subscriptions per day, so it is impossible to be recommended by the editor-in-chief.

  Later, I came into contact with some people because of work, and found out from the data on a certain piracy platform that the number of pirated readers of my book was between 10,000 and 40,000, with the peak reading exceeding 70,000.

  The follow-up orders are hundreds or even a thousand times more than the genuine ones.

  At that moment I was beyond happy.

  Not out of joy.

  I just feel that my life is really abstract.

  In the process of writing "Residual Blood", I also encountered some other obstacles, such as my boss knowing that I wrote a novel and giving me little shoes to wear, or the disease relapsed, etc., but I couldn't move to write.

  Until, November 21, 2020.

  The left arm suffered a comminuted fracture.

  The radial nerve was severed.

  The left arm is completely disabled.

  I can't move my hands anymore.

  "Residual Blood" was forced to end.

  To this day, my left arm has still not fully recovered. At the beginning of the year, I was even thinking about whether I could get a disability certificate.

  Fate will always give you ups and downs.

  Sometimes it’s okay to just accept it.

  after that.

  I have written other books, and this time I have tried to learn the so-called online writing method to make it more enjoyable.

  During this period, I experienced unexplainable things such as being maliciously trolled.

  It wasn’t until I was constantly frustrated that I realized that I was not suitable for writing exciting articles.

  Two months ago, I told my wife that I would stop writing.

  I'm not destined to do this, so there's no need to put in the effort, not to mention I need to make money.

  She knew that I was holding back a lot of energy, so she told me that if I wanted to give it a try, I would try it one last time.

  At that time, someone approached me to write a guarantee. At that time, I was thinking about what to write in the last book.

  I read the novel for several days.

  Finally, I found that the ones I watched the most were "Horrorland", "Infinite Horror" and "Hell Apartment".

  Unlimited streaming of three books.

  It’s also my favorite and best type.

  As for the theme.

  Well...since it starts with "remaining blood", let's end with "remaining blood".

  I abandoned the writing methods I learned and used my best and most original way to write. At the same time, I was bidding farewell to the fast pace of the market, which was doomed to fail in internal investment.

  The editor who picked me up, Ryusei, was not optimistic either.

  This book violates the writing method of the online article market.

  But that’s what I want to write.

  Anyway, I thought it was the last one, so what the heck.


  of the above casual thoughts as if I was miserable.

  In fact, there are many things that I can do badly.

  For example, I got a concussion while playing in the aquarium, my face was burned by the desk lamp while doing my homework, and I was so happy that I burned the back of my neck while eating a candy triangle (really)... Another example is that I was so meowing when I was writing this book

  . I was ill for half a month and could only sleep 2 to 4 hours a day. I suddenly recovered the day before it was put on the shelves.

  Let’s talk about this book.

  Since it is a reset version, I have to get rid of a lot of bad content from the past.

  The original version theoretically stated that I had a detailed outline of 1.28 million words, but in fact all content above 1.2 million words had to be discarded.

  At first I was thinking about changing the first big story from Nier to something else.

  After all, Neil is unpopular.

  But after thinking about it for a while, I decided not to change it for the sake of Chabai.

  However, this led to the similarity of Nier's plot at the beginning. Although I started to develop the plot in other directions in the middle period, I still couldn't escape from copying myself.

  However, the beginning of Neil's final story is completely different from the original.

  Let me mention something here.

  They would go back to the Nier world where Cha Bai was.

  in addition.

  Now, this big chapter of The Witcher is actually the content that I incorporated into the plot that was not written in the original version.

  Cyberpunk was something I wanted to write about at the time, but now I’m putting it in advance.

  There are many more modifications.

  For example, in the original version, Li Nuo was always led by the Mirror Master.

  In this version, I plan to let Li Nuo scheme against a mirror master.

  This resulted in all plot lines having to be restarted.

  Completely different from previous content.

  There are still a lot of foreshadowings of the story, which I will reveal little by little, but I won’t bury it for too long.

  Believe me, I will never write any meaningless hydrology, everything that happens will have its important role.

  Please read it patiently.

  After talking about so much... in the end I couldn't get around that sentence.

  Please make an initial order.


  I need this subscription.

  So far, my first orders have been thirty to one or forty to one, which is simply unbearable to see in online articles.

  in other words.

  Once the initial subscription ratio is more than 25 to 1, the death of a book has been pronounced.

  For a book of this proportion, even if there are 20,000 updates per day, there will be no channels to recommend it.

  Without exposure there can be no subscription.

  Even the last book.

  I also really hope that the burial will be more decent.

  So please.

  Since I haven’t saved the manuscript yet, I will start writing from now on.

  I will write until August 1st, which is 18:00 today, and I will publish as many chapters as I write.

  In order not to spend too much money on subscriptions, I will definitely put the first chapter on the shelf at 2,000 words.

  Anyway, that’s it.

  Let me end it like I wrote in Chapter 7:
  "Welcome back to the Endless Corridor."

  (End of this chapter)

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