Chapter 22 Devil

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  Chapter 22
  The voice of the Devil System reached Li Nuo's ears. Because it was a single-person mission, he was the only one who heard it.

  "My car is broken down...but I lack the parts to repair it. If I can return to my residence..." Emil's voice gradually slowed down with a helpless tone: "However, I can't find my home." "Okay

  . "Okay."

  Li Nuo responded, it was still a car repair task...

  He stood up and walked to the car. The car body was somewhat dented, the wheels were crooked, and the goods poured out of the rack at the back of the car and scattered all over the floor.

  He picked up a few chip-like items and found out through inspection that these items could be put into the inventory, but Li Nuo did not dare to do so rashly.

  "Wait for me for a moment, single-player branch." He turned around and pointed out five fingers to the two people behind him: "Five minutes will be enough. If not, we will continue on our way."

  Then he frowned and his whole mind began to spin.

  The task level is 16~45, which fluctuates greatly.

  The level 45 mission is already beyond the standard in terms of difficulty, which should correspond to the way it is completed in the original game.

  In the original plot, you need to enter the underground area, pass through many high-level enemy areas, and finally find Emil's home after a lot of hard work.

  In theory, this is true.

  But a series of events that have happened so far have led Li Nuo to make a bold hypothesis. In the Endless Corridor, the task level is a symbolic symbol. It tells you the most direct and effective means of completing it. But in addition, there are "evil ways" Can go.

  Just like in many games, players can enter the later maps through bugs in the early stage to obtain artifacts, and then return to the early stage to easily defeat the level with a crushing attitude.

  The evil method may be level 16 mission difficulty.

  Thinking of this, Li Nuo asked: "Emil, did you make this car yourself?"

  Emil jumped up and nodded: "Yes."

  "Then what if, I find a replacement, but it doesn't meet your expectations?" The parts, can you repair it?"

  "It's not that I haven't tried... but the parts here are all broken."

  That's it...

  Li Nuo was suddenly enlightened.

  If you have read the short story "Memories of Emil" related to Neil, you will know that Emil always creates new bodies for himself. He has made himself into armored vehicles and pickup trucks. The only thing that remains unchanged is this round shape. The rumbling head.

  Well, Emil's body is the car itself...

  Li Nuo is usually very idle... so he has a lot of time to waste.

  As for the way of waste, he chose to endlessly absorb "useless" knowledge.

  This also results in his knowledge reserve being radiated from all directions. In order to play the game, he sometimes even reads all the game settings, including the original novel, word for word.

  Then, through the shallow memory method, the understood content is changed into fragmented information and "saved" in the brain sulcus.

  He knew all the information about Emil.

  "So why don't you try changing your body?" Li Nuo asked.

  "But I need parts, a driving device. Only the factory has it, but the factory can't get in." Emil said.

  Can't get into the factory?

  Li Nuo wrote down this key information and thought to himself, if he continues to ask, Emil should tell him what materials are needed, and then we have to look for these damn materials and not let this happen.

  "I have a way." Li Nuo said, and then walked towards Sanbengzi.

  At this time, Chen Shou and Marjie, who were listening to them from behind, seemed to have some enlightenment.

  He wants to give Santengzi to this hidden BOSS?

  But it's different from what they thought.

  Li Nuo took out the [worn pedals] from the satchel on the passenger side.

  He handed the rusty pedals to Emir.

  Emil was confused: "I, I don't understand."

  Yes, I don't understand either, Chen Shou complained in his heart.

  Li Nuo said: "You can use it as a starting system and return to the most primitive pedal tricycle."

  Emil was stunned for a few seconds and then suddenly jumped: "Okay! This is an emergency method, but the appearance of the car must be It has changed. I want to make a new body for myself."

  "Will the speed of the car change?" Li Nuo asked. He was very concerned about this matter. If possible, he really wanted Emil's car to travel with him. .

  Emil: "You can use the pedals to drive the engine without changing the speed of the vehicle. At least I won't be tired when using it."

  Li Nuo was shocked, what kind of black technology!

  Emil looked at the pedal and said, "But... your pedal is too old. I'll find something to assemble one." "Ah...

  no need, I have a way to do this." Li Nuo said Then he opened the backpack panel and took out the [Repair Light Powder] from inside.

  Although this thing is called "Light Powder", it actually looks like a palm-sized hammer.

  He shook it twice in his hand. The characteristic of [Repair Light Powder] is that it can repair bound equipment and uncomplicated equipment. It certainly can't be repaired like Emil's car, but if it's a pedal, it's not a big problem.

  He turned around with the hammer and asked the two people behind him: "Do you know how to use this thing?"

  Marger shook his head.

  Chen Shou shook his head.

  "Then let's take a guess." Li Nuo raised the hammer and hit it hard on the pedals!
  Bang! Scattered golden powder splashed.

  "Sure enough... it's smashing again... Normal people would choose to hit it with a hammer... But why do I think it's natural for him to do this..." These words flew through Chen Shou's mind like a banner, In his view, Li Nuo has been labeled a "weird".

  "Ahh! What are you doing?!" Emil was frightened by Li Nuo's behavior and felt confused and a little troubled.

  At this moment, the pedals glowed with white light. The light was not dazzling but very bright. After the light source faded, it was restored to perfect condition.

  Emil put his pedal on his head and was so happy.

  "Thank you!"

  He brought the pedal to the broken car, and then Li Nuo and the other three saw what magic was... "Okay, it's repaired!

  " The broken blue car The tin car changed in an instant, and Emil jumped on it and said to himself: "I have to screw myself onto the car seat...and then..." [

  Side mission completed]

  [Help Emil]

  [ Mission level: lv16]

  [Mission reward: Emil’s mask, expanded backpack grid*2, experience value 2500]

  When he heard the settlement sound of the system, Emil jumped off the tricycle. He rolled behind the frame, not knowing how to use it. Somehow I found a mask that was exactly the same as my own face. There was a small satchel on the mask.

  "Thank you. As a thank you, I give you this commemorative mask and backpack!"

  Emil delivered the reward to Li Nuo.

  He reached out and touched his satchel, and a system panel popped up:
  [Number of Personal Backpack Grids + 2]

  At the same time, Li Nuo opened his personal backpack, and the number of grids changed from six to eight.

  He then took away the mask, glanced at the item information and did not rush to equip it. There was a special reward in the mission, so he could try again to see if he could get it.

  Li Nuo took the mask in his hand, placed it in front of his eyes, shook it twice as if examining it, and then frowned.

  "What's wrong, you don't like my thank you gift?" Emil asked worriedly.

  "No, I like it very's just..."

  Li Nuo hesitated. At first, he didn't know that Emil would trigger the side mission. The reason why he was so happy when he saw the iron car crushed under the pile of rocks was that It was because there was something more important that he was eyeing.

  "Emil, can you lend me your car?"

  Emil lowered his head and stammered: "I, I refuse..."

  Li Nuo sat down cross-legged, facing Emil, and said tightly Staring closely at the opponent's two white hole-like pupils, he asked in an easy-going tone: "Why?"

  Chen Shou, who was standing behind, heard Li Nuo ask "why" and thought, isn't this normal? I’ve given you rewards and still want a car?

  But the next moment, he suddenly felt tense all over, thinking of something that ordinary people couldn't do, but that certain groups of people would do... Li Nuo wouldn't want to rob him... Just when Emil hesitated for a

  moment Finally, he finally answered: "I want to go home, and to sell things, I need to be driven by a car." "

  So your home is far away?" Li Nuo knew the answer, but he still had to pretend not to understand. .


  Li Nuo pointed at the "goods" covered on the ground and asked, "Then... have you sold these things?" "No, there are

  no customers..."

  "Well, your family is very busy. Far away, but you still have to come here to sell your goods that have no buyers at all. Then, Emil, what does selling mean to you? Or..." Li Nuo paused here and stood up on crutches. , looking at the blue tin car that turned into a tricycle, he smiled kindly: "What does this car mean to you?" "

  Meaning..." Emil pondered this word, but strangely he couldn't make it out on his face. The expression on his face can actually make people see the word "thinking".

  Li Nuo sat cross-legged across from Emil again, this time the distance was even closer: "Can't you think of it?"

  Emil swayed from side to side.

  Looking at this big head, Li Nuo thought to himself: Of course I can't think of it, it's set to let you do this.

  "I know the reason."

  Emil looked at Li Nuo and asked stammering: "What...what reason?"

  Li Nuo stretched out his hand to hold on the top of Emil's round and smooth head, and raised a gentle arc at the corner of his mouth. .

  "You want friends."

  Friends! What kind of expansion is this? Chen Shou's heart was filled with confusion, but a trace of reason was still suppressing the restless spirit of complaining.

  "Friend..." Emil's tone was hesitant, but it also conveyed recognition.

  "Yes, they are friends."

  Li Nuo gently stroked Emil's iron head and then explained: "You live alone for one year, two or three years until you forget how many years have passed. Do you want to find A partner who can talk to you, so you leave your nest and set out aimlessly to find a partner who can accompany you. The goods on these cars are just so-called communication tools, playing the role of a 'businessman'. As a store owner, you can reach more people."

  "In order to... contact more... partners?" Emil asked and answered.

  Li Nuo didn't give him any extra time to think, and immediately pointed to the ground and said: "But it is impossible for you to find a partner here, in this ruins, because these mechanical life forms are a group of creatures that do not yet have the ability to fully think. "

  Emil looked at Li Nuo, as silent as a toy that couldn't move or speak, and Li Nuo also fell silent after finishing.

  A few seconds later, Emil said: "Then... what should I do?"

  Chen Shou was confused, turned to look at Marjie who had been watching the show, and asked listlessly: "Brother Ma... this is a pyramid scheme, right? ?"

  Facing Emil's question, Li Nuo's eyes showed a trace of visible kindness and sincerity.

  "There is a place where many people can be your friends."

  "Where?" This sentence ignited Emil's expectations.

  Li Nuo pointed to the road they had taken when they came: "The gathering place of artificial people, the resistance camp."

  Emil hesitated after hearing about the resistance camp: "I know where it is, but...but will they accept me? After all, I look... very strange..."

  "Accept you? This is easy to handle."

  Li Nuo smiled at this: "On that road, there was a resistance soldier who was attacked by a mechanical life form and fell into coma. The three of us After rescuing him, you take the man to the camp and explain clearly why we rescued him and entrusted you to escort him. I believe that the kind-hearted artificial people will accept you." "Is that okay?" Emil asked


  Li Nuo stood up with a stick, brushed off the dirt on his body, bent down and smiled at Emil and said, "I promise you."

  Chen Shou's expression was numb at this time.

  "If you have friends." Li Nuo smiled and tilted his head: "Emil, in that case, do you still need your car and the goods on your car?" Emil: "No need.


  Marjie laughed: "This is not a pyramid scheme."

  Chen Shou nodded: "Yes, it is the devil."

  (End of Chapter)

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