Chapter 114: Tear apart the dream, Kevir in the water

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  Chapter 114 Tear apart the dream, Kevir in the water
  ["Leviathan" has been summoned]

  [Consume 99% of life force]

  [Consume 99% of magic power]

  [The level of this creature cannot be budgeted for the time being. It is calculated based on your level, spiritual power and physique. The effective time for Leviathan to appear is 8 minutes]

  [If you die during this period, Leviathan will also disappear]

  Chabai fell to the ground, using up the last bit of strength to think in his heart: "Kill... the shadow elder ."

  Leviathan swooped in the air and fell from the clouds.

  The red sky was illuminated by the light from its body, and the blood red and fishy stench were washed away by the heavy rain.

  It looked at the shadow elder standing at the top of Tris Church.

  He raised his head and roared at the sky.

  An invisible sound wave spreads around like a disc, turning the blood-red sky into dark clouds wherever it passes, waking up sleeping people.

  The dream was torn apart.

  Everyone in Keville City saw a silver dragon wandering in the sky, hovering under the clouds like a huge ribbon.

  The heavy rain spread along the outer city and fell on the entire Keville.

  Old Town.

  The dilapidated city was washed away by heavy rains.

  That layer of blood was washed away.

  Wash away the curse of the dream.

  The people trapped here have come out of their nightmare.

  The Curia of Sorceresses.

  Morris and other leaders among the warlocks stood on the rooftop, looking down at the behemoth, and a magic power that they had never felt before filled the surroundings.


  this is what Triss once said to them, what God should be like.

  He seems to have spanned countless distant nights.

  Experienced countless reincarnations.

  Wander into the time and space tunnel in a fantasy world.

  Arriving in the sky above Kevir.

  On earth...

  who did it?

  These warlocks knew that the appearance of this creature was summoned just like the Mirror Master.

  As far away as Toussaint.

  The Lake Fairy opened her eyes.

  The invasion of alien magic will change the world.

  The Shadow Elder stood at the top of the church.

  The tallest creature that rules the world feels the "blessing" called "death" for the first time at this moment.

  Its thin body suddenly twitched.

  Facing God's oppression at close range awakens the cruel nature.

  Bones protruding from flesh.

  Huge wings sprouted from behind, almost covering the sun.

  It grew fangs, and the eyes on its face were squeezed together and burst out from the top of its head, densely spreading the curse caused by spiritual vision.

  "Bloodborne" and "The Witcher" together created this unbeatable monster.

  But no matter how strong the monster is, it will never stand up to the Water God.

  Just monsters.

  Leviathan roared, and almost the entire Kovir was shaking. A giant magic circle appeared in the sky, and a water jet that could cut the earth was shot out, instantly destroying the church where the Shadow Elder was!


  the window is open.

  Wind and rain poured into the room.

  Li Nuo and Marjie stood side by side in front of the window.

  The two of them kept their arms crossed and looked at Leviathan in the sky with the same calm expression.

  "Li Nuo, tell me." Marjie's mouth trembled: "Did you do something that you can't tell us, so Leviathan appeared?" "

  Ha..." Li Nuo sneered: "No."

  Marjie said, "That's really a coincidence."

  "Yes." Li Nuo turned his head, looked at Cha Bai lying on the ground, and said, "This is the treatment the protagonist should have..."

  In Leviathan The moment he appeared, Marjie had already given Chabai blood medicine, but the destructive power of this god was too exaggerated, not far from Bahamut who killed the Flower of Destruction.

  In addition, Leviathan is a summonable creature in the magic stone. In addition to deducting 99% of the blood volume, it also consumes almost all the magic power.

  Marjie: "What should we do now?"

  Li Nuo: "What do you think?"

  "Run first."

  "Run first."

  Marjie put the package on his back, and Li Nuo picked up Chabai. Both of them were carrying more than 200 kilograms. If the pressure goes out, everything will be over in theory within 8 minutes.

  At this moment, Leviathan transformed into a waterspout and struck the Shadow Elder on the ground. Its attack caused a large amount of water to pop out of the ground, rising to a tsunami-like height in an instant. Buildings in some areas of the outer city were submerged in an instant. .

  Li Nuo struggled to get his head out of the water, put Cha Bai on the roof, and finally climbed up.

  He took a deep breath and looked at the water all around him.

  The corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily: "Ha... Kevir has become Venice."

  "Hey! Over there!"

  A voice came from the distance. Li Nuo turned his head and saw a group of warlocks and soldiers floating on the water together. On the roof above, the warlocks used some kind of strange spell to protect that location with a film. Some refugees wandering in the outer city were being fished out by the soldiers, except for Marjie, who was kept splashing outside by the film.

  Li Nuo was shocked: "You all really have the spirit to save the world..."

  The female sorcerer Felina squeezed out from among dozens of people and shouted: "Give us the source warlock!"

  Li Nuo was stunned: "Are you robbers! "

  Sorry!" Felina shouted again: "Thank you, please protect the Source Warlock and hand her over to us safely!" "

  That's right~" Li Nuo smiled as he saw Feilina and the soldiers. His expression suddenly changed.

  A flash of light flashed, and a giant sword fell towards Cha Bai.

  Before the sword blade touched the white hair, the cane had already blocked its path.

  Li Nuo turned his head, stared at a huge figure behind him and said, "Warlocks, can you let me hand her over safely." "Can you hand her over to

  me safely?" Player Wiggs smiled with his teeth. Said.

  Li Nuo: "What do you think of me?"

  Wiggs: "Belmont said, you'd better be dead." Before he finished speaking, Wiggs had already twisted his wrist, turned the blade of the sword, and scratched with the sharp edge. The cane wiped out sparks and slashed towards Li Nuo's head.

  When the blade of the sword was already attached to Li Nuo's neck, Vigors sneered. Li Nuo suddenly moved slightly and used the [Weapon Box] on his back to block the giant sword's blow, and used Vigus to give himself The force inertia lowered the posture, the cane crossed the roof and splashed rubble, and the body of the cane instantly turned into a whip blade wrapped with molecular lines.

  At this moment, Wiggs felt a sense of danger, and his body instantly transformed into the shape of a bat.


  Li Nuo snapped his fingers and activated [Seal of Arden]. The purple trap drew a circle with him as the center, and Wiggs' temporary virtualization was forced back to his physical form.

  The whip blade had already been swung out at this time and wrapped around Wiggs' neck. The strong man roared because of the burning of the molecular wires.

  "Hahahaha! Do you want to dance?"

  Li Nuo laughed wildly and twitched the whip blade holding Wiggs' neck, pulling the big man into the air, and then took out the Malorian pistol.

  Pull the trigger continuously on Wiggs.





  Finally, he exchanged 1% of his health for a mercury bullet, which directly blew Wiggs's head off.

  The strong man fell into the water, blood floating around him, and one arm was broken by a modern bullet from a high-tech firearm.

  [5005 players have been killed]

  [You have obtained 1203 gold coins]

  Li Nuo turned his head and Feilina had flown out of the barrier and was standing behind him. She originally wanted to come to help, but it ended too quickly...

  "Yuan Warlock is here. Please." Li Nuo put down these words and rushed towards the position where the Shadow Elder was fighting Leviathan.

  The Shadow Elder might not be easily killed physically, so a second insurance policy was needed to give Li Nuo peace of mind when it was dying.

  For example, wait for this guy to run out of health, then use a Poké Ball to kill it.

  Hmm...this trick has definitely been used.

  But it works!
  "Why are you going! Hey! It's dangerous over there!" Felina shouted.

  "No need to shout..." Marjie just climbed out of the water. He said to the soldiers and warlocks: "He won't cause trouble. You all just need to do your own thing." "Huh..." Several

  warlocks Move Cha Bai to the rooftop with the barrier.

  Their hands are shaking...

  Why are they so heavy?
  "The flood has washed away the barracks downstream, but fortunately there are not many people..." A soldier said: "Warlocks, go further, it is too dangerous here, everyone who can be saved has been saved, we need to wait Rescued."

  Felina looked at the Leviathan flying in the sky and wiped the rain from her face: "Do you still have any objections?"

  No one spoke, indicating acquiescence.

  Marger said at this time: "Why not take advantage of this moment to catch all the vampires who are harming Kevir?"

  "Too naive." The soldier said: "Facing those monsters, we only have water-filled guns in our hands... ..."

  Marger opened the package, took out the rifle [Ajax] from inside, threw it to the soldier, and said: "I still have a few usable rifles in my hand, and their performance is better than yours." Soldier

  . They looked at this strange-looking firearm.

  "It's pointless for us to do this kind of thing." A soldier said, "Don't get in the way and wait for rescue." "

  Hmph...has the rescue signal been sent out?" Marger said.

  Soldier: "Now... probably not yet."

  Marger asked again: "If we wait here, no monsters will attack us?"

  Warlock: "No... vampires can smell human scent."

  "Okay, Then let me ask the last question!" Marger spread his arms and said arrogantly: "Anonymous or a celebrity? Do you want to make a big career in a big way, or do you want to lie on a hospital bed with tubes inserted into your body? Waiting to die?"

  A few seconds later, Felina broke the silence, raised her head and said: "Waiting to die."


  Marger was very embarrassed.

  Bang... A soldier picked up his weapon and said, "Let's give it a try... What if I can be promoted because of this?"

  Immediately afterwards, several more soldiers responded.

  Marjie was even more embarrassed. If he had known about it, he would have just thrown away the money... But he thought that at least these soldiers could help Li Nuo do something when they entered the dangerous area.

  And he is helpless...

  I am too weak.

  Nothing can be done.

  But, but this is the last time.


  Adam Ireland.

  This guy didn't die in the explosion in Novigrad. His passive skill [Stone Head] withstood the fatal blow.

  Then teammate Ni Yuexing rescued him.

  Adam, that's humiliating.

  This feeling of humiliation all comes from one player.

  The guy dressed as a witcher.

  After that, Adam met an old gentleman and learned from the man that a certain demon hunter had appeared in Kovir.

  Adam no longer wanted to complete any bullshit tasks.

  All he wanted now was to kill the witcher.

  However... there are unforeseen circumstances, and some people are unlucky enough to be hit by a car when they go out.

  As soon as Adam arrived in Coville, he entered the dreamland in the outer city. During this time, he has been hiding in the outer city of the dreamland, pretending to be a refugee to avoid the vampire's attention. He originally thought that if it didn't work out, he would be an honest person here. , and when the mission is about to end, use bows and arrows to sneak attack a few vampire players and earn some gold coins.

  However, some people are unlucky enough to be hit by a car and driven under a road roller when they go out.

  Leviathan, the water god, suddenly arrived.

  Adam could only hide.

  The flood washed away the small base he had worked so hard to build for a week.

  His food and ammunition were gone, and Ni Yuexiang was washed away by the flood.

  Now Adam sat in despair behind a chimney on a roof, hoping that nothing terrible would happen to him again.

  This script was all a haze for him...

  Adam took out a wet cigarette and put it in his mouth, took a puff of the cigarette that couldn't be lit, and looked at Leviathan with a look of drunkenness. Fei Wu, thinking that it was a worthwhile trip...

  "My team... were all killed by that guy... except Ni Yuexian."

  When Adam was lost, he heard a slight noise not far away.

  He looked toward a puddle beneath the building.

  A guy wearing a hat and a hunter's trench coat came into view.

  Adam's expression gradually began to change: "I found you."

  (End of this chapter)

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