Chapter 103 from "The Witcher" (11W)

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  Chapter 103 from "The Witcher" (1.1W)

  Randall looked at the fire that had not been extinguished and the smoke that was spreading arrogantly. He felt that there was no problem in using explosions to attract attention... But the key to this matter The question is, is this bomb too powerful...

  The fire seems to be out of control...

  Li Nuo crushed the controller, then turned around and took out the dagger from the backpack compartment, and then put the controller into the empty space.

  Everyone had no intention of staying here. They walked a short distance along the alley to the A02 stairwell, and entered a dirty residential building that looked like it had not been cleaned for several years.

  Most of the people living here are "sex dolls" and "addicts".

  Randall follows the coordinates.

  They found a locked elevator, with people on both sides of the elevator guarding it.

  Now they know why there are so many corporate dogs in Kabukicho.

  "Huban Company must be hiding something inside," Paso said.

  "What can you hide?" Gulis said nonchalantly: "It's a slum area down there, and going up there are shabby houses where the poor live." "Listen to me, in fact,

  some people have already discovered that the defense invested in Kabukicho is very strong. Big." Carter, who was playing with the electric airplane cup just now, said.

  A mercenary made a chirping sound, and then said: "It seems there are a lot of good things in here?" "It has

  nothing to do with us." Randall said: "We'd better find out how to get in. The target is located at There."

  "Let me take a look." The skin of Gulis's two arms split open, and sharp and sharp mantis knives popped out.

  She found a recess in the building, jumped nearly 3 meters with her ankles, used the mantis knife to grab the facade of the building, used the blade as a climbing ax to jam the wall bricks, quickly climbed up several floors, and used the mantis knife to grab the wall bricks. Stabilized in a corner of the concrete guardrail on the upper floor, I saw a picture of a certain floor.

  Gulis tapped her temple and transmitted the information she saw to the electronic brain through the spiritual connection, and then transmitted it to Randall's mobile phone.

  "There are a lot of desert patrolmen on the tenth floor disguised as ordinary people. They should just prevent people from sneaking in from the crowded Kabukicho... But it's strange. They look like they are on guard against something." Gulis turned on the communicator. She said, looking at the slum area below and continued: "...There are also patrols inside the slum area, but the number is very small." "Come

  down quickly and turn off your communicator." Randall said suddenly.

  "What's going on?" Gulis jumped off the wall lightly.

  The shock absorbers in her ankle joints worked when her feet landed on the ground. Li Nuo noticed this and subconsciously moved his heels.

  Randall said: "We have been invaded, and the cameras inside the slum can see you remotely." A ring-shaped pattern appeared in his pupils, his eyes were serious as if he was doing something, and after a moment he said: "The invasion has been lifted. "

  It's heavily guarded." Paso sighed.

  "We need to find a place to investigate the direction of the patrol." Randall turned his head and looked at the floors that were circling like a patio.

  "Well... I have something to share with you." Everyone turned their heads to Li Nuo who was speaking. He pouted at the elevator and said, "How about just going up from the elevator." Randall said

  : "Your method of using bombs to distract attention is indeed good. I am surprised and admire it, but attacking the guards at Huangban will trigger the alarm." "

  Who said... I am going to use violence..." Li Nuo said By the time he was walking, he had already walked deep into the alley. He waved: "Come with me. If the plan fails, they will drive us away." He took a few steps and then turned back and said, "Also, please dress more formally. , don’t act like a ruffian, otherwise I will be in trouble when I watch the plot animation." "

  He was talking about the plot animation just now..." Paso complained: "Is this kid really here to have fun?" "

  Everyone, put on your coats. Take it out and put it on." Randall remained silent after that. A verification message about Li Nuo was sent to his electronic brain: [No record] No

  record is generally used for homeless people and those who have just arrived at night. Outsiders in the city, or official personnel with special tasks.

  Randall was more inclined to the first option, because Li Nuo's body modification was too little. He thought about it and said: "Carter, Paso, Gulis, you three come with me, and the rest go Waiting for news downstairs."

  At this time, Li Nuo had already walked to the elevator.

  There were guards with guns standing on each side of the door. They were not dressed like a violent terrorist mobile unit, but more security guards.

  But the guns made in their hands don't lie.

  As Li Nuo walked over, he opened the memory in his brain and "took out" a section of "Cyberpunk 2077".

  Company V once expressed a concept in the game: Company employees are in a sense superior to others, so the way to treat company employees requires the use of "bullying."

  The guard's first reaction after seeing Li Nuo was to say: "You, and you, can't come in, this is a private elevator!"

  Li Nuo took off his hood (the clothes he stole were hoodies), exposed his face, and said with disdain and He said in a playful tone: "Handling the case, internal supervision."

  "Ha! You?" The two security guards looked at each other and smiled. They looked at Li Nuo and the strange-looking mercenaries behind him, and said, "If you I came here to play monkey tricks inside, so..."

  Li Nuo: "Name?"

  The Huangban guards were stunned.

  Li Nuo continued: "What are your names?"

  One of the guards said: "Then what is your name? No one has said anything..."

  "Temporary inspection related to sensitive and confidential leakage prevention?" After Li Nuo finished speaking, The two guards on the opposite side were stunned again.

  The mercenaries who were hiding far behind him were a bit... I don't know what was going on.

  But most people will have the same question: Is he stupid?
  A Huangban guard turned his head to the side, pinched his nose and pondered, and then said hesitantly: "Let us ask..."

  Li Nuo laughed: "What? Do you want to alarm Abernathy or Valerie? Or can I call them and ask them to talk to you about what the interim inspection process is?"

  Susan Abernathy, director of special operations for the Arasaka Group.

  Appeared in "Cyberpunk 2077" and interacted with V.

  Valerie, a senior member of the Huangban Counterintelligence Division, also known as V.

  A guard said hurriedly: "Uh... we, we don't mean that."

  Li Nuo: "Then why don't you get out of the way?"

  Guard: "Yes... I'm sorry, I don't know..."

  Li Nuo: "Get out."

  The door slowly opened, and Li Nuo raised his hand to the people behind him: "What are you doing standing there

  in a daze?" His sudden toughness made several mercenaries uncomfortable.

  Li Nuo's plan is to try a tough attitude first, and if it doesn't work, go directly to [Seal of Yaksi], but that is the worst of the worst, because there are two guards here, and the seal can only be output against one person, so when using When applying the Dharma Seal, one must violently deal with another person. In this situation, it would be better to crawl through the excretion pipe.

  There were only two buttons, up and down, in the elevator. It stopped when it reached the 10th floor. After getting out of the elevator, a woman stood beside the elevator and said, "I will make a registration for everyone. Please follow me..." "Who

  ? We asked you to register for us?" Li Nuo asked.

  Woman: "Well... the rules are..."

  Li Nuo: "I didn't ask you to do it, you don't have to do it, understand?"

  The woman touched her neck and nodded awkwardly.

  Paso, who was following behind, whispered: "What happened to this guy...? Did he put a curse on that woman?"

  Gulis rolled her eyes at him: "Shut up first."

  Randall explained: "He understands Huangban... Bullying is one of the essence of the company."

  They came to the corridor and glanced at a small number of people standing around. It could be seen at a glance that these guys were actually plainclothes Huangbans. Plate soldier.

  Whether a person has combat experience can be seen from their movements and eyes. Even if everyone has electronic eyes, they can't hide the cold gaze that only soldiers have.

  Someone noticed them, and when a tall patrolman passed by, he said to Li Nuo: "Just dress up like ordinary people, you are too ostentatious." He was referring

  to Li Nuo's [Weapon Box].

  "All the street kids are dressed like this." Li Nuo said without any concern and without any sense of nervousness: "Brothers, you have to pay attention to managing your expressions. With your appearance, you can be recognized by others at a glance and you are not ordinary people. ."

  When the elder brother saw that the other party was so serious... he scratched his chin: "Well... then how should I correct it?"

  Li Nuo said seriously: "Think for yourself! Is the brain used to eat shit?"

  he said As he was thinking, Marger, who could make shit, came to mind...

  Then the big brother really leaned against the wall and lowered his head in thought... The four mercenaries subconsciously moved a little further away from Li Nuo, including Randall... ...In a sense, Li Nuo's danger does not come from the physical aspect.

  Carter whispered: "Boss... what's next?"

  Randall: "Gulis, hack into the camera to find anything unusual... wait..."

  The mercenaries saw Li Nuo looking like a nail in front of a door. Still standing.

  There was a very strange smell of blood coming out of the door, and only Li Nuo could smell it, because the demon hunter's sensory system exceeded that of the cyborg.

  There was a man in a sports coat in front of the door. Just as he was about to speak, Li Nuo pointed his finger at him and used the [Seal of Yaksi].

  Then... when the group of mercenaries came over, they heard the following conversation:
  "Why are you here?"

  "I don't know... I just received the job."

  "Who is inside?"

  "It seems like... two people Researcher."

  "How to get in?"

  "Use my fingerprint..."

  "Open the door."

  Then they saw the plainclothes man using his fingerprint to open the door...

  [The Seal of Yaksi] The duration varies from person to person. , the effect on people whose will has been affected by the implant is a little longer.

  The moment the door opens.

  Li Nuo picked up two cigarette butts from the ground.

  He forcefully pushed the cigarette butt into the shape of a pen tip and said at the same time: "Surveillance."

  Gulis immediately used her electronic eyes to scan the surveillance equipment in the house, invading and shutting down in one go.

  There were only two people in the room wearing white doctor's uniforms. Just as one staff member was about to speak, Li Nuo quickly inserted the pointed cigarette butt into the man's neck.

  Then before the other person screamed, he threw another cigarette butt over, quickly stepped forward and used [Basic Joint Technique] to break the other person's neck.

  The total time is less than 3 seconds.

  At this time the door has been closed.

  During the whole process, except for Li Nuo's own words and the sound of his neck breaking, there was almost no extra movement.

  Everyone held their breath.

  Li Nuo's actions seemed to be unorganized...but when they thought about it, everything he did was more or less unexpected but ensured safety and strange rationality.

  The bombs were planted in advance to attract attention, the attack was crisp and extremely reasonable, making full use of the "weaknesses" of the company personnel, and there was also a strange "hacking" method to control the thinking ability.

  All the above behaviors have resulted in no danger at all so far, which is scary just thinking about it.

  The mercenaries felt that it would be very bad if Li Nuo was not a teammate but an opponent... Of course... Li Nuo's slightly neurotic sense of humor when he met them was excluded.

  The layout of the room is very simple, with two computers and an operating bed. Lying on the bed is a monster corpse that has been completely decomposed into small pieces.

  Li Nuo knocked on the computer and found some boring documents on it.

  He didn't let go of any content. He watched it from beginning to end. After watching it, he said, "Would you like to guess what I saw?"

  Pasuo said, "Pornographic film?"

  Li Nuo joked, "Ah~ yes, It's between you and a man."

  Paso was stunned and turned his face to the side... Li Nuo's brows trembled: "That...really?"

  "Don't waste time, tell us quickly, or let us take a look." Lan Del said.

  Li Nuo said: "Haban found traces of aliens nearby, so he organized a large number of company soldiers to investigate the area. They found some evidence that there was a connection between aliens and monsters, and the day before yesterday, they found traces of aliens in the slums. They encountered an alien mechanical body there and captured a monster next to it. The purpose of dissecting the monster now is to study monster cells, and to attract other monsters to appear, in order to achieve the third purpose - to find aliens. "

  He took a breath and said: "During this period, the alien appeared once, but the contactees only remembered it as a mechanical creature, and did not remember its appearance, characteristics, or voice, so they may have the ability to control people's memories. , based on the genes left by the monster and some other clues, it shows that aliens are still around here, and the guy seems to be hiding from something and is afraid to come out." The

  last sentence was his own understanding.

  If the alien was so awesome, it would have escaped long ago, so it must be afraid of something and dare not leave here.

  The amount of information may be large or small, but for these mercenaries who grew up in the neighborhood, it is still difficult to digest.

  There is no way, electronic brain will not increase people's IQ, just like a mage will not become a super brain if he increases his intelligence.

  Paso asked in a low voice: "Then what's next..."

  "What's next?" Li Nuo smiled and looked at the fragments of the monster's corpse on the operating bed, and then licked his lips.

  ", you don't want to eat this thing alive, do you?" said the mercenary Carter: "You can't mutate into a superman even if you eat it."

  Li Nuo looked at Carter with contempt and said: " I have no ambition... If I can become a superman by eating it, I will eat it even if it is a piece of shit-tasting maggots."

  Randall said: "What he means is... it is not a shame to sacrifice the bottom line of life in order to win at critical moments. Son..."

  Li Nuo laughed: "The captain understands very well~"

  His words made everyone realize that it was a mistake for you to talk to this guy.

  As he spoke, Li Nuo picked up a piece of meat and smelled it, and then spliced ​​the monster's soles together to reconstruct it. While remembering the footprints, he let the fishy smell in his sense of smell diffuse, and remembered the smell of its skin and body hair.

  Then close your eyes.

  The Witcher has an ability that is not a skill.

  Empty your mind.

  It's called "meditation" in the game, and its function is to switch time... But here, a meditation-like ability can make the brain eliminate unnecessary options, such as dismantling messy smells.

  I don’t know why at this moment.

  Li Nuo seemed to hear the wind and the chirping of birds in his mind... He seemed to have returned to the world of the demon hunter.

  When he opened his eyes again, decomposed red gas floated in front of his amber pupils.

  At the same time, the voice of the system came to his ears: [Update of the Demon Hunter race advanced mission: Based on Huangban’s information, search for clues and find traces of alien machinery in the Watson District slums] The mercenaries

  have Several people saw Li Nuo's pupils flicker when he just opened them.

  "Let's go."

  Li Nuoyan said concisely and led them out of the room. At this time, the young man he had just questioned had already left.

  "Where to go?" Paso asked.

  "Of course we're going out." Li Nuo said and looked around.

  Paso and others subconsciously went to the elevator, but Randall stopped them: "It will be troublesome to go there and go down again. Showing up twice will deepen others' impression of us." "The commentator is right

  . "Li Nuo said and walked to the other side.

  Randall gritted his teeth, "Why am I the commentator..."

  After a few steps, Li Nuo reached the safety stairs, where a black brother was guarding the door.

  Li Nuo said before the other party spoke: "Huangban Supervision Force, can we leave?"

  The other party got out of the way without saying anything.

  Li Nuo calmly opened the door and walked down.

  When he arrived at the floor full of residents, Paso couldn't help but said: ", you are so awesome that you came out without even invading?" Gulis also said: "You

  ... ...What's going on...From the person guarding the elevator, to the woman who registered, to the person guarding the safe seem to know the correct answer to communicate with them?" Li Nuo said: "To deal with

  Huangban, you You should regard yourself as his leader. If you don't be tougher and more assertive, the stupid people will really start to doubt your identity."

  These are all learned in the game, he cursed in his heart.

  Moreover, it was very convenient to escape by jumping off the building anyway, and there were a bunch of cannon fodder following him, so he wasn't worried about any follow-up problems.

  Paso looked back and said, "But if we search there again..." "

  Then you will be captured and filmed with those big guys." Li Nuo said with a sarcastic smile: "Name I've thought about it, millions of troops will pass through the dry toilet."

  "Holy shit... are you scolding me?" Paso asked for help from the people around him: "Is he scolding me?" "He's

  hurting you... ..." Gulis said.

  "Stop making trouble..." Randall explained helplessly: "Huangban is not a fool... The problem will be discovered soon. It will be dangerous if we stay for more than ten minutes." Li Nuo nodded seriously:

  " The captain is brilliant."

  Gulis looked blankly: "You are actually praising yourself for being smart..."

  "Where to go next?" Randall, the cannon fodder captain and commentator asked.

  Li Nuo looked at the weak red mist and said: "Slum area." He took two steps, suddenly stopped and turned around and asked: "Captain, do you want to explain why you went there?"

  Randall: "No!"


  In fact , Randall didn’t quite know why he wanted to go to the slums.

  He just felt that... it would be right to follow the boy carrying the coffin board anyway...

  In about ten minutes, they arrived at the largest slum in Watson District, which was also an area that Huangban was monitoring.

  Watson was once a vibrant and thriving area.

  Some wealthy Japanese companies made grand plans for this area, but after the Union War, Saburo Arasaka took his company back to Night City. At this point, all the prosperity of Watson District came to an end.

  The Arasaka Group has its own plans for the Watson District. In order for the plan to be implemented smoothly, they must get rid of these competitors.

  No one knows whether it was due to old feuds with their homeland or simply business disputes, but Arasaka's lawyers and bankers let their rivals spill blood in the mall.

  So, Watson changed like this.

  The industrial area no longer provided employment opportunities and many people lost their jobs. The Arasaka Group took over the Arasaka Waterfront in Watson to ensure that their business could expand overseas.

  Now Watson District has become the garbage dump of Night City, the living area for employees on the bottom floor of the factory.

  The slums are the bottom of the bottom. The buildings here have a wasteland style. They are built with some simple iron plates and then piled together irresponsibly and disorderly like a child stacking wood. Over time, it almost forms a slum. It is a residential area with huge differences in heights and complicated routes.

  Also because the environment here is dirty and there are few cameras visible, Gulis's hacking skills cannot quickly figure out the internal traffic.

  At this time, Li Nuo took his cell phone (which he grabbed before going to Victor's place) and saw the message from Marjie.

  [Hmph... Victor told me that our electronic brain does not have a communicator installed, it is just an ordinary access socket. The purpose is to allow the implant to connect to the brain. However, I found some interesting things here. I will wait in a few hours. Maybe we can drive the implant without using the electronic brain. In addition, even if ordinary hackers intrude the electronic brain, it will only cause some HP loss, so there is no need to be afraid of hackers.

  From the "hum" point of view, the message sent by Marjie has a strong sense of familiarity, as if this guy is talking next to you.

  [Miss Chabai’s surgery can’t be completed until the sun rises. I took a look at Victor’s design drawings, hum... so awesome... Her arms are equipped with an anti-gravity system, a missile system is placed on her back, and her brain is I may need to restore the hacking function of the android after my mental connection is restored. I feel like I might be able to see Valkyrie in a few hours. Having said all that, I actually want to ask you one thing. It’s not convenient for you to go when you’re wandering outside. Can Kabukicho or Genting help me take some sex doll work photos? Video is better. ]

  Li Nuo switched the camera function and shouted: "Paso!"

  The wild-looking Paso turned his head.


  Paso smiled.

  Snap - photo transfer.

  After a while, Marjie replied: [Just wait for me. ] Dou Mengzi returned to Dou Mengzi, and through Marjie's news, Li Nuo finally let go of his worries about hackers invading the brain.

  The starting point of [Race Advancement Mission] and [Hidden World View] is this mercenary search for aliens. This mission is initiated by "Ye's Company", and there is a high probability that "Mr. Blue Eyes" is involved behind it.

  Mr. Blue Eyes may not be as virtuous as the Mirror Master. They will invade your electronic brain and control your thoughts and even actions without saying hello.

  As the mission progresses, Blue Eyes will become involved.

  At least that's what Li Nuo thought.

  He has weighed the pros and cons. No matter what the ending of the so-called racial advancement mission is, its triggering condition must be to collect hidden prerequisite elements in certain specific scripts. From a probability perspective, the chance of touching it is very low.

  So it's quite acceptable to take a risk.

  But now there is another factor that makes Li Nuo bolder, or in other words not afraid of blue eyes.

  He had seen the devil.

  "" Paso interrupted Li Nuo's train of thought. He asked, "Is the coffin you are carrying a weapon box?"

  Li Nuo replied, "Otherwise? A mobile hotel?"

  Paso: " Damn it..."

  Gulis arched Paso's shoulders and mocked: "I'm just telling you not to talk to him easily. This kid has a terrible mouth."

  Paso looked at Li Nuo, and the corners of his mouth turned up. Starting: "Yeah... If you weren't super capable, I'm afraid you wouldn't be alive now, right? What's your name?"

  Li Nuo blurted out: "Ozawa Muto Sora."

  Carter laughed: "Damn... you have such a bad name. I can't become a legend."

  Li Nuo glared at him and said, "...I'm not interested."

  However, if he was given a task to become a legend, he would definitely hollow out the foundation of Arasaka Tower.

  "You are so boring." Paso raised his head, smelled the stench of the slums, and said in a longing tone: "A glass of vodka, a little apple juice, and a spoonful of butter. My name is Paso Landick. I think Thinking about it feels like a fucking dream."

  "You are just dreaming...and that kind of wine is disgusting." Gulis said: "If you want to be a legend, you have to die first, and you have to die wonderfully. You won't be able to do that in the next life. Until..."

  Li Nuo smiled and said: "For example, during the attack on Arasaka Tower, he choked to death while pole dancing in the hall."

  Paso: "Brother... you have very strange thoughts."

  A mercenary was behind him. Said: "But... what kind of legend does it take to attack Arasaka Tower to change this city..."

  Randall said: "When one Arasaka Tower falls, countless Arasaka Towers will be built. There is a deserted slope, and there is also a military department. Even if the military department is dead, Kang Tao will follow behind, endless... legend... hum... just a grain of sand." "Yoha~"

  Li Nuo looked at the captain, Said: "The captain's insertion time is just right every time he speaks."

  Randall: "I'm not a fucking commentator!"

  "Shh..." Gulis whispered: "We have entered the territory of the Whirlpool Gang... Um, Ozawa Muto Sora, right? Where are we going?"

  On both sides of the dirty building, in addition to the skinny and dirty lower-class poor, more and more Uzumaki gang members appeared.

  Li Nuo led the way, and he could see the thin red gas leading to the top of a staircase.

  "Up above." After Li Nuo finished speaking, he ordered: "If there are no cameras or anything like this, you can wait outside first." He took out his mobile phone, typed out the number on the screen, and said, "Contact me if you need anything

  . "

  Paso said: "It is taboo to act separately in thrillers."

  Li Nuo said: "But those who act alone may also be 'ghosts'."

  At this time, a person from the Whirlpool Gang came over and asked: "Hi, What do you guys do?"

  The Vortex Gang is a violent gang entrenched in the industrial area of ​​Night City. Its members are addicted to cyber technology and often carry out a large number of illegal transformations. The most common cyber components are cyber prosthetic eyes and built-in Combat-optimized prosthetics, as well as plating under the skin.

  Many members are suspected of suffering from cyberpsychosis, and some are even terminally ill.

  Among various gangs, this group of lunatics may be second only to the Voodoo Gang in Taiping Prefecture in terms of danger.

  When they ask you what you do, they may just ask, or they may ask you to write a suicide note orally.

  Randall stepped back and said, "Nothing."

  Several people turned their heads and found that Li Nuo had disappeared.

  "Where has he gone?"

  Randall: "Let's go first, there is no need for an unobjectionable conflict."


  Li Nuo climbed up to the upper level of the slum along an iron pipe.

  "The first to second floors are residential areas, and parts of the second floor to the fourth floor are the territory of the Whirlpool Gang." He grabbed the guardrail, looked at the platform a few times, and climbed over the guardrail after confirming that no one was there.

  "Why does the smell extend into the Whirlpool Gang?" Li Nuo looked at the red smoke that was still there and looked at the ground, where the monster's red footprints appeared.

  The smoke and footprints extend towards an iron house not far away.

  He could even smell an extremely strong fishy smell coming from the house now.

  Li Nuo looked around: "There are no cameras."

  He took the initiative to ask to work alone, and it was after multiple considerations.

  First of all, his various statistics are much stronger than those of the mercenaries. The guys from the Whirlpool Gang are not like the wasteland company, and the threat from neighborhood gangsters is not high. However, if a monster appears, there is no guarantee that the mercenaries will become a burden.

  Secondly, his way of action is basically not affected by the environment. No matter whether it is a depressing or weird atmosphere, basically nothing can affect him, unless there is something weird like a Mario jumping out of the dark... Thirdly, he will definitely not get lost

  . On the one hand, it is the demon hunter's sense of smell, and on the other hand, he is always copying the appearance of every place and scene here. He can use the sketch method in his mind to make it extremely accurate regardless of the sense of direction and distance. presented in.

  Fourth, the role of mercenaries for him has two points. One is hackers. There are not many cameras here, so hackers are of little significance. The other is the impact on the progress of the mission. When someone is behind the infiltration in the early stage, the mercenaries' It was very useful. Randall knew the coordinates of the mission and had to work together at that time. But now it was obviously in the later stages of the mission. Since the aliens might escape, it was necessary to reduce the number of people as they went to the back.

  All in all, Operation Lone Wolf is very appropriate in Li Nuo's vision.

  His observation and thinking will not be biased by hesitation. If a monster trap is triggered, he will not be easily killed. It is easier to act as a monster alone.

  He walked quickly to the iron house. The house had no windows. He carefully opened a crack in the door. The door was unlocked. He looked through the crack. No one was there, but a low roar came from the dark room.

  It is now 5:35 in the morning, a yellowish color rises in the dim sky, and the light is not strong.

  Li Nuo took out [Cat] from his pocket, drank it, activated his night vision ability, put on a hunter's outfit, and finally put on a top hat.

  Generally speaking, it is normal to open the door to kill in this situation.

  Although there are no supplies so far, a big battle may be just around the corner... It is unreasonable for the dungeon not to have a BOSS battle.

  To be cautious, he took out the Malorian pistol with one hand, then took the cane with his right hand and pressed it against the iron door. He pushed it upward hard, and the iron door opened with a creak.

  Before the darkness was completely penetrated by the light from outside, he took a few steps back and used the witcher's vision to scan the scene inside the house.

  There were iron cages on both sides, with hunting dog-like creatures trapped in the cages.

  "The Whirlpool Gang is breeding monsters?" When Li Nuo was confused, shouts came from the basement of the house.

  He put away the pistol, took out the [M251S Ajax], and aimed it against the automatic rifle.

  "I've long wanted to try what it would be like to shoot a row of people with the door stuck."

  From the moment Li Nuo pulled the trigger, the gangsters from the Whirlpool Gang rushed out of the basement one after another... They were like jumping into a hot pot. They rush forward like bullfrogs.

  When Li Nuo was shooting, a classic picture appeared in his mind - sows lining up to jump into the ditch.

  Click -

  the rifle was empty, and he put the weapon into his backpack.

  He took out his pistol and walked towards the basement. The monsters in the cages around him did not move, and the biting dogs did not bark. This group of creatures was very dangerous, but he had to deal with possible members of the Whirlpool Gang first.

  Li Nuo smelled a body odor before entering the basement...

  So he said at the door: "NCPD, raise your hands and come out!"

  A voice came from inside: "Fuck you!"

  Then a virtual figure appeared. film.

  A guy with a katana rushed out of the room at a speed that completely exceeded human limits.


  The opponent quickly approached in a way that almost stopped. When his samurai sword was already slashing at Li Nuo, who was moving slowly in his eyes, he suddenly saw Li Nuo's pupils moving at normal speed to stare at him

  ... The demon's sensory abilities exceed human limits.

  The reaction ability is several times better than that of ordinary people.

  [Sian Westan] is more of a convenience for witchers, but as long as the movement is captured, they will be immediately pulled back into a state of equal combat, just like when Li Nuo could clearly see the movements of Adam's Hammer. concept.

  Li Nuo quickly dodged his head to the side, avoiding the katana's attack and at the same time pulled out his cane. With a bang, he transformed it into a long saw-edged sword and cut open the opponent's arm.

  The Malorian pistol in his left hand flicked a meaningless shot... and he pulled the trigger at the target's head.

  The bullet penetrated the opponent's head, and the flesh, blood and mechanical parts in his head stuck to the wall.

  "Is Guns N' Roses a passive skill?" Li Nuo complained as he entered the basement. There was a guy inside who climbed out of the window in a panic, trying to escape along the outer platform.

  Listening to the footsteps, confirming the position, he raised his hand and fired. The shock-absorbing implant took effect at this moment. The recoil of the firearm slowed down, prompting the bullet to penetrate the thick brick wall and accurately kill the fleeing man.

  "You didn't miss it?"

  He confirmed that there was no one else, and based on the three-person policy, he searched the place.

  There were several large freezers placed in the room, and there was an extremely strong rancid smell inside.

  "What the hell..." Li Nuo opened the refrigerator carefully. If it was a horror game, a coconut might pop out of it.

  A severed hand fell out of the refrigerator.

  "Is this... a human limb?"

  "Is the Whirlpool Gang using humans to feed those monsters?"

  Li Nuo pondered and continued to search other places, and found a screw on a table.

  [Meteorite Screws]

  [Brief Description: A kind of material that does not belong to the technology of this world. The Whirlpool Gang accidentally encountered aliens when they captured breeding monsters, or... these guys were monsters found in the aliens' lair. , although the monster was caught and brought out by them, the alien was missing]

  [This thing cannot be brought out of the script]

  [Demon hunter race advanced mission update: It comes from an alien life form, remember what it looks like, in Searching for the same model of materials in the slums, finding alien machinery]

  After the system sound in his ears ended, Li Nuo began to sniff for screws.

  A plume of red smoke rose.

  Li Nuo felt more and more like a dog...

  When he walked out of the basement, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis. He lowered his head subconsciously. At the same time, a gunshot rang out in the distance, and a bullet grazed the top of his head and hit him. A member of the Uzumaki Gang who was hiding behind and making a sneak attack.

  "Damn it, you kid!" Paso raised his rifle and shouted from a platform in the distance: "Why the hell did you run away on your own!"

  Li Nuo was stunned: "Ah?"

  Suddenly a piece of the roof collapsed!
  Li Nuo stepped out of the way and saw Randall holding a sword and stepping on a strong member of the Whirlpool Gang to the ground, and then stabbed the man quickly and crazily.

  After solving the problem, Randall stood up and said displeasedly: "Why did you leave suddenly? And you also changed into such funny clothes?"

  Li Nuo squinted his eyes: "How on earth did you end up in this situation? …I really didn’t expect it…I’m so attractive that you guys want to follow me so much?”

  Randall shouted: “Fuck you! Those Whirlpool Gang members are crazy! I was originally We wanted to leave, but they suddenly attacked us, saying they wanted to take away our prosthetic bodies and sell them! You told us to go up, so we ran up here. No one thought about following you, bastard!" "The Uzumaki

  Gang What?" Li Nuo asked.

  "Almost all of them have been killed." Randall said, "But one of my team members was seriously injured and two team members died. Now only me, Gulis and Paso are left. Carter is taking care of the injured teammates." "Okay

  . Well..." Li Nuo ignored Randall and put on [Emil's Mask] to look at the monster still in the iron cage.

  [Subspecies of Wild Hunting Dog]

  [Level: lv12]

  [Danger: D]

  [Skill: Ice Fang]

  [Attribute: Ice, Evil]

  [Brief Description: Congratulations, you have discovered the most critical information]

  Li Nuozhai He took off the mask, wiped his eyes, and put it back on.

  "Or...a subspecies of the Wild Hunting Dog?" Li Nuo was dumbfounded.

  The Hound of the Wild Hunt, from The Witcher.

  He thought of a question. The monster that bit Adam's Hammer that day. If we had to piece together the world view of the Witcher, there was actually a creature called "Fent Monster" that was similar to it. It could also plunge the vision into darkness. In the same way, The appearance of a goat-horned devil.

  But it is obvious that the monsters in this world are different from those in "The Witcher", or... they are strengthened in some way.

  Thousands of clues gathered in my mind.

  If the world view of the Demon Hunter appears, there are two possibilities. Games produced by the same company will merge the two worlds, or the celestial sphere will converge.

  The former is difficult to think about.

  The latter is too much of a coincidence.

  So... what's going on with aliens? Why are aliens related to monsters?

  Li Nuo glared at him and decided to put these things aside for now, and he would know the answer if he caught the alien.

  "What's wrong with you?" Randall asked.

  "Nothing..." Li Nuo shook his head: "Let's go, I know where to go."

  Randall pointed behind him and said: "There are some people from the Whirlpool Gang over there. Is that where you are talking about?" "

  No, Captain, your mission should be to find traces of alien machinery, right?" Li Nuo asked.

  Randall hummed.

  "Then don't say anything..." Li Nuo paused and said, "If you want to follow me, I won't stop you, but you have to be prepared. I don't know what you will encounter." Following the smell of screws, he arrived on foot

  . In front of a house built on a high floor but looking inconspicuous.

  There is no one around here.

  Li Nuo gently pushed open the door.

  There was nothing special about the room, just a bed, a table, and a cabinet, but it was very empty, no food, and no mirror.

  There are several boxes placed in the corner.

  The smell goes as far as the box.

  "What...are we going to do?" Gulis, who was following Li Nuo, looked at the place curiously.

  Li Nuo didn't say anything. He walked to the boxes and quickly typed on his mobile phone with his fingers. He recorded the screws and related information on them to avoid being erased by aliens later, and then put the mobile phone into the backpack compartment.

  Finally, he put on a mask and identified a mechanical-shaped box with very special data.

  [Pretender No. 1: lv-]

  [Strength: 15]

  [Reaction: 90]

  [Spiritual Power: 15]

  [Physique: 90]

  [Insight: 4]

  [Medical: 2]

  That's it...

  This is a mechanical alien body ?

  Li Nuo silently took out his gun, but suddenly the box jumped up!

  Before anyone could react, the box quickly transformed into a human form, and a light on its chest flashed!
  Li Nuo had already fired. Amidst the sound of metal being shattered, he opened his eyes. The box had broken through the wall and escaped. Its speed was so fast and its movements were so weird that it was like something running out of a comic... in a flash. The trace disappeared.

  "What three holy beasts..." Something extremely uncomfortable was affecting the magic power in Li Nuo's body, but it didn't take long for that feeling to disappear.

  When he turned around, Randall and others stood there blankly.

  "I'll go after it, you can follow." Li Nuo said, preparing to follow the scent and chase after it.

  However, Randall said at this time: "What are you chasing?"

  Li Nuo immediately realized that part of their memory had been erased, or that the flash just now was specifically used to erase memory.

  A guess immediately came to his mind: "... After the flash, the magic power in my body was disordered for a few seconds, and then everything went fine. The memory still exists... But Randall and the others don't remember the appearance of the alien in their memory? So, the flash is similar to some kind of magic, specially used to clear memories. People with a cyber worldview have too low spiritual power to resist, but my spiritual power can resist, so the memory still exists... Is that so? "

  The above thoughts took shape in my mind instantly.

  So from the time he made the guess to the end, not 2 seconds had passed.

  At this time, Randall picked up a part of the alien mechanical body that was shot down by Li Nuo with a gun.

  At the same time, the employer's voice came from Randall's mind: [You have found the parts on it. Don't go further with this mission. The mission is completed. Use the eye scan data to upload it, and then we will make the settlement. Here you go]

  Randall: "The mission is over, let's go back."

  "Huh?" Gulis sighed: "I don't even know what happened?" Randall said

  : "I'll talk about what happened later, for now. Settle the account."

  Paso smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, boss, how much is the reward this time?"

  Randall said: "It's being settled."

  Gulis smiled and said: "Hey, I want Use this money to buy a house, and I will have a place to live."

  "Hahahaha!" Paso laughed: "Whatever, I have to go back to drink anyway!"

  The three of them let out a sigh of relief.

  Randall looked at Li Nuo who was about to leave, stopped him and said, "Thank you, my friend. Thanks to you, I have the opportunity to work together again."

  Li Nuo nodded: "Ah, okay."

  Then he looked at the three A mercenary happily took out his pistol, pointed it at his temple and pulled the trigger.

   It involves too much content and hidden threads, so I will close the chapter. Sorry for posting it too late.

  (End of chapter)

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