emegency notice!

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  emegency notice!

  I've been suffering from insomnia for several days, and I don't have the energy to type today.

  I always feel like someone stole my sleep!


  In addition, the performance of this book has reached the point where it can no longer be supported. The collection ratio is appalling. After two months of support, it is really unsustainable.

  Of course, the book will still be finished, but it won't dig new holes. It will fill in the previous holes, and then it will be finished.

  During the filling period, I will spend more time on new books.

  Therefore, if updated, it will definitely be less than before.

  It won’t be updated intermittently, but it should be updated once a day.

  Although I really want to finish writing according to the original plan, but... I still have to eat.

  I'm so sorry...

  please forgive me.

  (End of chapter)

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