Chapter 98 Professionals

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  Chapter 98 Professional:

  Looking at Obadiah's broken colonial uniform, Russell felt a little pity.

  Once the costume is broken, you can no longer sell it to Nick Fury without looking at his aggrieved face.

  "Russell!" Tony came over, opened his arms and hugged Russell, and said excitedly: "Thank you, thank you!"

  Russell smiled, pointed at the two figures walking towards this side, and said: "Your Pepper is here."

  Tony turned around and rushed towards Pepper with excitement on his face. After hugging him tightly, he lifted him up with both arms.

  "Master, what are they going to do with it?" Ada pointed to the body on the ground.

  Russell shook the phone in his hand and said, "I'm calling a professional."

  After the words fell, the phone was connected, and Coulson's gentle voice rang.

  "Hello, Mr. Bloom, what's the matter?"

  "Well..." Russell pinched his chin and said, "Obadiah wanted to kill Tony Stark more than three months ago. We hired terrorists and kidnapped Tony again today."

  "What?" Colson's voice rose higher and he said hurriedly: "They are there now? How did you find out?" "

  I'm with Tony."

  Cole Sen's heart moved and he said, "What about Obadiah?"

  "He's here too, and he's quite obedient so far."

  "Huh!" Colson let out a long breath and said, "Okay, where are you? I Now take someone to deal with it immediately."

  After saying that, Russell hung up the phone, and a precise location information appeared on Coulson's mobile phone.

  After Coulson took a look, he immediately contacted his own director and reported what Russell said. After getting his own director Nick Fury, he asked him to swipe as much as possible in front of Tony Stark. After the favorability instructions, he led the SHIELD agents and rushed to the place Russell said.

  When Colson and the others rushed to the dilapidated factory, they looked at the scene in front of them with black lines on their faces.

  The four Russells were sitting together playing cards...

  "Here they come!" Hearing the noise, Russell raised his head, then threw out the cards in his hand and said, "I'm sorry, I won."

  Tony twitched the corner of his mouth and said softly He gently held his forehead and said, "Damn it!"

  "I lost too!" Pepper looked at Tony aggrievedly and said, "I lost half a year's salary." "

  It's okay!" Tony waved his hand proudly, like It was not him who lost a yacht just now, so he said generously: "I'll make up for it when you get back! I'll give you a raise!" "Thank you, boss!" Little Pepper said touchedly


  "Okay, no more fun!" Russell stood up, looked at the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who surrounded them, and said, "Let's get down to business." "Too cunning!"

  Tony muttered dissatisfied and said, " I feel like I'm going to win the next one."

  "Hahaha!" Russell sneered, and said to Tony, who had never won before: "Illusion."

  After calling Coulson, Russell and others turned over I looked through Obadiah's people to see if there was any relevant evidence, but they didn't get the evidence. Instead, I found a deck of playing cards on Obadiah's men.

  So, the four people who were a little bored waiting for SHIELD started playing cards at Tony's suggestion. As a result, Tony lost miserably... and there was a

  scene that stunned the agents like Coulson.

  "Ahem!" Coulson made a fist and coughed slightly. Coulson, who was speechless at the actions of Russell and others, said, "Mr. Bloom, where is Obadiah?" "Over there!"

  Russell pointed at not far away. Obadiah in darkness.

  Colson led people over, looked at the three figures lying on the ground, and frowned slightly.

  When he first came here, what Russell and the others did was so eye-catching that he didn't notice there were people here.

  But why is there no movement from people like Obadiah? Even when they came, there was no movement at all?

  "Did he get knocked unconscious?"

  Colson muttered, came to Obadiah, squatted down and took a look, took a breath, and then felt confused about whether to laugh or cry.

  What is obedient?

  They are already corpses, how can they be disobedient? No wonder he didn't hear any movement.

  After giving instructions to the agents who came with him to start looking for evidence, Coulson walked towards Russell and the others and said, "Mr. Bloom, tell me what happened so that I can go back and report." ."

  Russell pointed at Tony and said: "He is the person involved. Just ask him. He knows the process of the matter better than I do. By the way, there are two people who fainted inside." After speaking, Russell blinked at him

  . Blinking, he whispered in Colson's ear: "I'll give you the opportunity."

  Colson, who looked gentle, was stunned for a moment, looked at Russell with a smile on his face, nodded lightly, and said: "Thank you. "

  Then, the rest will be left to you, Tony." Russell waved his hand, and after Ada said goodbye to Pepper with a smile, the two walked out of the factory.

  "Yeah, got it!" Tony responded, showing enough patience for this matter that made Coulson on the side breathe a sigh of relief.

  He was really afraid that Russell would just leave, and Tony would wave his hand and leave with his beautiful assistant, leaving him with this mess.

  "Mr. Stark, what's going on..."

  "Wait!" Tony waved his hand and said, "Let's talk somewhere else."

  "Okay!" Coulson left two agents to clean up the place, and brought him with him The others, together with Tony, walked towards Stark Tower.


  the old Broome house.

  After returning home, he kissed Ada gently as a farewell, and Russell returned to his room alone with deep resentment.

  "Damn Lefa."

  With a soft murmur, Russell walked into the bathroom and took a cold bath.

  His stopping power was pretty good, but it was very hard for him to hold it in like this.

  If it weren't for the recent rapid progress of the thunder method, which was almost completed, and he didn't want to give up halfway, Russell, who couldn't see any hope, really wanted to break the taboo of the thunder method and change from Yang Lei to Yin Thunder.

  After taking a cold bath, the restlessness in his heart was suppressed a lot. After sitting on the bed and practicing for a while, Russell's restless heart was completely calmed down by him.

  "Look at today's harvest."

  With a whisper, Russell communicated with the system.

  Achievement achieved: The Conspiracy Aborted (Obadiah).

  Achievement points obtained: 500 points.

  Achievement achieved: Save the future Iron Man.

  Achievement points obtained: 1000 points.

  Current achievement points: 2200 points.

  Existing legendary achievement points: 0 points.

  Seeing that his achievement points had increased a bit, Russell curled up his lips with satisfaction.

  In addition to the achievement of defeating Tony the last time Tony wore Mark 1 for a 'visit', he has already gained 2,000 achievement points in the past two days because of Tony.

  However, if Obadiah dies like this, will Iron Man still appear?
  Will Tony still loudly declare 'I am Iron Man'?

  Russell was very curious about this.

  (End of chapter)

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