Chapter 89 Synchronization rate

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  Chapter 89 Synchronization Rate

  For more than two months, most of the time was spent by Russell on the machine for creating consciousness projections. As for the new equipment, through the consumption of achievement points and the improvement after failure, It was also created by him, and after spending a few legendary achievement points to upgrade it to a perfect state, he put it in his backpack.

  Making this colonial outfit cost him a lot of achievement points, and he planned to use the remaining achievement points to make a card master.

  "Fortunately, I have gained some achievement points in two months..." "

  I don't know if the remaining achievement points can complete the production of Card Master. I hope there will be fewer failures during the production..." I

  whispered in my heart, Russell left the laboratory and returned to his room.

  After taking a hot bath to relax himself slightly, Russell lay on the bed.

  It was already late at night, but Russell was not sleepy at all. He had just felt a strange feeling when he was setting up the shadow equipment. This feeling gave him the urge to solve his doubts quickly.

  Shadow, that is, the name he gave to the body that receives the projection of consciousness.

  In his opinion, although the body that projects consciousness is similar to the clone, it is not as close as the clone and can only be called a shadow.

  A clone has subjective initiative, but it is dominated by the original body and can be regarded as another self. However, the shadow can only have the nature of a clone under the control of Russell's consciousness projection, so Russell calls it a clone. for shadow.

  Taking out the Holy Lance Ranger's colonial equipment ring, he placed the ring in his palm, and Russell, who was sitting on the bed, looked at it carefully.

  He had never looked at colonial clothing so carefully, and this time, under his observation, he noticed something that he had never noticed before.

  An inconspicuous light, exuding a sacred aura, rotates on the ring that has been transformed into a colonial suit. It is exactly the same as the aura that comes out when the colonial suit is equipped.

  That is the holy energy of the Paladin Ranger.

  With a thought, his consciousness actively linked to the colonial equipment ring on his hand. However, this time Russell did not equip the reproductive equipment, but kept it in the form of the ring, and began to comprehend it carefully.

  Years of practice have allowed Russell to master power far beyond ordinary people. Whether it is the golden light spell or the thunder method, as an authentic Taoist practice, when practicing, it will not only strengthen the body and allow the practitioner to master extraordinary power, but also It will strengthen the soul and spiritual power of the cultivator, allowing the cultivator to be comprehensively strengthened.

  Through far superior mental strength than ordinary people, Russell discovered aspects of the clothing that he had previously ignored.

  The colonial costume...has a soul!

  "Soul..." A look of surprise flashed in his eyes, but Russell suddenly remembered the core he had exchanged for legendary achievement points when upgrading the Colonial Equipment Holy Spear Ranger to the perfect level.

  Although he was in a hurry to upgrade his colonial equipment and did not observe the core carefully, he still remembered the feeling the core gave him.

  Like a living creature with a soul...

  Reaching out to pinch the colonial equipment ring on his hand, Russell thought, and white light spread over his body like water. In just the blink of an eye, the colonial equipment was completed.

  With the completion of the colonial equipment, under Russell's perception, the soul fluctuations emitted by the colonial equipment were several times stronger than before.

  Russell murmured, feeling the clear soul fluctuations, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, his mental power expanded, and he began to actively contact the colonial clothing, establishing a mutual two-way link with it.

  In the past, it was him who equipped the colonization suit, and the colonization suit sensed his thoughts and fought with his thoughts. It was a one-sided link, but now the link became mutual... Suddenly, Russell felt different from everyone else

  . Different places, or the real secret to unleashing the power of colonial equipment!
  Sync rate! The synchronization rate with the colonized soul!
  The higher the synchronization rate, the stronger the power of the colonial equipment.

  "No wonder! No wonder I haven't found the secret to upgrading colonial equipment for so long. It turns out that the so-called upgrading of colonial equipment is to improve the synchronization rate of colonial equipment!" Russell whispered with a hint of joy in his eyes


  Perfect-level colonial equipment can be upgraded. Russell initially thought that this so-called upgrade was like gaining experience by defeating monsters in the game, or using achievement points to upgrade the level.

  But for such a long time, I still couldn't find the trick to upgrade.

  Now it seems that his direction was wrong from the beginning!
  "Huh!" Russell breathed out, his face full of joy.

  "The perfect level of breeding equipment will have a synchronization rate, but what about other levels of breeding equipment?"

  Thinking of this, Russell jumped up from the bed, took off the breeding equipment on his body, took out the breeding equipment that he carried with him, and started the experiment.

  Ordinary-level colonization equipment: Zaun Madman, imperfect-level colonization equipment: Super Soldier.


  there is no synchronization rate through Russell's induction. The power of these two types of equipment is fixed.

  However, this situation was not what he expected. After all, if the two levels of colonial equipment had a synchronization rate, then he would not need to work hard to obtain legendary achievement points to upgrade the colonial equipment to a perfect level.

  Achievement Points: 13,000
  Legendary Achievement Points: 0.

  Looking at the achievement points displayed in the system, Russell's mouth twitched.

  "If we had discovered the synchronization rate of the breeding equipment earlier, we would not have to worry about upgrading the new breeding equipment to the perfect level first."

  However, there is no regret medicine in this world, so such an idea only appeared in Russell for less than a moment, and was eliminated. Russell threw it out of his mind.

  After looking at the sky outside and seeing that it was starting to get brighter, Russell, who was not sleepy at all, rushed into the laboratory again.

  Whether it is the newly discovered reproductive synchronization rate or consciousness projection, further testing and data calculation are needed.


  While Russell was immersed in experiments in the laboratory, a fierce battle was going on in a desert in the Middle East thousands of miles away.

  A group of terrorists and an ugly man of steel.

  However, the battle was one-sided. The ugly steel man was suppressing the terrorists and beating them until they were howling like ghosts.

  Facing the invulnerability of Iron Man, these terrorists are much more vulnerable.

  Two fire dragons spurted out from Iron Man's arms, like lighting candles, turning the terrorists into howling moving torches, and turning the stacked arms into burning explosives.

  Looking at the terrorist base that turned into a sea of ​​flames, Tony's eyes were like burning flames. He let out a breath and looked at the direction where his comrade Ethan fell, with a complicated expression on his face.

  "Boom!" An explosion sounded, waking Tony up.

  Tony pursed his lips, activated the flying device of the steel suit, stepped on the spraying flames, and soared into the sky.

  (End of chapter)

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