Chapter 87 Be cruel

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  Chapter 87 Be Cruel

  In the morning, after his morning run, Russell sat at the dining table. When he was about to eat breakfast, he noticed the tablet computer with the screen on the side.

  "This is..." After picking it up and looking at it, Russell looked at the old butler beside him and said, "What's the follow-up development of the clown incident? Arthur, did you do it?" The old

  butler nodded calmly.

  "Thank you, Arthur!" Russell said, tapping the screen with his hand, and started reading while eating breakfast.

  There are texts, pictures, and even some scenes. Arthur is very prepared.

  After he left, the Joker took revenge on Gotham and the Bats.

  The man who threatens the entire city says that he has planted bombs in every bridge and tunnel in Gotham. When night falls, the bombs will explode, plunging the entire Gotham into a chaotic situation of traffic paralysis and entering a reign of fear brought by him. middle.

  And, to prove the credibility of what he said, he also bombed Gotham City's Central Hospital into rubble.

  The Joker's crazy actions caused panic among the citizens of Gotham City, and a large number of citizens chose to leave Gotham City.

  However, just when the citizens chose to take the ferry to leave Gotham, the Joker told the passengers of one ferry that he had placed bombs on the ship and another ship full of criminals. The way to save himself was to arrive at midnight, Before the bomb explodes, use the remote control device left on the ship to detonate the other ship. Otherwise, at midnight, the two ships will become garbage on the sea under the gentle press of the button by the clown.

  Civilians and criminals, rationality and sensibility, madness and struggle...

  The Joker enjoyed everything this game brought to him, but unexpectedly, Batman, who used the city's sonar system, found the Joker's location. Together with the police, he arrested It’s time for the crazy clown to finish off the opponent’s thugs.

  After an investigation throughout the city, it was determined that the bombs planted in the bridges and tunnels were just the clown's malicious threats and not true. The citizens of Gotham finally felt relieved, and the two ships were loaded with bombs. The ferry also successfully solved the bomb threat.

  With the threat resolved and the Joker thrown into Arkham Asylum, things seemed to be resolved satisfactorily.

  However, after the Joker's troubles, the criminals in Gotham were ignited with the evil in their hearts and went completely crazy. They saw Batman's powerlessness and fragility, letting them know that Batman can also fight against him. Even the person playing in the palm of your hand is the same person.

  The citizens of Gotham City's feelings towards Batman have become complicated. Although many people are grateful to the other party, more people attribute the cause of this incident to Batman.

  But no matter what, the Joker incident has passed, and because of Harvey Dent's death, Two-Face did not appear. Batman does not need to worry because Harvey Dent's murder brought morality to Gotham. It's a ruined thing, and you have to bear the sins committed by the other party.

  After reading the information compiled by Arthur, Russell also finished his breakfast, turned off the tablet in his hand, and was about to get up to go to the laboratory, when the old housekeeper coughed lightly, attracting Russell's attention.

  "That... young master! After reading this, do you still want to be a vigilante?" The old butler said with a straight face: "You can't stand it anymore. Even if you save others, you will still be misunderstood and even hated by them. Things? What do you want to take on..."

  "Stop! Stop!" With a raised eyebrow, Russell raised his hand to interrupt Arthur.

  Unexpectedly, Arthur found these things for him to use as teaching materials to educate him. It seemed that Arthur was still very worried about his identity as a heavenly master.

  "Don't worry, I'm not Batman! As for the matter of another identity, don't worry, I will handle it." "

  Handle it?" Arthur asked: "How? Can you promise not to go out with that identity in the future?"

  "Uh..." Russell groaned and said seriously: "I promise, I won't let him appear unless it's necessary!"

  If his previous idea was successful, he would appear to collect achievement points. The Heavenly Master can disappear, and if there are no accidents in the future, he will not appear again.

  After getting the guarantee he wanted, and looking at Russell's leaving figure, Arthur raised the corners of his mouth with satisfaction. After he ordered the maid to clear the table in a relaxed mood, he hummed an unknown song in a low voice. Under the surprised gaze of the maid, he stepped forward. With a relaxed pace, he left slowly.


  In the laboratory, Russell and Artemis are doing experiments on new reproductive equipment together. They want to complete the new equipment as soon as possible and start experiments on consciousness projection.

  Time passed, and just when he had just made some gains, Ada came to the laboratory, but when she saw that Russell was busy recording and adjusting the production of the breeding suit, she put aside the information and samples in her hand. , sitting on the chair in the laboratory, supporting his head, looking at Russell with a faint smile, and waited quietly.

  After a while, Russell sighed with some disappointment, raised his head, met a pair of gentle black eyes, smiled apologetically, and said: "Ada, I've been waiting for a long time." The palm holding his head moved lazily

  . He paused for a moment, supported his chin, looked at Russell who was coming, reached out and clicked on the USB flash drive and a white box on the table, and said: "Master, here are the information on Osborne's genetic disease and blood samples."

  Since they want Bloom to help, Norman Osborne naturally has to provide them with research information on genetic diseases. Otherwise, it will take a lot of time to start the research from scratch, and time is Norman Osborne's most important thing. Short.

  He picked up the U disk and took a look at it. After putting it aside, he waved to the smart assistant on the side and asked him to store the blood samples. After looking at the box that Ada pressed on the table, he said: "That's What is it?"

  "This..." Ada knocked on the box and said, "This is a gift from Laura to the young master."

  During Russell's trip to Gotham, Laura followed the archeology that Arthur found for him. Teacher, I went to study in the field.

  "A gift?" Russell asked curiously: "What is it?"

  "I don't know." Ada pushed the box over.

  Russell opened the box and looked at it, and a gold coin engraved with a unique pattern came into view.

  "This is the gold coin I found this time. It's my first time. You have to keep it, Laura!" He read the

  small note in the box softly, Russell smiled, closed the box and put it away. On the side.

  "Master, it was Osborne who personally sent the information today."

  Russell raised his eyebrows and said, "Send it in person? What does he want to do?"

  "Although he didn't explain it, his words revealed that he wanted to recruit me. "

  Recruiting you?" Russell rolled his eyes and said, "Ada, when we formally negotiate the price later, be tougher with the other party." If you dare to

  poach him...

  Ada chuckled and said, "Okay."

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  (End of chapter)

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