Chapter 78 News from New York

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  Chapter 78 News from New York

  : Gotham is not a city that makes people feel safe. But now, with the battle between the clown and the bat, the whole city is like an flammable and explosive material that is on the verge of burning. Everyone involved is restless.

  Sheriffs, judges, congressmen...

  The Joker's goals are erratic, but each of them leaves no clues for tracking, making the police and Batman anxious.

  One, two, three...

  Every day that passes, the number of victims increases, and every day that passes, the fear among the citizens of Gotham City increases.

  The clown's threat of killing is like a sharp sword hanging over everyone's head, which is frightening. Moreover, as time goes by, the things caused by the clown are constantly escalating.

  As a result, the calls for Batman to go out and surrender are increasing every day.

  Obviously, in this war between the Joker and the Bat, under the trend of fear, the citizens of Gotham City abandoned the Bat, or in other words, blamed all the reasons on Batman.

  Without Batman, there would be no Joker, as if Batman would surrender, the Joker would disappear.

  "It's so naive..." Russell smiled and shook his head, and said to the indifferent man on the side: "It seems that the citizens of Gotham City are quite simple. They even believe what a madman says." .

  Caesar ignored Russell and said, "News reports say that Batman will surrender today.".

  Russell nodded and said: "In that case, let's go and have a look.".

  Time has passed so long that he only remembers a general outline of the plot, and he has forgotten many of the details. He only remembers that someone surrendered on behalf of Batman today, but he does not remember who that person was. Maybe he saw the person who surrendered. That person will help him remember some details and a more detailed plot.

  Caesar nodded silently, and after Russell put on his coat, he and Russell walked towards the place where the press conference was held.

  During the time when the Joker and Batman were at war, the crime rate in Gotham City soared again. This allowed Russell, who became the Master, to complete some small achievements and get 1,000 achievement points.

  Russell got into the car, and just as Caesar started the car and started to rush towards his destination, Russell's phone rang.

  "What's the matter, Ada?"

  "Master! Tony Stark's assistant, Miss Pepper Potts, is here to see you." Ada looked at Pepper, who was sitting in front of her with an anxious look on her face. There was a hint of surprise in her voice as she continued: "She came to ask you for help.".

  "Help?" Russell was stunned for a moment, and an idea flashed in his mind, remembering Tony telling him before that he was going to the Middle East.

  Could it be that Tony is missing?
  Just as this thought flashed through my mind, a voice full of anxiety and exhaustion sounded on the other end of the phone.

  "I am Pepper Potts, Mr. Bloom. My boss Tony Stark disappeared three days ago!" After saying this, Pepper quickly said: "Although my boss is proud and has a vicious tongue, dealing with It's not a good interpersonal relationship, but Mr. Stark has mentioned it more than once that you are his friend."

  Russell raised his eyebrows and secretly thought that Pepper's evaluation of Tony was very pertinent, and then said: "I know, I will let Ada check it. You can leave the information about Tony's disappearance with Ada."

  Although he and Tony were not best friends, they were indeed friends.

  Now that Little Pepper has spoken out, he naturally wants to help.

  However, except for him, no one would believe that the missing Tony Stark would be transformed during the period of his disappearance. He could not help but create a steel suit and become a superhero.

  "Thank you, Mr. Bloom!"

  Pepper breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Russell's words.

  Bloom Technology has many advantages, and with Bloom's help, her boss will have a greater chance of being found.

  After handing over the information she had prepared when she came, Ada who answered the phone and listened to Russell's words, Little Pepper said, "Excuse me, Miss Ada."

  "No trouble." Ada said with a faint smile: "Who makes Mr. Stark be our boss's friend."

  "If there is any news, I will inform you as soon as possible."

  "Thank you!" Xiaojiao said touchedly, and then said: "In this case, I will go back first. There are still many things waiting for me to deal with in the company. ."

  "Well!" Looking at Chili Pepper with a tired face, Ada said: "Miss Potts, take care of yourself.".

  "Yeah!" Pepper nodded, smiled reluctantly, and said, "Just call me Pepper. Also, thank you and Mr. Bloom again."

  After saying that, Pepper stood up and hurried away under Ada's gaze.

  On the other side, after hanging up the phone, Russell received another call from SHIELD. It was Coulson.

  "Colonial tracking device?" After hearing Coulson's question, Russell said simply: "No, what for? What are you going to do?".

  "Tony Stark is missing." Coulson said.

  Tony Stark has a special identity. Not to mention that he is the son of SHIELD veteran Howard Stark, just referring to his identity as a genius inventor is worthy of SHIELD's attention. Therefore, for Tony, SHIELD has been paying attention to the opportunity to attract the other party into SHIELD, and they have even contacted him once before, but he was rejected by Tony without hesitation. And this time when Tony disappeared, SHIELD felt that this was a good opportunity. Chance.

  "You want to use the tracking device to find Tony?" Russell said speechlessly: "Let's not say that the colonial suit does not have a tracking device, even if it does, do you think Tony will not notice anything? So, I will not do such a stupid thing. ".

  Colson smiled bitterly, and then said: "I'm sorry to bother you.".

  "That's right!" Russell stopped Coulson, who was about to hang up the phone, and said, "I'm in Gotham now. You should know what's happening in Gotham, right? Don't you want to take care of it?"

  Coulson said calmly: "The main mission of SHIELD is to deal with various strange events and some more dangerous things.".

  "Things between Gotham's underworld gangs should be left to the police."

  Russell raised his eyebrows and hung up the phone.

  It seems that the war between the Joker and the Bat is not as harmful as the strange incident in the eyes of SHIELD. In other words, SHIELD feels that it is not their turn to take action when the Joker causes trouble in Gotham, so the police will Enough to deal with.

  However, they really underestimated the chaos that the clown was about to bring. In other words, no one except Russell could have imagined that the clown was so crazy.

  At this moment, Caesar stopped the car and said: "Master, we are here!".

  (End of chapter)

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