Chapter 68 Achievement Achieved

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  Chapter 68: Achievement of
  Bruce Wayne.

  Gordon was familiar with the owner of this name. After all, the two had known each other for many years, and he had known each other since they were children.

  But the other party came to do business with Bruce Wayne?
  Gordon glanced at Russell suspiciously, but suddenly remembered Russell's last name.


  It can't be that...Bloom, if it is, it wouldn't be surprising if the other party has business dealings with Bruce Wayne.

  Gordon's heart skipped a beat, and then he said: "Mr. Bloom, please tell me what happened. During the process of telling you, I will sometimes modify your narrative. Please forgive me."

  "Yeah, no problem." Russell responded and told the story completely, starting from when he was kidnapped by the black man and Scar.

  Of course, he omitted most of the words between him and the two kidnappers.

  "So, how did those three people die?"

  Russell knocked on his forehead and said without any hesitation: "I don't know. Scar and the black man suddenly killed those two people, and then Scarface was killed by the black man. killed.".

  "Killing the other party suddenly?" Although Gordon was a little confused, he still wrote it down expressionlessly, and then said: "What's the reason? Does Mr. Bloom know?".

  Russell shook his head and said: "They didn't say anything special before they beat each other to death.".

  "Oh, by the way, the two people who were beaten to death seemed to have complained about the black man and Scarface."

  "What were they complaining about?" Gordon asked immediately.

  "You think they're trying too hard or something."

  Gordon lowered his head, feeling that this did not constitute a motive for the other party's murder.

  "Wait..." Gordon suddenly remembered what Russell had just said, and then asked: "Mr. Bloom, you just said that the two robbers called your name when they arrested you?".

  Russell nodded and lied sincerely: "Yes, he also said that their boss wanted to take me back, saying it was a big deal or something."

  Gordon wrote down what Russell said. Although because of Russell's words, he instinctively had the idea in his heart that the black man wanted to stop the big business alone, but as a policeman, he had to be wary of his instinct at all times, because At some point, his instincts will lead him away from the truth.

  However, at some point, people have to rely on their own instincts, so Gordon just wrote down his thoughts before continuing to ask new questions.

  Staring into Russell's eyes, Gordon said: "Although it is rude to say this, I would like to ask, Mr. Bloom, why were you not injured at all when three people died?"

  Gordon's eyes were like sharp arrows piercing his heart, looking closely at Russell's eyes and face.

  Russell smiled sarcastically and said calmly: "Officer Gordon, first of all, you should be glad that I was not injured. Otherwise, your Gotham city government and police department will face a lot of trouble. Secondly, as the heir to a large company, I have been growing up since I was young. I was given experience on how to deal with similar situations, so I also learned some fighting skills."

  "Of course, the most important thing is that these three people were not alert enough to the people who attacked them. They died very suddenly, so there was no scuffle and I was not injured." Gordon nodded, and

  Russell Write down the words.

  At this moment, two policemen walked towards Gordon and said at the same time: "Chief Gordon, we...".

  Gordon gestured to the two of them, stood up, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Bloom, for your cooperation. Please sit here and wait a moment."

  "Okay, no problem."

  Gordon smiled apologetically and walked towards the two of them. After taking them far enough away to ensure that ordinary people could not hear them, he said, "How is it? What did you find?".

  "Those people were members of a small gang. The gun in Scarface's hand was missing a bullet and was found on someone other than the black man. The gun in the black man's hand was missing three bullets. One bullet was missing from the gun. Scarface had one bullet on another person, and another bullet was found at the place you mentioned." "

  Judging from the current situation, except for the black man you killed, the other three people should have died. Internal strife."

  After the words fell, Gordon patted the two of them on the shoulders and said, "I know, thank you for your hard work."

  At the same time, Russell, who was sitting quietly on the other side, also slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

  Gordon came over a moment later. Russell looked at his watch and said impatiently: "Officer Gordon, can I go?".

  Gordon looked at Russell, knowing that the other party's identity had reached the limit of being able to cooperate with him for so long, so he said: "Okay, look at the transcript, if it is consistent with what you said, sign your name on it. That’s it.”

  "However, if there are any new developments in this case, I will need to trouble you again. Please forgive me."

  Russell didn't even look at it. He wrote his name with a big stroke of his pen and said: "Chief Gordon, brother Tan’s public security really needs to be taken care of.”

  Gordon nodded and said apologetically: "I'm really sorry for causing trouble to Mr. Bloom.".

  "Here, I sincerely suggest that if you want to visit Gotham, you'd better bring someone to protect you."

  Russell stood up and said, "Thank you for your advice."

  "Goodbye, Mr. Bloom." Gordon held out his hand.

  "If we meet again here, forget it!"

  Gordon was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "You're right, this is not a good place."

  Russell smiled, shook hands with the other person, and said, "Thank you for saving me, Officer Gordon. Nice to meet you.".

  After the words fell, Russell picked up the clothes he put on the back of the chair and slowly left the police station.

  But Gordon stood there, looking at Russell's back, but there was a trace of doubt lingering in his eyes. He always felt that Russell was hiding something from him. "

  Tsk, tsk, you are worthy of being the boss of a big company. He is still so calm when encountering such a thing." , Sure enough, he is not an ordinary person." At this moment, a policeman walked up to Gordon, bumped Gordon with his shoulder, and said: "No, the information you want about Russell Bloom is the same person."

  "Gordon, fortunately you saved him, otherwise we would have been in trouble." The policeman patted Gordon on the shoulder, turned and left.

  Gordon sat down and looked at Russell's photo on the file, feeling something was wrong.

  At the same time, Russell, who had come to the police station for a visit, was in a very good mood and did not feel that this incident disturbed his good mood at all.

  Because after meeting Jim Gordon, he completed some small achievements and got some small achievement points.

  In addition, after he left the police station, he also completed a 500-point achievement - hiding from Gordon.

  (End of chapter)

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