Chapter 66 You decide the price

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  Chapter 66 The price is yours.
  "Uh, let me ask you, which gang are you from?"

  Under the 'threat' of the two men, Russell cooperated with the other party and walked into the alley where the other party came out, and walked towards the other side of the alley. Walk away.

  "Shut up!" A black man shouted fiercely. The gun in his hand pushed Russell's waist hard and said: "If you keep talking nonsense, I'll beat you to death. Do you even know what kind of gang we are?".

  Russell grinned, paused, stood on the spot, and said: "Since you said so, come on, beat me to death.".

  The two men looked at each other, and one man pointed the gun in Russell's chest fiercely, and said fiercely: "Don't think that I really dare not shoot, it's not like I have never killed anyone before!".

  Russell smiled and said confidently: "Generally, robbers only arrest people for money or sex. As for me, sex is impossible. As for money, you didn't even ask for it. And as soon as you catch me, you will take me away." Elsewhere, what does this say?"

  "You are just little characters who take orders from others."

  "So, don't scare me. If I don't cooperate, there will be a conflict and I get hurt. When I get there, if I don't cooperate with my captors, I will suffer." Who is it?"

  "Papa!" Russell patted the other party's face and said: "A small role is a role, and you must be self-aware.".

  The man's face changed after being photographed by Russell. He gritted his teeth and stared at Russell fiercely, as if he wanted to kill Russell.

  "Ahem!" Another man with a scar on his face coughed lightly, pulled the black man's arm and said, "Don't be impulsive!".

  "Huh!" The black man snorted angrily and said to Russell, "Hurry up and leave!".

  Russell said with great interest: "Tell me the name of your gang and I will cooperate with you.".

  The black man shouted angrily: "Don't be so arrogant!".

  Russell crossed his arms and smiled, without the kidnapper's consciousness at all, and said: "I'm sorry, I'm just so arrogant.".

  "This unknown gentleman..." Scarface looked at Russell coldly and said, "You are right, we are just small players, why do you care about us?".

  "To be honest, the order our boss gave us is to try to bring you back as intact as possible, but that's just as much as possible." "If you don't cooperate,

  we will have to use other methods to take you away. If I kill you, it won't be very good. The most we can do is be punished when we go back, but the main reason is that you don't cooperate, not us. Even if you are punished, it won't be serious. Don't you think so? Sir?" Russell was surprised

  . He glanced at the other party and said, "You're right."

  "What a surprise, you can actually see clearly."

  He adjusted his clothes and continued: "For a person like you, with such knowledge, it would be a bit unfair to be a subordinate."

  "Let's do this!" Russell looked at the two people with a smile in his eyes and said: "I am Russell Bloom, the owner of Bloom Technology Company.".

  Hearing this, the two of them were slightly startled. Even they had heard the name of Bloom Technology Company. They knew that it was a super company that owned the best game park in the world, and that game park was where they spent their free time. , I will occasionally have delusions, go there and play by myself, and experience the place where you can live your life freely.

  "Well, it doesn't matter if you don't recognize me. As long as you search online, you should be able to find my photo."

  Russell smiled faintly and said, "In this case, let's do a business."

  "What business?" Scarface's heart moved and he asked. At the same time, he winked at the black man and asked the black man to look at Russell and then take out his mobile phone.

  "What can you get by taking me there? Money? How much can you get?" Russell asked with a smile.

  Scarface looked at the photo displayed on his phone, nodded to the black man, looked at Russell and said, "What do you want to say?".

  "What I want to say is that as long as you let me go, I can give you a sum of money." Russell's voice was full of temptation, and he said slowly: "With this money, you can leave Gotham and do whatever you want. , just do whatever you want.”

  "How much?" the black man asked unconsciously.

  "One million?"

  "Ten million?"

  "One hundred million?"

  As Russell continued to increase the number, seeing the obviously excited expressions of the two of them, Russell said lightly: "Or you can decide the price."

  "How do we believe what you said is true!?" Scarface couldn't help but ask, after all, he couldn't resist the temptation of money.

  Russell said calmly: "Just let me go after I give you the money. Then you can share the money equally. This is much better than being someone's thug and losing your life at some point." , isn’t it?”.

  Scarface and the black man looked at each other, took two rapid breaths, gritted their teeth and said, "Then 200 million!".

  "No problem!" Russell responded without changing his expression, and said leisurely: "Two hundred million, even if two people share it equally, one person can still get one hundred million. This is a good deal."

  "Okay! It's settled!" Scarface said, looking at the two people waiting for them in the car on the other side of the alley, he got out of the car and walked towards them, and gave the black man a wink.

  "Why are you working so hard? What are you doing!"

  "Hurry up! My girl is still waiting for me, don't waste my time to have fun!"

  Looking at the black man and Scarface standing there, the two people got off the car. He urged impatiently.

  Scarface and the black man looked at each other, and the next second, gunfire rang out.

  Not two, but... three!
  Looking at the two dead people and Scarface, Russell felt a little surprised. He thought Scarface would kill the black man first?
  Unexpectedly, it was this black man who didn't seem to think very quickly who made the first move.

  "Hoo, ho!" He took two quick breaths. He looked at the corpse on the ground, lowered his voice, stared at Russell with red eyes, and said, "I want one billion!"

  Russell raised his brows and said: "I hate it when things go wrong as promised..." After a pause, when the black man wanted to speak, he smiled faintly and said: "However, because you are so courageous, I can agree."

  The black man pointed the gun in his hand at Russell and said hurriedly: "Stop talking nonsense and let's go!".

  Russell shrugged, and walked cooperatively with the other party to the car on the other side of the alley. However, after only taking a few steps, amidst the rapid footsteps, there was a loud and upright shout, followed by a figure appearing, There was a sound in the alley.

  "Stop!" The man in a suit pointed at the black man with the weapon in his hand and said: "Throw away the weapon! Let go of the hostages! Otherwise I will shoot!"

  (End of chapter)

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