Chapter 51 Being bitten

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  Chapter 51: Being bitten
  "Blood God!"

  Looking at each other, Russell and Caesar shouted at the same time, turned around, and quickly rushed into the building.

  At the same time, in the Vampire Summoning Tower, Laura and the three finally found the blade after dealing with several vampires.

  After placing the blade with most of the blood drained from the body from a bloodletting mold with a human-shaped groove used to bind the blade, looking at the blade that was weak and unconscious, Laura said: "He Is there any help?"

  "If there is his serum..."

  "Don't think about it!" Natasha said lightly, looking at some glass shards in the corner, she said, "He has been looking there since I rescued him. , if I guessed correctly, that pile of broken glass is his serum."

  Blade nodded with difficulty, proving Natasha's suspicion.

  "Then what should we do now?" Laura listened to the shrill screams coming from the upper level and said helplessly: "His blood has been used by the vampires, and the blood god should have been summoned as well.".

  Natasha stood up and said, "Let's go and see what the Blood God is first. If...".

  If Russell Bloom can't solve it, she will have to ask SHIELD to put out the fire as the director ordered when he came.

  With a secret whisper in her heart, Natasha glanced at Laura and was about to walk out.

  At this moment, Daredevil said: "No serum, just blood! He is a half-vampire! As long as he sucks blood, he can recover!".

  "Half vampire!" After imagining herself being sucked blood, Laura's hair stood on end and said, "I don't want to be bitten by him!".

  Natasha also shook her head, with a look of rejection.

  Daredevil stretched out his hand and said to the two of them: "I'm not asking you to be bitten by him. I'm just telling you about his situation. Do you have a knife?".

  Laura nodded, took out a dagger and handed it over.

  After Daredevil took it, he made a slit on his wrist, put it to Blade's mouth, and said, "That's it, just use my blood. You guys wait a moment, and we'll go up together when Blade recovers." , he is good at dealing with vampires, and he also has an extra helper to deal with the blood god."

  After the words fell, Daredevil reached out and pinched Blade's mouth open and said: "Open your mouth!".

  After Blade's mouth opened, Daredevil handed his bleeding wrist to Blade, squeezed it hard, and the blood gathered drop by drop into a thin red stream, flowing into Blade's mouth.

  Blade roared, as if he had regained some strength under the stimulation of blood. He opened his mouth and grabbed Daredevil's wrist, put it to his mouth, and sucked hard.

  The feeling of blood flowing away quickly made Daredevil's body feel a little weak, and his head even started to feel dizzy again.


  He took a long breath, sucked a lot of blood from the blade, and pushed away Daredevil's wrist.

  Daredevil looked at his wrist, grinned, and said, "I'm really afraid you'll bite me. It seems you haven't lost control while sucking blood. Not bad.".

  "That's not bad!" Dao Feng cursed, supported his body with his arms and slowly stood up, saying: "Your blood tastes really bad.".

  Daredevil's face darkened, and when he was about to speak, a black hand stretched out in front of him, grabbed his arm and pulled him up. He took a deep look at the wound on Daredevil's wrist and said, "However, Thank you anyway."

  "Also, your wound is still bleeding..."

  "Hey!" Black Widow tore off a piece of clothing from the vampire corpse on the ground, walked towards Daredevil and said, "Let me wrap it up for you.".

  "Thank you!" Daredevil squeezed his wrist and said thank you.

  Just as the three Daredevils rescued Daredevil and Russell and Caesar rushed to the summoning tower, Noyce, the mutant vampire who was blasted away by Caesar, trembled on the ground and looked at the quickly disappearing figures of Russell and Caesar. , relieved that the two of them didn't notice him, and felt very happy in his heart.

  If something strange happened in the summoning tower at this time, attracting the attention of Russell and Caesar, and the situation on the Blood God's side was urgent and there was no room for hesitation, he believed that the expressionless man would definitely look at his life and death, and then do something for him. He made up for it with a knife!

  However, this is luck!

  However, with such a physical condition, if he doesn't suck some blood, he will still die!

  Blood-sucking... Noyce's eyes swept across the battlefield, looking at the corpses on the ground, showing a smile that tore the corner of his mouth, using his only remaining arm, dragging his mutilated and blackened body, crawling got up.

  But just as he climbed two steps toward a corpse, he suddenly stopped and looked at the unconscious Bullseye.

  Fresh and strong blood...

  In this case, why drink the blood of the dead! It seems that saving the other party just now was a wise decision!

  Noyce licked his lips and quickly crawled towards Bullseye. After taking a deep breath at Bullseye's neck, he bit down hard with excitement in his eyes.


  The sharp canines pierced Bullseye's neck, and the sweet blood flowed into his mouth. The wonderful feeling made Noyce's whole body tremble with excitement.

  However, Bullseye, who woke up due to pain and the pleasure of being sucked by a vampire, didn't think so...

  Although a vampire would inject a special substance into its prey when sucking blood, causing the prey to slowly lose its resistance and Let it indulge in the pleasure of being sucked blood, but this does not mean that the prey has no ability to resist, especially for a guy like Bullseye who is stronger than ordinary people.

  Therefore, after realizing that he was being sucked by a vampire, Bullseye suppressed the pleasure that gradually appeared in his body. With a hint of shock, he touched his waist, took out a dart, and stabbed the vampire's neck fiercely.

  "Roar!" Noyce screamed in pain, opened his mouth, and sucked harder.

  "Shit!" Bullseye yelled angrily, pulled out the dart from Noyce's neck, pointed it at the vampire's temple, flicked his finger with all his strength, and shot the dart in. Suddenly, Noyce's body froze. Opened his mouth.

  "Go away!" Pushing away Noyce who was pressing on him, Bullseye stood up with difficulty holding on to the ground. He touched the teeth marks on his neck and looked at the blood on his hands. When he thought about being bitten by a vampire, , the anger in his heart rolled like boiling lava, burning his heart to the point of congestion.

  "Damn thing!" Swearing angrily, Bullseye stomped on the vampire's head, then raised it and kicked it again.

  One kick after another...

  When the head under his feet finally became a bloody mess, even shattered and deformed, Bullseye finally stopped moving, glanced at the summoning tower in the distance, touched his head, and pressed He rubbed his neck and left quickly with a sinister expression.

  (End of chapter)

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