Chapter 49 Come down quickly

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  Chapter 49 Come down quickly.

  In the short period of time when Caesar and Bullseye fought, the remaining vampires had been cleaned up by the sergeants. Although half of the sergeants were damaged, they were able to outnumber them by ten to one. Winning this victory is already very good.

  After all, although these vampires are a little weak in Russell's eyes, they are not comparable to ordinary people. Besides, these injured sergeants can still be repaired...

  Raising his hand, Russell asked the remaining sergeants to walk towards the tower-like building. If he heard correctly, there seemed to be a battle inside just now. It seems that it is not easy for Laura and the others to save people.

  Without stopping the sergeants' actions, Bullseye grinned, stretched out his hand to Russell, and said sarcastically: "What is this? A superhero pretending game? Are today's rich people so boring?"

  Russell's lips curled up, and he said distressedly: "Yes, there is so much money to spend, and you don't have to go out and work hard to make money. Every day is about feasting, beautiful women, and luxury cars. It is really boring. Most people can understand this kind of pain. Not enough!".

  The corners of Bullseye's mouth twitched, and he suddenly felt that the face under the mask was extremely hateful, and he wanted to shoot it right through. He gritted his teeth and said, "People like you really deserve to die!".

  "Aha, aha!" Russell waved his hand and said, "I'm right here. I'll come and get it if I can, but please shut up now."

  "What are you? A mutant, a superpower, or a vampire?" Russell looked at the silent short-haired man and asked.

  Under the neat short hair, there is a pale face without a trace of blood, and a thin figure that can be blown down by a gust of wind, but it gives people a feeling of weight like a rock.

  After hearing Russell's words, the man raised his head and said coldly: "Noyce, mutant vampire, you are very strong."

  As he spoke, Noyce's eyes turned to Caesar, but Caesar seemed not to hear him and still had no emotion at all.

  "I really want to taste your blood." He said coldly, Noyce showed a bloodthirsty smile, and rushed towards Caesar with a strange scream as if he was crazy.

  Seeing this, Caesar greeted him unceremoniously.

  "Mutant vampires? Can you become a vampire with mutant genes? Won't the genes of these two different species conflict? Or is this a special case?" A series of thoughts appeared in his mind, but his arms were light

  . With a slight lift, he blocked the darts fired at him with his shield.

  "It's not good to be distracted, let me play with you!" Bullseye laughed ferociously, and the hidden weapons flew towards Russell with a cold light.


  At this time, Laura and the three people who entered along the roof entrance, after getting rid of several vampires, were noticed by more vampires because of the vampires' shouts during the battle. However, the three people who had limited time did not Instead of entangled with the vampires, he temporarily found a place to hide while being chased by the vampires, and got rid of the vampires.

  "Far away!" Listening to the retreating footsteps of the vampires, Daredevil whispered, and jumped down from the hiding wall with Laura and Natasha.

  Laura turned her head, made sure it was safe, and said, "Where is the blade?"

  "I don't know." Natasha shook her head and said, "Only vampires are allowed in here. Our people can't come in and get further information."

  "Can we only look for it bit by bit?" Laura looked at the building under her feet and couldn't help but said, "I'm afraid it's too late!".

  The building under their feet looks like a tower from the outside, and inside the building is a circular staircase built along the wall. The circular staircase surrounds a column formed by twelve walls. There are some magic runes and some shallow ravines engraved on the inner wall of the column, which look very mysterious, and at the bottom of the column, there is a round platform in the middle.

  At this time, there was a vampire standing excitedly in the center of the round platform, directing the other vampires, dragging some pale and desperate vampires to the center under the twelve walls.

  Listening to the voice of the vampire on the round platform below, Daredevil whispered: "He is Frost, the head of these vampires, he is the one who wants to grab the blade.".

  “How about we go down and kill him directly?” Laura licked her lips and made a suggestion.

  Natasha was silent for a moment and then said: "There are a lot of vampires down there. If we want to kill him, we need to clean up those vampires. This is very difficult for us. Moreover, if we are fighting them, they will use What if the blood of the blade summons the blood god? In this case, even if we kill that guy, we still can't stop the blood god from appearing."

  "However, we are looking for Blade now. There are so many vampires and it is impossible for us to avoid them all. In this case, fighting the vampires will waste more time. In the end, we may not be able to save Blade or kill Fros. Special, the Blood God will still appear! So, we might as well give it a try and see if we can stop this summoning ritual after killing Frost and causing chaos." Laura, whose blood is full of adventure factors, still prefers to kill Frost. Rost.

  Natasha and Laura looked at each other, both thinking about how to convince each other in the shortest time.

  "Wait!" At this moment, Daredevil waved his hand, flapped his nose gently twice, and said: "I smell the blood of Blade, we can find him, follow me!".

  Laura and Natasha looked at each other, nodded, and followed Daredevil.

  Daredevil took out his multifunctional folding stick, walked to the stairs, and said: "The smell of the blade comes from below. We have to get down as soon as possible, so I plan to take a shortcut."

  After the words fell, Daredevil pressed lightly on the folding stick, and a grappling hook appeared. He fastened it on the stairs. After pulling hard, he said to Laura and Natasha: "Grab it, let's work together." Get down!".

  From here to the bottom, it is at least thirty meters. The cable in his multifunctional folding stick is only a little more than nine meters. If he is alone, it will be okay. He just needs to use the cable to buffer him when he jumps and is about to land. Now For three people... it will take at least three times, and how can these three descents be done without attracting the attention of the vampires...



  Just as Daredevil's mind was spinning rapidly, a roar came from came out from below, and immediately, a battle broke out and the scene was chaotic.

  "It's Bloom's sergeant!" Natasha whispered and said, "What a good opportunity! Let's go down!".

  "Okay!" Laura nodded.

  "Then grab this..." Before Daredevil finished speaking, Natasha jumped directly against the wall. After falling several meters, she pressed her hands with black gloves on the wall. , adsorbed on the wall, and then gently released it, then fell down again.

  "Laura, catch..."

  Laura took a deep breath, and after taking two steps back, the assassin time started, and she jumped out like an arrow. While sliding down, one leg lightly touched the outer wall of the column. He kicked, turned around, and landed easily on the stairs a few meters down. Then, after repeating this step two or three times, he and Natasha landed easily on the ground.

  The two stood together, looked up at Daredevil, and whispered: "Come down quickly!".

  (End of chapter)

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