Chapter 318 Death and Life

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  Chapter 318 Death and Life

  Isaacs' attack was as fast as lightning. Even Superman would be knocked away without any suspense in his collision.



  There was an explosion, and it was Isaacs who flew out.

  Waving his hand to disperse the reflective shield in front of him, Russell watched quietly as Isaacs crashed into buildings one after another.

  No matter how hard Isaac used it, it hurt now.

  However, it was impossible to kill Isaacs with just a reflective shield.

  At this moment, balls of flames flew towards Russell. At the same time, invisible forces of thought were tied to Russell, and the strange spiritual power eroded towards Russell's brain.

  In this regard, the black and gray marks on Russell's upper body just flashed slightly, and after a little white light appeared, Stryker's telepathy was shattered, and the invisible power of the mind was directly blocked in his brain. Outside, it was blocked.

  Immediately afterwards, Russell's body disappeared for a moment as if it merged into the space.

  And when Russell appeared, he was already beside Stryker.

  Stryker was startled, the wings behind him flashed violently, ice and flames roared out from his hands, wrapping around Russell like two fire dragons.

  Russell pointed his finger, and when Stryker's attack flew back, he raised his other hand towards Isaacs, who was flying back again. He tapped his finger lightly, and a little black appeared.

  black particles.

  The expanding black energy tore through the space and fell on Isaacs.

  Shredded, broken, Isaacs' body was quickly torn apart in the broken space.

  Suddenly, Stryker flashed on the spot, disappeared from the spot, and then appeared next to Isaacs. Invisible telepathy quickly surged out, blocking the broken space, and then grabbed Isaacs. His body flashed again, and he was out of danger.

  Although his flash movement distance is limited, it is enough to work wonders at critical moments.


  Russell raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

  There was a trace of cold sweat on Stryker's forehead, and Isaacs, who had only half of his body left, although his body was growing rapidly, his arrogant heart had been shattered by Russell.

  The other party just raised his finger and almost killed him.

  Thinking of this, Isaacs hesitated a little.

  He still had a trump card, but doing so would be equivalent to giving up on himself... With a

  slight roll of his eyes, Isaacs noticed that Stryker also looked hesitant, but instead relaxed and said: "Look now Come on, there is only one way."

  Hearing this, Stryker became even more entangled.

  At this moment, Russell raised his hand, and another black particle flew towards the two of them with black cracks that shattered the space. Stryker quickly flapped his wings to avoid the black particles.

  Isaacs smiled, knowing that Stryker would soon make the no-choice choice.

  Although that would make the two of them lose themselves, there is still a chance to complete their plans, even if they have more than one plan...


  A trace of pain appeared on Isaacs' shoulders, but Isaacs smiled. After laughing, he opened his mouth suddenly, turned around and bit Stryker's neck, which was biting on his shoulder.

  Blood splattered everywhere, and streaks of red blood sprouted from the two men's bodies, wrapping around each other like wildly growing weeds.

  They actually devoured each other!

  "Puff, puff!"

  As the two of them were devouring each other, the black particles emitted by Russell caught up with them and tore them into pieces.

  Just when everyone thought Isaacs and Stryker had been killed like this, Russell frowned slightly. He could still feel the presence of the two of them.

  The next second, the remaining fragments suddenly gathered together and formed a human shape, which began to expand crazily.

  It's like a piece of rotten meat that is constantly churning and changing in mid-air!
  Russell frowned in disgust and fired another shot of black particles.


  An invisible force emerged from the rotten meat, colliding with the black particles, constantly consuming the power of the black particles.

  "Has your telepathy increased?"

  Russell whispered unexpectedly, and then as if he sensed something, he quickly disappeared and disappeared from the spot.


  A ball of invisible energy exploded where Russell was just now, twisting and deforming the space, and even black cracks appeared.

  Just when Russell appeared again, the piece of rotten flesh had already taken on a human form in a short period of time.

  It's just that the so-called human form is really uncomfortable for people to look at. It's like a ball of red, messy wool, randomly entangled together, and it can barely form the shape of a person.

  Just when Russell's eyes fell on the 'person' made of flesh and blood, a crack appeared on it and quickly spread to the entire body.

  Just when everyone was confused, a layer of something like a shell peeled off from the man's body.

  The muscular body of the two-meter-tall man is full of explosive power. His weird face makes people's hair stand on end. Coupled with the gray skin all over his body, this figure is made by Stryker and Ai. The saxophones devour each other as they emerge, like gray-skinned monsters.

  However, what makes people feel very strange is that behind this monster, there is a pair of flawless white angel wings.

  Suddenly, the monster opened its eyes.

  One blue and one red.

  It's like fire is burning and frost is condensing.

  "I will be reborn from their bodies and will follow their wishes, destroy the old world and build a new world!" The

  strong voice is very charming, but the words he speaks make people feel chilly, coupled with the terror The pressure made everyone look solemn.

  Russell, on the other hand, still looked indifferent, even...a little disappointed.

  "Is it just this level?"

  The monster stared at Russell coldly, and the soul that was pieced together by the souls of Stryker and Isaacs suddenly surged with boundless anger.

  "I really want to kill you!"

  The monster said coldly, and with a flash of its body, it appeared in front of Russell, and its frost-covered fist hit Russell's chest hard.

  Russell disappeared like a phantom.


  The frost exploded, the space froze, and black cracks appeared in the air.

  The monster turned back, and the flame burning on its other fist instantly ignited the entire space.

  But it was still useless to Russell. Russell seemed to have integrated into this space, with only a phantom appearing from time to time.

  Seeing this scene, the anger in the monster's eyes became even greater. The endless thought power mixed with the power of the soul tore apart the space, mixed with space fragments, and rolled towards Russell like a storm.

  (End of chapter)

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