Chapter 316 No difference

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  Chapter 316:

  Stryker’s psychic power is beyond everyone’s imagination.

  Even Professor

  However, fortunately, Professor X can control most of Stryker's psychic power.

  At this moment, two red laser beams swept towards Stryker when Cyclops looked at him.


  An invisible barrier stood in front of Stryker, blocking the attack for Stryker.

  "Psychic barrier?" Magneto said in surprise, and said solemnly: "In addition to the power of the mind, does he have other abilities?" Magneto's palm hanging by his side was gently rubbing, as if at any

  time Everyone will take action.

  But in the next scene, something happened that surprised him even more.

  Stryker raised his foot and stamped the ground, a deep crack appeared under him, and he quickly rushed towards the Cyclops in the distance.

  "Scott! Back away!"

  Magneto yelled and stretched out his palm towards Cyclops.

  "What?" Cyclops was stunned for a moment, and under the control of Magneto, he quickly retreated as if being pulled by an invisible thread.


  There was an explosion, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on Cyclops' forehead when he saw a sharp rock thorn appearing where he had just stood.

  If Magneto hadn't pulled him away...

  Cyclops glanced gratefully at Magneto, who pulled him to Professor Stryker.

  "Bang, bang, bang!"

  The golden spear collided with the invisible barrier, and turned into yellow sand again and scattered, landing at Stryker's feet.

  Stryker glanced at Russell who was flying in the air and controlling the magic yellow sand. Seeing that Russell could not break through his defense, he focused most of his attention on Professor X.

  As long as Professor

  At this moment, the magic yellow sand on the ground that everyone ignored suddenly surged up with a faint golden light, wrapping up Stryker in the mental barrier, forming a sand cocoon.

  Russell, who was flying in the air, shook his hand hard, and the magic yellow sand began to flow rapidly.

  And every grain of sand contained in it, under the influence of magic power, is like a sharp weapon!
  Every second, Stryker's mental barrier must withstand several attacks from at least hundreds of millions of magical yellow sand.


  The eardrum-painful sound merged into one piece as the magic yellow sand continued to grind, making Stryker upset in the telepathy barrier, and his spiritual power began to become disordered.

  Sensing something unusual about Stryker, Professor

  Russell, who was flying in the air, also took the opportunity to exert force, putting more pressure on Stryker's telepathy barrier.   "From an ordinary person to a person with more powerful psychic

  abilities than Professor   A few seconds later, under the attacks of Russell and Professor X, subtle cracking sounds reached Russell's ears.   But the next second, Russell felt a powerful energy coming out of the sand cocoon. After defeating his magic yellow sand in one fell swoop, it was more like invisible hands grabbing at him.   The yellow sand flew away, and Russell disappeared from his original position.   However, as soon as he appeared on the yellow sand on the ground, a ball of flame with extremely high temperature flew towards him like a shadow.   After concentrating his eyes, the magic yellow sand turned into a shield to block Russell's body.   "Boom!"   Like something flammable, the magic yellow sand suddenly burned while blocking the flames.   With awe in his heart, Russell completely cut off the control of those magical yellow sands. While flying back, he looked at Stryker.   At this time, Stryker's appearance had undergone great changes.   He no longer looks that old, but has become younger. The most noticeable thing is the pair of wings behind him, a pair of white wings.   As his wings fluttered slightly, Stryker, whose appearance changed greatly, flew up. He looked at Russell in the distance and said, "I underestimated you. It seems that you killed my son, right?" "Son?" Russell groaned and said   . "You mean, that thing under the hive?"   "It's really you."   Russell raised his eyebrows and said, "So, you, who didn't regard him as your son at all, transformed him into that horrible thing? Now you want to be held accountable The person who killed him?"   "Maybe, he hates you even more."   Stryker was silent for a moment and said, "Maybe."   "But, I still have to kill you."   Russell smiled lightly, He said: "I'm right here."   As soon as he finished speaking, the magic yellow sand surged up again, rushing towards Stryker like a wave of the sea.   Stryker watched the yellow sand pouring in expressionlessly. When it reached not far away from him, the scorching white flames came out bravely and burned towards the yellow sand without giving in.   Golden yellow and scorching white, the two devour each other.   Suddenly, Stryker's eyes narrowed, and invisible power protected him.   A figure burning with flames appeared from the yellow sand, passed through the flames, and stabbed Stryker with the gun in his hand.   "Bang!"   There was a muffled sound, and Russell was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Stryker to react so quickly.   "You're done." Stryker sneered, his eyes turning a little bit of ice blue, and terrifying frost began to condense on Russell's body.   As long as Russell is killed, he can concentrate on dealing with Professor X who has been interfering with him.   "Pa!"   The frost condensed very quickly, almost in the blink of an eye, freezing the rushing Russell into an ice sculpture.   "Kacha!"   The ice sculpture shattered instantly with the caress of his mind. Stryker shrank his eyes and screamed inwardly.   The yellow sand, the figure he had just frozen into an ice sculpture, turned out to be a substitute formed by the magic yellow sand!   But the real Russell is still hidden in the yellow sand.   Suddenly, a golden portal opened in Stryker's mind barrier without any warning. As the golden portal opened, a golden spear quietly stretched out and pierced Stryker's body. .   "Puff!"   There was a soft sound, and bright red blood flowed down the barrel of the gun.   "Angel? It seems that your blood is no different from ordinary people."

  Russell murmured softly, but streaks of yellow magic power poured into Stryker's body, turning into magic yellow sand in his body, and began to stir crazily, turning the astonished Stryker into a Minced meat.

  Did you make it?

  Seeing the movement here, everyone on the battlefield breathed a sigh of relief.

  However, Isaacs, who was fighting, showed a sinister smile.

  (End of chapter)

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