Chapter 313 Take off!

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  Chapter 313 Take off!

  "Are you all ready?"

  Timo looked at the other little men in a circle with him and said in a solemn tone.

  Several others nodded excitedly, especially Tristana, who kept moving her ears excitedly, hugging her magic cannon 'Boom' excitedly, and wanted to jump into the battlefield immediately.

  "Why should she be the center of attention?" The evil little mage Vega muttered, "I think I am more suitable." "

  No!" Teemo seriously rejected the little mage's proposal and said, "Your image It’s too dark, and you can’t tell he’s a good person at first glance!”

  At first glance… he’s not a good person?

  "Tch!" Weijia was excited in his heart, but deliberately turned his head away with an unhappy expression.

  "Okay, okay!" Teemo clapped his hands gently, looked at everyone coldly, and said, "Let's start taking action!" "

  If... anyone doesn't act according to the plan... Hehe!" Teemo sneered, He said calmly: "I will give the photos I secretly took to the Demacia people!"

  When everyone heard this, their faces instantly became tense and they nodded heavily.

  Teemo narrowed his eyes with satisfaction and said: "Action!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, Rambo directly summoned his mecha, pressed his palm on it, and a flame with terrifying temperature spurted out from the nozzle, burning. Zombies around.

  "Fight!" Rambo excitedly controlled his mecha and knocked away the zombies one by one.

  Immediately afterwards, Vega also broke away from Lulu's invisibility magic. After Vega weakened most of the power of the dark balls, they flew around with him as the center.

  "Hey! Be careful!" Kuchi jumped, summoned his one-man plane under him, and excitedly threw bombs one after another. Suddenly, the pile of monsters exploded like fireworks, attracting the attention of many people.

  Teemo looked at the three people who had entered the battle, and shouted: "Rambo! Fire the rocket!"

  "You are so verbose!" Rambo muttered unhappily, but he shot an electronic harpoon, piercing the target. Shoot zombies.

  Seeing this, Teemo said gloomily: "You were chased by a cat last time. How did you escape? Everyone else must want to know!" Rambo shuddered and looked at Teemo and

  said : "You're cruel!"

  "Whoosh! Whoosh!"

  Rockets with fire and special fuel were shot out from the mecha under Rambo, and landed at the position Teemo had planned in advance.

  "Bang, bang!"

  The rockets landed one after another, and after they penetrated deeply into the ground, streaks of red lightning, carrying terrifying temperatures, continued to spread with the rockets as the center, bringing danger to the zombies and monsters. A lot of damage.

  Teemo nodded with satisfaction, looked at the monsters with a smile, and said softly: "It's my turn!"

  He turned back to the excited fairy witch and said: "Lulu! Speed ​​up!"

  "Okay!" Lulu said happily Waving the staff, a light magic power wrapped around Teemo. After Teemo picked it up on the spot, he quickly ran among the monsters.

  "Boom, boom!"

  Violent explosions sounded. The invisible mushroom bombs planted by Teemo when he entered the monster pile exploded one by one as Teemo ran like a wind, mixing with magic energy. The deadly venom formed a colorful poisonous gas cloud, covering a large area of ​​monsters, and as Teemo continued to run, it became a large area with the sound of explosions.

  Magical poisonous gas, scorching lightning and fire on the ground, as well as bombs and dark orbs thrown into the pile of monsters one after another.

  At this moment, the noise made by these little men successfully attracted everyone's attention.

  "What are those things?"

  Captain America stared into the distance, full of confusion and surprise, and murmured: "What are those little guys?"

  Black Widow's emerald green eyes looked at the running Teemo and said, "They're quite cute. Little things."

  What are these little things doing?
  All the superheroes were confused when they looked at Timo and the others. However, after Russell noticed it, he was slightly stunned and spoke softly.

  Teemo seems to have a great plan.

  Sure enough, after Teemo ran for a long time and detonated the mushroom bombs he planted on the battlefield, he ran to Lulu again and gasped softly: "Hurry up, Lulu!" "Okay!" Lulu nodded

  , With a gentle wave of the staff in her hand, the magic she had prepared long ago was unleashed on Tristana.

  "Add more speed! Add some magic shield! Plus the most powerful wild growth!" "

  Oh! It's too big!"

  Looking at Tris, who instantly grew to more than ten meters tall, almost twenty meters tall, under the magical energy Tana, Lulu, who had consumed more than half of her energy, screamed in surprise.

  Teemo on the other side also twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.

  At the same time, the superheroes who had been paddling since the heroes of Valoran appeared looked at the huge figure holding the magic cannon, and their eyes twitched and their hearts pounded.

  "Wahahahaha!" Tristana laughed wildly. She fired a cannon like a pillar into the sky with a huge cannon in her hand, and then laughed loudly: "The carnival begins!" "


  A sound spread across the battlefield, like A thunderous sound sounded, and the cannon held by Tristana spurted out a stream of flames, carrying her into the sky.

  What the hell?

  The corners of the superheroes' mouths twitched crazily, while the heroes of Valoran had solemn expressions.

  "Tristana jumped up!"

  Soraka, who was standing next to Russell, smiled slightly. While waving the staff gently, the healing magic continued to fall on her friends.

  Russell crossed his arms and smiled, admiring the courage of these little people.


  Tristana shouted happily, falling to the ground with fierce energy.


  There was an explosion, and the zombies and enemies directly below Tristana were reduced to pieces under the magical flames. Enemies further away were blown away by the shock wave.


  There was a cannon sound, and Tristana fired a cannonball at the enemy in the poisonous cloud.


  When the cannonball fell on the enemy and smashed it into pieces, the magical energy contained in the cannonball merged with the enemy's burst flesh and blood, and exploded to the surrounding enemies, killing those who were lingering in the poisonous cloud. The enemy was also blown to pieces.

  But Tristana didn't even look at the result of her victory. Instead, she jumped up again, then landed again, and fired another shell at the enemy under Kuchi's missile.

  One jump, one fall, one cannonball, and a large number of enemies were turned into pieces of flesh and blood.

  boom! boom! boom!
  For a time, the entire battlefield was filled with this sound.

  Looking at Tristana's huge figure jumping and cheering, as well as the zombies and monsters on the ground that were constantly turning into pieces of flesh and blood, the superheroes not only felt numb.

  (End of chapter)

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