Chapter 306: Reluctant to leave?

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  Chapter 306: Reluctant to leave?

  The air disturbed by the flight was like an invisible wave. When the rapidly flying figure suddenly stopped, it rushed towards the monsters around it. A gap was created in the sky that covered the monsters, allowing the sunlight to return. Spilled down.

  And under the sun, a handsome man wearing a blue tight-fitting suit, a blood-red cape, and a big S on his chest was calmly staring at the monsters around him.

  Appearance...still so cool.

  With a silent thought in his heart, Russell looked up and saw that bright smile like the sun. He nodded slightly and said, "Long time no see." "

  Long time no see." Superman responded, looking at the monsters who were about to move, indifferently. He asked, "Is that all?"

  Just that much?

  The corner of his mouth twitched, and Russell said, "If you behave well, the people behind you might be able to send more monsters."

  Superman nodded, understanding what Russell meant.

  Monsters...and many more.

  While the two were talking, the group of monsters surrounding them became more and more impatient after no new monsters arrived.

  At this moment, invisible fluctuations swept through the group of monsters. Suddenly, the monsters roared one after another. After gathering together a terrifying sound wave, they rushed towards Russell and Superman.


  At this moment, a thunderous sound that shook the sky suddenly sounded, and a blue lightning broke into the group of monsters, bursting out a large amount of lightning. When a large number of monsters were killed, the group of monsters were stunned. Stop the momentum for a meal.


  The whole body is wrapped with flowing lightning, and his eyes seem to contain endless thunder and lightning. As the eyes open and close, traces of blue light burst out.

  This is? Thor awakened his power?
  Russell was a little surprised.

  With a push of both hands, Thor smashed a large piece of thunder and lightning towards the monsters with an explosion. After clearing away the monsters, he appeared next to Russell.

  "Why are you here? When did you come?" Russell asked a little strangely.

  Thor smiled heartily and said: "I've been here for a while, I'm here to take Loki back."

  After a pause, Thor winked at Russell and said coquettishly: "By the way, I want you to see my awakening." Strength, and my new weapon."

  "New weapon?" Russell asked in confusion: "What new weapon?"

  Thor waved his hand, and a battle ax appeared in his hand.

  With a slight flick, thunder and storm entangled the tomahawk in Thor's hand. Thor smiled and said: "Storm Tomahawk!" Russell

  opened his mouth, holding the grass and shouted in his heart.

  "What did you do there?" Russell asked in surprise.

  In the original plot, this Storm Ax only appeared when fighting Thanos.

  "Of course it's in Niveda! Where else can it be?" Thor shook the battle ax in his hand and said: "This is after I awakened my power, and my father took me to Niveda as a reward to let the dwarves Wang helped build it."

  The reward for awakening? Russell was stunned for a moment.

  Thor smiled at Russell and said gratefully: "Speaking of awakening, I have to thank you for reminding me." "

  Haha, you're welcome."


  A slightly dissatisfied voice sounded as he was killing the monster. After Superman smashed a fire-breathing monster from the sky, he stopped beside the two of them and said, "Can you talk to me later?"

  While speaking, Superman also grabbed a humanoid monster with bird wings, It was thrown out like a cannonball.

  "Haha!" Thor laughed heartily and said, "It feels so good to be able to fight side by side again!"

  After saying this, Thor rushed into the group of monsters with a thunderbolt.

  Russell also smiled slightly and waved his hand, and a piece of ice bloomed among the monsters.

  Thunder roared and frost filled the air.

  Russell and Thor's attacks were extremely wide-range attacks. Often, with just a wave of their hands, when the monsters could not get close to them, they were killed by thunder and ice.

  As for Superman, without using his heat vision, although his attacks don't look as brilliant as those of the two, with his terrifying flying speed and strength, as well as his indestructible body, he can often just fly through the crowd of monsters. , a passage made of flesh and blood will be left, which looks extremely bloody.

  Although there are many monsters, for Russell, Superman and Thor, there are no monsters that can pose a threat to them. If this continues, it will only be a waste of the three people's physical strength and time.

  And these monsters have other uses, such as blocking other people.

  Finally, after seeing Superman's eyes shoot out a ray of heat vision, splitting a circle of monsters into two as his body rotated, the two people hiding in the dark frowned.

  "Let these monsters withdraw."

  A middle-aged man wearing a white coat and a purple tie said with a frown.


  Instead of standing together, the man also wearing a white coat chuckled and said, "What's wrong, Isaacs, you can't bear it?" "Ca

  n't bear it?" Isaacs turned to look at him and said, "Strike , you have to know that this is just a waste of resources."

  Whether it is these monsters fighting or the people under the umbrella, in his eyes, they are just resources that can be used.

  Cold, yet realistic.

  Stryker tilted his head and said, "But, I want him to die."

  As he said that, Stryker looked at Russell, with a complicated light flashing in his eyes.

  "Ha." Isaacs sneered and said, "Is it because of your son who was killed?"

  A trace of anger flashed in Stryker's eyes, and he said coldly: "So what?"

  Although his son , because he has awakened his mutant abilities, he is a monster in his eyes, but he is also his son.

  No one else can move except him!

  "Tsk, tsk!" Isaacs laughed strangely and said sarcastically: "What a great father's love."

  Transforming his son into a monster with his own hands, in Isaacs' view, Stryker's heart was as cold as his.

  "Isaacs!" Stryker shouted coldly, and the invisible power of the soul formed a spiritual storm, which exploded in Isaacs' head.

  Isaacs' eyes narrowed, blood seeping from his eyes, nostrils, and even the pores on his face.

  "Ha!" Isaacs smiled carelessly, and the blood on his face seemed to be absorbed and penetrated into his body again.

  "Don't be so bad-tempered."

  "Don't forget, my life and yours are connected. Unless you want to commit suicide, it's best not to do anything to me."

  Stryker gasped violently. Said: "You don't need to remind me."

  "That's best." Isaacs waved his hand and said, "Next, you can just have fun." "I

  hope you don't have to end up with me personally."

  "That would be too embarrassing."

  (End of this chapter) )

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