Chapter 304: Drag oil bottle

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  Chapter 304 Oil Bottle

  "Bang, bang!"

  After a series of precise shots killed several ordinary zombies that rushed towards him, he looked at the spider-like biochemical monster with several long legs like human arms, Ada frowned helplessly.

  The gun in her hand didn't pose much of a threat to this monster.

  Looking at Caesar and Tony beside them, they shook their heads, saying that their colonial uniforms and steel suits really had no energy.


  When the three people made eye contact, streaks of blood-red spider threads were sprayed towards the three of them.

  "Puff, puff!"

  Seeing the scene of big holes being shot out of the ground, and even green smoke coming out, the eyes of the three people who avoided it shrank sharply.

  Terrible penetrating power and poisonous.


  Ada aimed at the monster's head and fired a tentative shot.


  The monster screamed, and a bloody hole appeared on its head.

  However, before two drops of blood came out, the wound began to heal, and it was healed in less than a second.

  What made Ada and the others even more helpless was that after being hit by Ada's shot, the scary spider-like monster opened its mouth and spit out a large amount of red mucus, sprayed it on itself, and wrapped itself in the red spider. In silk armor.


  Ada shot again.

  However, he saw that the bullet collided with the spider silk armor, and after making an abnormal sound, it was ejected directly.


  Tony took a breath and said unwillingly: "If my steel suit had energy, this thing would be killed in one shot." In

  order to chase Russell's colonial suit, Tony had to update his own suit again and again. Equipment, now, he has developed a nano-suit.

  "Stop talking nonsense." Caesar said coldly, "Stay away."

  Although Tony has also learned some fighting, his main ability is still in his steel suit. Now that he is here, Caesar and Ada also had to protect him.

  Tony didn't feel angry at all and stepped back very wisely.

  Seeing this, the monster tilted its head and chased Tony.

  "That's too much!" Tony shouted, speechless.

  Do even monsters know that they pick up the soft persimmons first?

  "Bang, bang, bang!"

  A series of shooting sounds sounded, and the bullets landed on the monster's head one by one, accurately landing on one point.


  Under the constant impact, cracks appeared in the spider silk armor that the monster made for itself.

  Suddenly, the monster stopped suddenly and rushed towards Ada.

  Ada brought a threat to it. Although the other prey looked very delicious, it was more important to it to deal with the enemy first.

  Ada stood there, still calmly shooting again and again, and even changed another magazine after finishing shooting the bullets in one magazine.

  Getting closer, getting closer.

  The monster roared excitedly, it had already smelled the fragrance of the enemy.

  It's ready for a feast in no time!
  However, just as it jumped up and rushed towards Ada, an indifferent and cold figure suddenly appeared from the air. The two daggers held in its hands fell hard from under the monster to the monster's head. .

  "Hiss, hiss!"

  The monster, unable to change direction in mid-air, screamed twice in a hurry, and could only open its mouth and shoot a spider thread towards Caesar.

  Caesar tilted his head to avoid the monster's attack, and crossed the daggers in his hands across the monster's neck.


  The vibranium dagger easily cut through the monster's spider silk armor and cut off the monster's head entirely.


  The monster fell, and Ada moved her steps to avoid the monster's fallen body.

  "Be careful!"

  Just when Ada felt a little relieved, a roar suddenly sounded.

  Ada looked sternly, watching the monster's long legs that looked like human arms grabbing towards her, and hurriedly backed away.

  However, at such a close distance and with the monster's premeditated outbreak, she could only watch helplessly as the monster got closer and closer to her.

  However, even if the situation was dangerous, the instinct she had honed over the years still allowed Ada to remain calm and try to find a solution.

  Just when the monster's legs were about to catch the hem of her skirt that was flying due to her rapid retreat, a fierce figure hit the monster from the side.


  The monster yelled angrily and could only give up on Ada.

  When several arms under the body grabbed Caesar, half a woman's body suddenly stood up on the monster's back. When a pair of arms like sharp weapons stabbed Caesar fiercely, it opened its mouth and spit out a sharp spider silk. Tangled up in Caesar.

  Suddenly, a burst of green smoke emerged, quickly corroding Caesar's body.

  "Damn it! This is the true form of the monster." Tony screamed, looking anxiously at Caesar who was entangled with the monster.

  The head just cut off by Caesar was just a fake head.

  Holding the dagger tightly with both hands, he swiped it from the monster's spider silk, cut off the spider silk on his body, and then crashed into the monster.


  The monster screamed, and several arms underneath it finally grabbed one of Caesar's hands after being cut off by Caesar.

  Caesar's forward body slowed down, and two spear-like arms popped out and pierced Caesar's chest.

  "Caesar!" Tony screamed and was about to rush over, but Ada's eyes turned cold and she aimed the gun at the monster's head.

  At this moment, Caesar sneered, and the dagger in his other hand drew an arc. After cutting off the monster's arm on the chest, he also cut off his other arm.

  The next moment, Caesar, freed from his restraints, rushed into the monster's arms, and with the dagger in his hand, he coldly cut off half of the body.


  There was a soft sound, and the monster's upper body fell to the ground. The upper body of the woman screamed twice, rolled on the ground twice, and finally died.

  "Caesar, how are you?" Ada walked up to Caesar and asked.

  Caesar pulled out the two monster arms that were still inserted into his chest, shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter."

  This is just Caesar. Except for the brain, all parts of the body have been replaced by machines. If it is Ada , but also need to be careful about virus infection.

  Tony looked at Caesar in surprise and walked over quickly.

  Although there is some blood, it is only on the surface. The inside of the body is actually made of metal machinery.

  "Caesar, are you a robot?"

  Tony asked in surprise. He had never seen such an intelligent robot before.

  "No." Caesar said indifferently, without further explanation.

  "What should we do next?" Tony was a little worried.

  Their colonial uniforms and armors have lost their energy, Caesar is seriously 'damaged', and he is now a loser again. Could it be that Ada is the only one?

  "Don't worry." At this moment, Caesar smiled slightly, looked at the sky in the distance, and said, "Our reinforcements are here."

  (End of this chapter)

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