Chapter 302 Wesker

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  Chapter 302 Wesker

  "What's wrong, Master?"

  Seeing Russell staying in place like a log, Quinn asked a little strangely, and as soon as he stepped forward, he wanted to go up and have a look.


  Riven grabbed Quinn and said, "Have you forgotten what the master said?"

  Russell said, 'Don't come over, he will go take a look first'.

  Quinn was stunned for a moment and said: "Of course I remember, you don't need to remind me about this!" "

  However, the master seems to have something wrong now!"

  Riven looked at Russell, and after a few seconds of silence, he said: "Wait a moment, what's the matter? Abnormality, let's go over there."

  "And...if the master can't solve it, it's useless for us to go up there."

  Quinn rolled his eyes.

  At this moment, a man wearing a black leather trench coat, sunglasses, and a slicked back hair suddenly appeared next to the big-headed monster.

  After looking indifferently at Russell who was standing quietly, he grinned at Raven and Quinn and stepped towards Russell.

  Quinn's eyes turned cold and he fired several crossbow arrows at the opponent.

  The man in the trench coat paused, took a step forward, flashed for a moment, then disappeared and appeared next to Quinn.

  Since these two women will hinder him, then kill these two women first.

  As for Russell...

  he has never seen anyone come out of the monster's illusion.

  It's a pity that apart from the original one, this monster has not yet cultivated a second one. Otherwise, as long as there are enough of these monsters, the whole world will be enveloped in their illusion... It would be fun to think about it

  What a pity that Stryker only has one son.

  A flash appeared behind Quinn, and the man in the trench coat slashed hard at Quinn's neck like a sharp weapon.

  Quinn circled in place like a circling eagle, avoiding the windbreaker man's palm, and shot a crossbow arrow at the opponent's head at close range.


  There was an explosion, and the crossbow arrow with Quinn's energy shot the opponent away.

  But Quinn didn't look happy at all. Instead, his eyes narrowed and he quickly left the place.


  With a low laugh, the man in the trench coat stood up from the ground. The shallow blood hole on his forehead was recovering quickly, and a winding stream of blood was slowly falling down the other person's face.

  Licking the blood from the corner of his mouth, the man in the trench coat looked at Quinn and Riven and said, "Very good. It would be a pity for you to die like this." "

  I am Wesker, and I invite you to join Umbrella. What do you think of the purge plan?"

  "Not very good." Riven said lightly, "I'm not interested in invitations from dead people." "

  Haha!" Quinn smiled happily, holding the The weapon followed her agile figure and shot out sharp arrows one after another, sealing the space around Wesker. Several sharp arrows lined up in a row and fell towards Wesker's head.

  Quinn moved very quickly, and this series of attacks happened in just one second.

  However, Wesker was faster.

  His face was expressionless and disappeared in a flash.

  Appeared not far from Quinn.

  Fortunately, he had integrated a lot of superpowers, otherwise, under Quinn's attack just now, he would be disabled even if he didn't die.

  Just when this idea appeared in Wesker's mind, Riven had already charged over with his broken blade.

  Wesker sneered, flicked his hands, and a silvery luster suddenly appeared, and his arms stabbed Riven like a pair of murderous weapons.


  There was a crisp clashing sound. Wesker grabbed Riven's weapon with one hand, and stabbed Riven's heart with the other hand.

  Riven looked cold and solemn, as if she didn't see the opponent's attack. She just calmly raised the weapon in her hand, lifted Wesker up as well, and slammed the opponent to the ground.


  There was an explosion, and cracks appeared on the ground under Wesker. Looking at Riven's knife falling again, his body disappeared in a flash, appeared behind Riven, and grabbed Riven's back.


  There was a soft sound, and the rune shield appeared. When Riven blocked the attack, Riven's figure retreated and resisted Wesker. The broken blade in her hand passed through her side, stabbing fiercely. Towards the back.

  Upon seeing this, Wesker was about to use his flicker again, when an angry shout came with a power that shocked the soul, making Wesker's head feel dull and he lost consciousness.


  The broken blade passed through Wesker's chest, and a handful of blood exploded from his back as the broken blade passed through.


  Wesker cried out in pain when he came back to his senses, but a fierce look appeared on his face at the same time.

  When the super power was activated, the whole body turned into a silver-white metal color. When holding Riven's weapon tightly with both hands, the mouth that had opened like petals bit Riwen's neck fiercely.

  Riven Liang Ruo Bingshuang, with a rune shield blocking her from Wesker's attack, energy poured into the broken blade in her hand crazily.

  Suddenly, the sleeping rune sword was awakened.

  The sword has a wider blade, a sharper blade, and is already taller than a human being.

  Dark green runes flashed one after another, and the extremely sharp blade cut Wesker's lower body in half with the force of Riven's slash.

  Then he rushed forward, away from Wesker, and slashed at Wesker's head with the rune sword in his hand without looking back.

  As Wesker, who was covered in blood, roared in pain, a flicker left the place.

  However, at this moment, a cold light flashed in Riven's eyes, and the rune sword shining with dark green light in her hand swung towards her side without any warning.

  Suddenly, the dark green sword energy enveloped the space like a storm, and cut Wesker into pieces who had just appeared.


  With a soft sound, Wesker's head fell to the ground. He stared at Riven. He opened his mouth and spat out a piece of minced meat. When he was about to say something, Riven let out a soft drink and held the big gun in his hand. The sword struck down hard.


  It was like smashing a watermelon...

  When Riven removed his sword, there was no complete piece of meat visible.

  But even so, some larger pieces of meat on the ground were still trembling slightly.

  "That's disgusting..." Quinn looked at Riven with disgust and said, "Can't you be cleaner?"

  Glancing at Quinn lightly, Riven said, "I cleaned it very well."

  It was indeed very clean. It has been cut into pieces of meat and cannot die any more. Looking at it this way, it is indeed clean.

  Quinn was speechless.


  With a chuckle, Russell, who was like a piece of wood, woke up, and the magic runes in his palm quietly shattered. Russell looked at the big-headed monster in the distance and said, "Thank you so much for the illusion. I thought about it."

  Since he guessed that the monster's ability was an illusion, how could Russell not be prepared at all.

  After leaving the magic runes, he could wake up from the illusions created by the monster at any time. However, those illusions were too real, and he happened to miss them, so he took the initiative to stay for a while.

  (End of chapter)

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