Chapter 30 Tidbits

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  Chapter 30 Lace News
  A ray of golden sunshine pierced the thick clouds, giving it a golden edge, and at the same time drove away the darkness that had been oppressive all night.

  Feeling the body under his palm turning into fly ash and disappearing under the sunlight, feeling the special dust floating from his fingertips, Daredevil frowned in disgust, and then murmured He said: "He really turned into gray, he really is a vampire...".


  Daredevil turned his head and apologized to Daywalker and Russell.

  It’s true that he is a vigilante, and it’s true that he can arrest criminals, but it is not unacceptable to him if the person killed is an alien like a vampire. Moreover, as a lawyer during the day, he also deeply understands that in this world, , even in human society restricted by law, there are too many evils that cannot be solved by law.

  As a vigilante, for the sake of his own bottom line and in order not to release the devil in his heart, he could not touch their lives. However, after watching the criminals commit crimes again and again, the law has no effect on them. When he came out again, he was equally angry.

  Perhaps the best result would be for such criminals to be killed by those who have released the devil but can still restrain them. Therefore, although he does not agree with and will not do the killing of criminals, he does He will not stop the other party unless he feels it is necessary, or those criminals are not guilty enough to die.

  Therefore, he has this attitude towards criminals among humans, let alone vampires who are aliens.

  Sun Walker stood up silently, nodded to Russell, and was about to leave.

  At this time, Daredevil stopped the other party and asked: "These things have not appeared in Hell's Kitchen. Why are they here now? Do you have any tips?".

  Hell's Kitchen was already messy, but now that these things appeared, Daredevil felt it was necessary to expel these things.

  Sun Walker shook his head and said: "This is exactly what I want to understand, why they come here and what is their purpose here!".

  "Wow!" Russell yelled and said, "It seems you have reached some consensus.".

  "Then, you have to work hard, figure out why these ghosts are here, and then kill them."

  Daredevil tilted his head and looked at Russell and said, "What? Aren't you going to participate?".

  Russell shook his head and said, "I'm not as free as you, DD!".

  "I told you, don't call me that!" Daredevil's mouth twitched, wanting to hit the other person on the head with the stick in his hand.

  "Besides, what do you mean I'm free!"

  Russell waved his hand and said, "No more, let's watch the sunrise together. I'm going back! I'm sleepy!".

  After the words fell, Russell left first.

  After Daredevil and Daywalker glanced at each other, they quickly turned their heads away with strange expressions and left.

  Watch the sunrise together?

  Who the hell wants to watch the sunrise with each other!


  He went through the secret passage again and returned to his room. After washing up, he heard a familiar knock on the door. He scratched his still wet hair. Russell sighed and opened the door.

  "It seems that you didn't have a good rest last night, young master."

  As soon as he opened the door, he saw a hint of irritability on Russell's eyebrows. Arthur, who was very familiar with Russell, revealed the reason as soon as he opened his mouth.

  "Uh..." Russell looked helpless. He didn't have a good rest. He didn't sleep all night!
  Although with the qi he currently masters, he can sleep without any problem at night and is still active and active. However, if he does not rest for a night, he will always feel that he has not finished the day yesterday and is still doing what he did yesterday.

  He didn't like this feeling very much, and would even get a little irritable because of it.

  After nodding, Russell acknowledged Arthur's idea and said, "I'll go down after changing my clothes."

  "Okay, Master!" Arthur made a standard slight bow, closed the door for Russell, turned and left.

  When Russell changed his clothes and went downstairs, he saw two figures sitting in front of the dining table. He raised his eyebrows slightly and continued to walk over.

  "Morning, Ada, morning, Laura." After saying hello, Russell pulled out a chair and sat down.

  "Morning, Master." Ada smiled lightly, greeted Russell, and placed the bread with a layer of jam evenly spread on Russell's plate.

  Laura stuffed the bread in her hand into her mouth, and while chewing it, she waved to Russell as a response to Russell’s greeting.

  Laura lives in the manor, naturally because she has nowhere to go, and Ada has lived in the manor a long time ago and is used to it.

  After pulling up the chair and sitting down, and taking a sip of milk, Russell ate breakfast while looking at the newspaper that Arthur had prepared for him at the dining table.

  "Pfft!" Russell couldn't help laughing when he saw the tidbits about Tony Stark in the newspaper.

  When Ada picked up a tissue and handed it to Russell, Laura asked with interest: "What interesting news is it?".

  Russell took the tissue, wiped the corners of his mouth, and then handed the newspaper in his hand to Laura while holding back a smile.

  Laura took the newspaper and looked at the page Russell was looking at just now. Her eyes quickly noticed the particularly eye-catching title, then she opened her mouth and read it out with a smile.

  "Tony Stark's one-night stand turned out to be a 'man'!"

  "According to reliable sources, Mira who spent a wonderful night with the famous playboy and owner of Stark Industries Tony Stark... Miss Andry, who underwent gender reassignment surgery last month, became Mr. Carey Andry." "

  According to records, Miss Andry always felt that her gender was a mistake when she was a child..."

  followed by a paragraph about that The woman's narration, as well as some of the woman's memories, were occasionally interspersed with some memories of being with Tony Stark, which made Laura laugh after scanning them quickly.

  Finally, when Laura saw the last two sentences, she held back her laughter and read them out again.

  "So, we doubt whether Mr. Stark knew that Miss Andry always felt that she was a man when he spent one night with Miss Andry. If Mr. Stark knew... We have reason to doubt Mr. Stark's true sexual interests!".


  After finally reading this piece of tidbits, Laura burst out laughing. After lying on the table, she pressed her hands on her belly that was hurting from laughter. And after listening to Laura reading the news, Ada on the side showed a touching smile on her fair and flawless face, like a peach blossom in full bloom.

  This news is indeed interesting, enough for Russell to laugh at Tony severely the next time he sees him.

  (End of chapter)

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