Chapter 298 Acquaintance

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  Chapter 298 Acquaintance
  "Is illusion?"

  Quinn stepped on the lake under his feet and looked at the ripples on the lake. Quinn was a little surprised.

  "They replaced the city center with an illusion, but they replaced the city center with another place!"

  Russell looked at the current environment and said, "This should be the park in Raccoon City."

  After a moment of silence, Russell walked to the left , said: "Go this way."

  If he remembered correctly, the umbrella exhibition hall was in that direction.

  "Be careful."

  Russell warned.

  Since this is an illusion, there may be something real beneath the illusion.

  For example, those zombies.

  As dead things, they do not rely on sight to catch prey.

  As soon as he finished speaking, there was a roar that attracted the attention of the three Russells.

  "Something is coming out!"

  Although their vision was still obscured by illusions, the faint smell of corpses was noticed by the three of them as the roars got closer and closer.

  "They are already so close, and they are still protected by the illusion?"

  Quinn said in surprise, pointing the crossbow in front of him, and after pressing it lightly, a crossbow arrow shot out, passed through the illusion, and disappeared.

  However, Quinn accurately heard an inconspicuous sound of falling to the ground.

  Quinn raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Here we come!" As

  soon as he finished speaking, zombies seemed to appear out of thin air and surrounded them from all directions.

  Quinn put his hand back and raised the crossbow, about to shoot, when a swift figure rushed into the zombies.

  "Tch!" Quinn curled his lips and stood next to Russell, still looking around cautiously.


  A broken sword was swung gently, but fell to the ground with a terrifying impact.

  The energy glowing with green light exploded in all directions, tearing the zombies into pieces. The rune-breaking blade flashing with green light in Riven's hand glided across the zombies' bodies, cutting them into two pieces.


  A terrifying sound wave suddenly appeared from the mouth of a zombie, blasting towards Riwen like a cannonball.

  Riven waved the rune-breaking sword in her hand, and after a layer of shield protected her, she appeared in front of the zombies as if she teleported.


  The broken sword penetrated the zombie's chest, lifted it up, and cut the zombie's upper body in half.

  However, more zombies have already rushed towards Riven.


  With a soft drink, green energy burst out from Riven's body, knocking the zombies away. Riven rushed into the zombies without hesitation.

  The broken sword in his hand waved gently, matching Riven's deft steps, as if dancing gracefully.

  This dance is pleasing to the eye.

  The dirty blood and broken limbs were like dancing petals, bloody and cruel.

  After a while, when the dancers stopped, the zombies had been cleared away, leaving only a mess on the ground.

  Quinn glanced at the ground, pinched her nose, and said, "How disgusting."

  In order to detect and not expose herself, she preferred a fatal blow.

  "Let's go!"

  Listening to the roar again in the distance, Russell said and left quickly.

  These things, to a certain extent, are inexhaustible.

  Kill this batch, and there will be the next batch.

  If you don't want to be entangled, it's better to leave here quickly.

  Of course, the premise for Russell and the others to be entangled is that they don't want to make a big fuss. Otherwise, the zombies that appear now will not pose any threat to them.

  Even if some of these zombies seem to have special powers.

  Sure enough, as soon as they left, a group of zombies rushed out from behind them.

  However, Russell and the others were very fast, and soon they left the zombies behind and arrived in front of a church.

  The small blue lake and the flawless white church look quite charming.


  Russell said lightly and walked towards the church.

  Pushing open the door of the church, a group of three people walked into the church.

  There were no neat benches, only damaged display cabinets, no solemn crosses, just pieces of rotten screens, and a mess on the floor.

  Bodies, body parts.

  "Ah, protective umbrella."

  Russell smiled lightly, but noticed some traces of battle on the wall and ground.

  Although there are many traces of the battle, one of the circular pits with crack marks is particularly obvious.

  "Left by Ada?"

  Russell breathed a sigh of relief.

  But where are they going now?
  While confused, Russell said: "Let's search and see if we can find any clues."

  If there are no clues to find someone in Raccoon City, which is now controlled by the umbrella and is full of zombies and zombies with super powers, it will be really difficult. Somewhat difficult.

  Riven and Quinn nodded and walked in different directions.

  "Strange..." Russell fumbled for the ring on his hand gently, feeling a little confused.

  "Isn't there a zombie here?"

  "Have the zombies been cleaned up?"

  "No...even if they are cleaned up, the zombies outside will rush in because of the smell of blood." "

  But now, there is not a single one. Zombies..."

  "Unless...there's something here that would make zombies afraid!"

  While muttering softly, Russell suddenly heard the sound of a fight.


  His eyes flickered slightly, a breeze appeared, and Russell disappeared.


  Russell hurriedly shouted when he saw the person kicked out by Quinn and when the crossbow in Quinn's hand was aimed at the opponent.

  Quinn looked at the other person warily and put away the crossbow in his hand, while the man who fell on the ground looked at Russell with surprise.


  Bruce on the ground was slightly startled and shouted out in surprise.

  "It's me." Russell smiled slightly and walked towards Bruce. When he was one step away from him, he whispered: "Long time no see, Batman."

  Hearing this, Bruce was completely relieved and smiled.

  There were so many illusions that he had to be careful.

  Reaching out to pull Bruce up, Russell asked: "What happened here?"

  With a wry smile, Bruce said: "The people in Umbrella are crazy!"



  There was a huge explosion, and Cover After Bruce's words, Russell and Bruce looked at each other and hurriedly took Quinn with them to where the sound appeared.

  With a figure of more than three meters tall, muscles as solid as rocks, ferocious facial features, and four arms that attract people's attention.

  Looking at the monster confronting Riven, Russell finally understood why there were no other zombies here.

  This is the territory of this four-armed giant.

  "It's a biological weapon that protects the umbrella." Bruce explained, "I am here because of this thing."

  For Bruce, it is much safer here than outside. With this big guy here, no zombies will come in, and if he goes out, he will face illusions and zombies.

  For him, zombie groups and illusions are much more difficult to deal with than this big guy.

  (End of chapter)

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