Chapter 295 Raccoon City

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  Chapter 295 Raccoon City



  "What's wrong, Arthur?"

  Looking up from the consciousness converter in front of him, Russell looked at the old housekeeper who hurried into the laboratory, with some confusion on his face.

  More than two months have passed since Tryndamere was the first one. During these two months, Russell still spent most of his time in the laboratory.

  Seeing that person come alive in front of him under the palm of his hand, Russell felt a sense of accomplishment.

  After those people left the laboratory one by one, except for a very small number of people who stayed in Bloom's old house, all of them were assigned identities by Ada and integrated into the world.


  Arthur took a breath regardless of his appearance and said, "Ada and Caesar have lost contact!"

  With a stern look in his eyes, Russell said coldly: "What's going on? How long has it been?"

  During this period, he was a little busy. , did not pay attention to the news in this regard at all, but after those people under him appeared, they could get timely arrangements every time.

  It seemed that Ada had recently left this matter to Arthur.

  "Two days!" Arthur suppressed the anxiety in his heart and expressed the information Russell needed as much as possible.

  "They should have come back yesterday, but there was no news. I sent them a message to contact them, but they didn't respond at all."

  After speaking, Arthur's old-fashioned face was filled with worry, because this kind of thing has never happened before. appeared.

  Russell asked in a deep voice: "Where did they go? When did they go?"

  "Five days ago, they went to Raccoon City."

  "Raccoon City?"

  Hearing the name, the memory deep in Russell's head seemed to be activated. Like, scenes and related plots flashed through.

  However, what followed was deep doubt.

  According to the original plot, could what happened in Raccoon City really trap Caesar and Ada, making them lose contact and unable to send messages?

  what's going on there?
  And why are they going to Raccoon City?
  Thinking of this, Russell said: "Arthur, why did they go to Raccoon City?"

  "Umbrella has sent invitations to many companies, even the military, inviting them to Raccoon City to participate in Umbrella's product display, and, Umbrella showed that they have mastered the technology to change the world, so Caesar and Ada went to Raccoon City." "

  Now, what are the reactions of other companies? Have the people they went to come back?" Russell continued to ask.

  "Having not come back, other forces also began to inquire about news about Raccoon City." "

  But no new information was obtained."

  After the words fell, Arthur's face became more and more worried.

  Now, these people have just lost contact. No matter which company or force, this is just a preliminary investigation.

  However, as time passed, these people no longer contacted each other.

  Then Raccoon City is definitely going to be turbulent.

  Russell clapped his hands, brushed off the non-existent dust on his hands, and said, "I'll go and see for myself!" "

  But, Master, the situation there is unknown. If you go..."

  "Don't worry, Arthur." Russell smiled faintly and said to his old butler: "After such a long time, you should know a lot about my power." "It's okay, it's just

  Raccoon City."

  Russell said lightly, seeing Ah There was still some worry on Se's face, so he said helplessly: "I won't go alone, I will arrange for the people left in the old house to go with me." He understood what

  Russell said about 'the people left behind' , Arthur was referring to something and he felt relieved.

  Arthur showed a smile and said to Russell: "Whoever the young master takes, I will let them prepare now."

  Russell knocked his head and said: "Who is in the old house now?"

  "Xin Zhao, Riwen, Wei Well, Tyrone, Galen, Quinn, Darius..."

  "Okay, Arthur!" Interrupting Arthur who was still 'rolling', Russell said casually: "Let Riven and Quinn go with I'll go there."

  "Okay, Master, I'll let them prepare now."

  In addition to those who were arranged by Ada to come to Broome's old house, there are still many people staying in Broome's old house. Taking over the job of the previous guard.

  Although Russell didn't know exactly who was placed in the old Broome house, but now that Arthur was talking about them one by one, it seemed that Ada had left quite a few people here.

  "Yes." Russell nodded. After Arthur left the laboratory, he slowly left the laboratory and went to his room.

  After taking a quick shower and changing clothes, Russell walked downstairs.

  As for Arthur, he was already leading two people to wait for him.



  Russell nodded to the three of them and said, "Let's go."

  After saying that, Arthur still looked at Russell with some worry, while the other two looked excited. Followed behind Russell.

  After walking to the backyard of Bloom's old house, the spaceship hidden underground slowly appeared. Russell took the two of them onto the spaceship. The spacecraft started, entered the invisible state, and flew quickly towards Raccoon City.

  "Artemis, please bring me the information about Raccoon City."

  "Okay, sir."

  A virtual screen popped up, and a piece of information about Raccoon City popped up.

  After Russell took a general look, Russell's spaceship had stopped over Raccoon City.

  "Sir, Raccoon City has arrived."

  Raccoon City?

  Russell took a big step, stood on the spacecraft, and looked down condescendingly.

  There was no chaos as imagined, no different from an ordinary city.

  People come and go, cars come and go, it’s a busy scene.

  "Is it not erupting yet? Or is it not going to erupt at all? Or are these changes the reason why Ada and Caesar can be left behind?"

  Russell murmured in a low voice and said: "Artemis, find a place to land."

  " "Okay, sir."

  Artemis responded, controlling the spacecraft to begin its slow descent.

  However, at this moment, the alarm in the spacecraft rang wildly.

  "There is a high-energy reaction!"

  Artemis warned, controlling the spacecraft to dodge.

  However, the attack was too fast. He only had time to turn the ship sideways, and the entire spacecraft shook with a roar.

  "The spacecraft has been attacked, seriously damaged, and is about to be forced to crash."

  The spacecraft that was descending steadily trembled and quickly descended. At the same time, another red beam of light continued to shoot towards the spacecraft.

  This time there is no way to avoid it!
  Russell's eyes flashed coldly, and when his eyes turned icy blue, ice walls protecting the spacecraft appeared in mid-air, blocking those light beams.

  But the next moment, red light pillars spread across the entire sky like a net.

  "Riven, Quinn, let's go!"

  (End of Chapter)

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