Chapter 285 I’ll teach you

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  Chapter 285 I will teach you


  Russell suddenly had the illusion that he was still in school.

  I think back then, in order to live up to the name Bloom, he overtly and covertly sacrificed how much he had to pay.

  However, the time when I knew my efforts would be rewarded is quite nostalgic.

  "Ha, it's time to study."

  With a chuckle, Russell, who was sitting at the desk, lowered his head and read the two books that Gu Yi gave him, and began to slowly enter this magical world.

  Russell got up early the next day, followed Modu who led him, had breakfast together, and then slowly rushed to the magic training ground.

  In addition to reading books to accumulate magic knowledge, the use of magic and actual combat are also very important things.

  Modu asked Russell to stand aside and said: "You first watch them use magic. After I explain to them the things to be trained and the magic today, I will teach you the basics." Russell nodded slightly and said: "

  Okay ."

  Russell watched quietly, watching those mages reciting spells silently, working hard to communicate with different spaces, absorbing the energy of different spaces, and then using spells to form the energy into the shield or weapon they wanted.

  Some people are relatively complete, while others only form some simple lines. Just like in ordinary schools, some learn quickly and some learn slowly.


  An unexpected voice sounded, causing Russell to tilt his head and look over.

  It's Strange.

  Strange stared at Russell and said: "Why are you here?"

  Russell said: "Study."

  "Study?" Strange said dumbly: "Are you studying magic?"

  "Yes." Russell responded. With a cry, he stretched out his hand and said: "Russell Bloom, it's nice to see you again."

  Strange shook hands with Russell and said: "Stephen Strange."

  Although Russell had just learned magic, Strange Strange did not regard Russell as an ordinary magic apprentice.

  At that time, he still remembered clearly what happened when Russell lightly pinched him in the palm of his hand.


  the other party is here to learn some magic.

  Strange rolled his eyes and felt that he could save some face.

  Yesterday, he was like a little chicken. Things that Russell mentioned in the palm of his hand made him unhappy for a long time.

  Now...the opportunity has come.

  Thinking of this, Strange coughed lightly and said, "When did you start learning magic?"

  "Learning?" Russell smiled and said, "I haven't started to learn it formally yet. Today is the first day.

  " good!

  The other party is still a novice who doesn’t understand anything.

  Strange's eyes flashed with joy.

  "Well, it's a waste of time for you to watch here." Strange groaned and said, "If you don't mind, how about I teach you now?" "You teach me?" "Of course


  " Strange raised his chin inadvertently and said: "Although I haven't been here long, what I have learned now is enough for you to learn for a long time." Before, if Gu Yi hadn't thrown him

  into The Himalayas left him facing the possibility of freezing to death in minutes. It might take a long time for him to "recover".

  "Okay!" Russell smiled brightly and said, "What should you learn first?"

  "If you want to cast magic, you need to learn to absorb magical energy first." Strange explained and asked: "Have you learned this? ?"

  Russell thought for a moment. Although the magical energy rushed towards him like crazy yesterday, he

  really didn't learn how to actively absorb it...

  So he shook his head and said, "No."

  "In that case, come with me, I will take you there."

  Strange stretched out his hand and led Russell towards the edge of the training ground.

  "Absorb magical energy."

  Following Strange's voice, a bit of golden light appeared on Strange's hand.

  "Use magical energy to open the portal."

  Strange turned his fingers gently, and a portal appeared and then disappeared.

  "Use magical energy to shape a shield or sharp weapon."

  He drew his arms in front of him and spread them out, and a magic shield composed of simple lines appeared in Strange's hand.

  Showing it to Russell, he waved his hands and dispersed the shield.

  "These spells require thousands of practices before they can be successful."

  "Yeah." Russell nodded and said, "Practice makes perfect, I understand."

  "As long as you understand." Strange said, "Now I will first teach you the spell to absorb energy. When absorbing energy, you must meditate." "

  Actually, I should teach you to meditate and concentrate your thoughts first." Strange sighed and said, "After all, not everyone is like me. , because he used to be an excellent doctor and has a knack for concentrating consciousness." "

  You try it first, if not, I will teach you."

  A helpless tone.

  Russell raised his eyebrows and recited a spell silently. Suddenly, a little bit of golden energy seemed to respond to his king's call and swarmed in.

  Looking at the rich magical energy, Strange's eyes widened and his jaw almost dropped.

  Even he couldn't do it to this extent. Even Modu, who taught him, could absorb magic at a speed that was completely incomparable to Russell's.

  He looked at Russell suspiciously and said, "Is this really the first time you actively absorb magic energy?"

  "That's right." Russell nodded, waved his hand, dispersed the magic energy, and said, "It's quite easy."

  What concentration ? Spirit. He doesn't need it at all!
  As long as he had that thought, magical energy would appear and flow towards him.

  "Haha..." Strange's mouth twitched.


  Even though he was praised by Modu, he had to sit quietly for several days before he could absorb the magic energy.

  Russell smiled slightly and said, "By the way, don't you know how to open portals and use magic weapons? Teach me this." "This

  seems a bit difficult."

  Haha... It's a bit difficult.

  Thinking of his own experience, Strange muttered in his heart and said: "Forget opening the portal, this requires a hanging ring."

  "I'll teach you how to use magic weapons."

  As he said that, Strange slowly read out a paragraph Spell.

  "Do you remember?"

  Russell frowned and said, "Absolutely."

  This spell is a bit complicated, and it is indeed difficult to write it down completely.

  "Hey!" Strange said with excitement, "I memorized it just once." "

  Really, I'll read it again."

  After the first time, Russell frowned and murmured in a low voice.

  Suddenly, a little bit of golden energy, following Russell's incantation and his thoughts, formed golden magic chains between Russell's spread hands.

  "What the hell!" Strange exclaimed, looking at Russell as if he saw some monster. He even felt that Russell was a mage who had been studying for a long time, and now he was just teasing him.


  At this moment, the golden energy in Russell's hand made a muffled sound and disappeared.

  The spell failed.

  Strange breathed a sigh of relief.

  Russell frowned slightly and said, "I didn't control it well. It's really a bit difficult."

  After saying that, Russell silently recited the spell and started practicing again.

  (End of chapter)

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