Chapter 283 Talent Liberation

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  Chapter 283 Liberation of Talents
  When Russell came to Karma Taj again, it was much smoother than last time. There were no people with "vicious eyes" who regarded him as a big fat sheep and invited him to drink tea with him in the alley.

  When he arrived not far from Kama Taj, a man wearing dark clothes came up to him.

  "Mr. Bloom."

  The visitor nodded to Russell and then called.

  After a pause, Russell nodded.

  "I am Modu, a student of Master Gu Yi. He asked me to come here to wait for you." The

  dark-skinned Modu smiled and explained.

  "Is there anything else that needs to be prepared?"

  Modu asked politely, reaching out to pick up Russell's luggage.

  "Thank you." Russell thanked him, but avoided Modu's hand and said, "I can just take it myself, no need for trouble." "

  What needs to be prepared has been prepared. Let's go."

  "Okay." Modu nodded, stretched out his hand in front of him, and after a portal appeared, Modu stretched out his hand and said, "Please."

  Russell stepped in calmly.

  One step forward and you are already Kama Taj.

  Mo Du led the way and said, "Go this way, Master Gu Yi is already waiting for you." "

  Where's your luggage?"

  "Well, I was negligent." Mo Du smiled sheepishly and said, "I Let me take you to where you live first."

  After saying this, Modu immediately changed direction.

  Raising his eyebrows, Russell followed Modu leisurely while looking at Kama Taj.

  And Modu, who led the way with kindness, also looked at Russell from time to time, wanting to see what was so outstanding about Russell that Gu Yi could value him so much.

  After a while, Russell put down his luggage and followed Modu non-stop to where Gu Yi was.

  What surprised Modu was that Gu Yi was standing outside the door waiting.

  Although his expression was indifferent, the small fan he kept fanning in his hand represented something to some extent.

  "Here we come." When he saw Russell, he closed the fan in his hand, smiled slightly, and felt completely relieved.

  She was indeed a little worried that Russell would never come back without leaving.

  "Yes." Russell responded and said, "Since I agreed, I will definitely come."

  With a look of approval on his face, Gu nodded and said, "This is true for everyone in the Bloom family." "

  Let's go. , I will unlock the magic seal for you."

  After saying this, Modu, who was standing next to the ancient pair, said: "Thank you, Modu."

  Modu nodded slightly, but there was still a look of surprise in his eyes.

  Magic seal?

  Is there a magic seal on this young man?
  What was sealed?
  Looking at Gu Yi and the two people walking into the training room, Mo Du was filled with curiosity.

  There was nothing in the training room.

  Standing in the empty training room, Russell looked at Gu Yi, who was always smiling, and asked: "What do I need to do?" "

  No need to do anything, just relax." After saying lightly, Gu Yi sat down He stood on the wooden floor and said, "Sit down."

  Russell did as he was told.

  "Your talent has been sealed for so long. I don't know what will happen when the seal is unlocked, but there will definitely be a large amount of magical energy flowing into your body." "This will cause you pain

  . But don't worry, I will help you control it."

  "In addition, I will teach you to control the magic energy first."

  Russell nodded and said: "Understood."

  It was like a pond that had been empty for a long time and suddenly flooded in. A large amount of water will definitely put a lot of pressure on the pond.

  "Then, let's start now."

  As Gu Yi finished speaking, Gu Yi stretched out his hand and pressed it on Russell's forehead, and spells appeared in Russell's mind.

  "Remember it, we will use it later."

  Silently memorizing the spell, Russell nodded and said, "Remember it."

  Although the spell was a bit difficult to pronounce, it was not long, and Russell quickly memorized it.

  Gu Yi's face became solemn and he whispered: "Be prepared." As

  soon as he finished speaking, Gu Yi's hands lit up with golden energy. As he silently recited the spell in his heart, a constantly rotating magic circle formed by magic runes appeared in his mind. Underneath the two of them.

  Dots of golden energy, like flying fireflies, surrounded the two of them, turning Russell's eyes into a twinkling starry sky.

  Suddenly, the magic circle under Russell reversed at a dizzying speed.

  Just when Russell was surprised, a golden chain suddenly appeared and connected to him.

  "This is this?"

  Before Russell could ask, golden chains stretched out from the magic circle one after another and connected with him.

  Then the chains seemed to be tightened by invisible hands, making a tight sound.

  In the masterpiece of light, Russell has a very strange feeling.

  It was as if an invisible door that actually existed in his body was opened!
  "Crunch, crunch!"

  The non-existent sound slowly echoed in Russell's mind.

  "Bang! Bang!"

  It was like a beast that had been imprisoned for a long time, impacting the cage that had been locked up for decades. Then the slowly opened door was suddenly knocked open by the beast called talent!

  Gu Yi breathed a sigh of relief, but Russell felt a bit of growing pain.

  The magic circle under him had disappeared when the door opened, but a little golden energy emerged from the void and floated into Russell's body.

  Looking at Russell, Gu's eyes were full of joy.

  This is Russell’s terrifying talent!
  Without actively absorbing the energy from the parallel space, that energy rushed towards Russell impatiently.

  It's like...the people are waiting for the king to mobilize, and they are very happy.

  With the influx of magical energy, Russell had to silently recite the spell given to him by Ancient One to restrain the incoming energy.

  At this moment, he was extremely grateful that he had always cultivated Qi.

  Because when the pain intensified, the Qi in his body slowly started to move, helping him resist the pain caused by the magical energy.


  Russell breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the golden light spots surrounding him. Looking at these light spots, his body turned into a golden galaxy. He heard Gu Yi ask: "What do you think?" "Not bad

  . "

  It was as if I had found something I had lost for a long time, and I suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction in my heart.

  "Bind these magical energies."

  "After that, we will start a new course."

  Russell nodded and kept chanting the spell. Suddenly, the golden galaxy surrounding him began to flow slowly.

  As the golden energy continued to pour in, there was a 'click' sound in Russell's body that only Russell could hear.

  It was like the sound of something breaking.

  Just when he was wondering, the "clicking" sounds in his body became one.

  Russell's eyes suddenly opened wide, and the golden river surrounding him instantly turned into a golden ocean!
  "This is..."

  Seeing this scene, Gu Yi, who had always been calm, was also shocked, and then murmured.

  "Is this his fully opened magical talent?"

  (End of this chapter)

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