Chapter 28 Vampire

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  Chapter 28 The vampire

  patted the dust on his body, and the man who was looked at by Russell said fiercely: "Hey, I advise you to mind your own business!".

  After the words fell, a pair of sharp teeth appeared at the corners of the man's mouth, which made Russell slightly stunned and screamed unexpectedly.


  Surprise, really unexpected.

  Russell had seen aliens and even come into contact with some, but he had only heard of vampires and had never seen one alive.

  Suddenly, such a strange creature with many legendary stories appeared in front of Russell, which made Russell feel like he was in a zoo and saw a strange creature.

  Perhaps Russell's eyes were too unscrupulous, and the meaning contained in his eyes was clearly revealed, which made the vampire extremely unhappy after understanding it.

  "Damn thing!" The vampire cursed in a low voice, and rushed towards Russell with movements that were far beyond ordinary people.

  Although Russell's reputation in Hell's Kitchen is not as big as that of Daredevil due to his low attendance, after being active for such a long time, most people can call Russell's nickname when they see that costume, especially It is those criminals who have deeply remembered the appearance of 'nuisances' like Russell and Daredevil in their hearts.

  However, looking at the vampire's expression and actions now, it seemed as if he didn't recognize Russell at all.

  "Did I just come to Hell's Kitchen recently, or did I enter by mistake? Or did I meet a guy who really doesn't know me?"

  Russell felt that the first option was more likely.

  Reaching out and grabbing the vampire's fist, Russell raised his eyebrows as he felt the vampire's power, and then threw him away with the vampire's stunned expression.


  Like a ball of pork that was thrown onto the chopping board, the vampire lay on the ground in a shameful posture. Before he could get up, a foot stepped on his back and pressed him against his body. He stepped on the ground in submission.

  "It seems that vampires are not all warriors who are proficient in fighting."

  With a whisper, Russell stepped on the vampire's body a little bit, and after lifting it up, a golden energy line formed by a golden light spell quickly rolled up and swept the vampire away. After tying it up, he gently pulled it with his hand, pulling him with a painful expression in front of him, taking a closer look, and then sighed in disappointment.

  "Oh, who said vampires are all handsome guys and beautiful women."

  "Who are you!?" The vampire looked at Russell in surprise and struggled hard to hold on to the golden thread that made him feel very uncomfortable.

  "It's too late to ask now!" Russell muttered lightly, then hugged his arms, raised his eyebrows, and said in a pretentious manner: "You don't know my name, how dare you come here to protect me? Have you paid the fee?"

  "Protection fee?" The vampire was stunned for a moment, and then asked blankly: "How much? I'll give it!".

  "Eh, I don't know either!" Russell knocked his head and said, "You won't know until you do it!"

  "Do it...ah!"

  A flash of golden light flashed, and the vampire's unspoken words turned into screams. Russell looked at the vampire fangs he held in his hand with a golden light spell thread, and muttered with a disappointed look on his face: " What, there is no achievement point to get it!".


  There was another scream, and the vampire's other fang was also pulled out by Russell with a cursed thread.

  "You can't achieve anything even if you pull out a pair!"

  Looking at Russell who was muttering to himself, the vampire with a mouth full of blood had a look of fear on his face. He didn't know what kind of terrifying person he had met tonight, and what kind of scary person he would meet next. What a terrible thing.

  A few seconds later, accompanied by a series of screams, the vampire knew.

  First, his hands were broken by Russell, and then his legs were broken...

  and then, with a scream that suddenly stopped, he was killed by Russell.

  At the moment when the vampire died, Russell, who had received one hundred achievement points for achieving the first vampire kill, finally nodded with satisfaction and said softly: "It seems that only by killing the vampire can you get achievement points."

  "Okay, miss, you're safe..."

  "Ah!" Facing Russell who was looking at him with a smile, the woman who was rescued by Russell screamed and dropped her feet as if she had seen something terrible. The high heels disappeared like flying.

  The smile on his face froze, and Russell was speechless.

  Was what he just did so scary? Are you so afraid that you scare away the people you save?
  But if he doesn't do it, how can he be sure that he won't get achievement points? You must know that there are no rules for obtaining achievement points, such as...

  "Achieve achievement: Abnormal Savior (Elementary).

  Introduction to achievement: Use perverted means to scare a hundred people who are saved by you.

  Obtain achievement points: 500. ".

  "Haha...perverted means!"

  Looking at the achievements he had just completed, the corners of Russell's mouth twitched slightly.

  He just wanted to trigger some achievements, so why did he become a perverted savior?

  "What an unreasonable system!"

  Russell muttered softly and quickly disappeared.

  A moment later, several figures appeared in front of the vampire killed by Russell. One of them knelt down and looked at it before saying, "It's already dead."

  "Who did it? Sunwalker?"

  "It doesn't look like it. Sunwalker has no hobby of torturing prey."

  "Prey, hum!" snorted dissatisfied, and the leading vampire glanced at it coldly and spoke. The vampire said: "Even the Sun Walker cannot be unscrupulous here. This is Jin Bin's territory."

  "I'm sorry, actually, I can!"

  An extremely slap in the face came from the darkness, and a tall black man walked out of the darkness that seemed to be integrated with him.

  "Day Walker!" The vampire who had looked confident just now turned extremely ugly.

  "Damn it! Why are you here!" The vampire asked in a low voice, and quietly winked at the four vampires around him.

  The man known as the Day Walker grinned, showing his white teeth, took a deep breath, moved his nose slightly, and said coldly: "I can smell the stink of you guys from a long way away.".

  "Tell me, why are you here, and why didn't Kingpin drive you away?" "If so

  , can you let us go?" The leading vampire gestured to the other four vampires again.

  "Ha... you know my habits!" Wherever the Sun Walker went, vampires left no trace behind.

  "So, you can go die!" the vampire leader roared, and the other four vampires who had vaguely surrounded the Sun Walker quickly took out their weapons.

  Suddenly, several intersecting tongues of fire enveloped the place where the Sun Walker was.

  However, at the moment when these vampires took out their weapons, the Sun Walker had already slipped and merged into the darkness again like a phantom.

  (End of chapter)

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