Chapter 274 Ether

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  Chapter 274 Ether

  The golden-red energy blasted towards Malekith, knocking Malekith out hard.

  The scorching heat, the sunlight, like sunlight and flames condensed into entities, were filled with an aura that disgusted him.

  "Boom, boom!"

  Malekith rolled out and was continuously attacked by the sun disk. As soon as he got up, he was beaten to the ground again.

  Malekith looked aggrieved.

  Looking at the sun disk shining with golden light like the sun and releasing attacks, there was a look of hatred on its face.

  Seeing the energy reappearing, even more terrifying than before, Malekith crossed his hands in front of him, trying to resist the coming attack of the sun disk.


  There was an explosion, and golden-red energy exploded, like a ball of exploding golden-red fuel, covering the black particles around him.

  Suddenly, a hot and bright aura enveloped him.


  Malekith roared angrily, stretched out his arms, and a large number of black particles flew out of his body and attacked the sun disk.

  At this moment, Russell's figure suddenly appeared from the yellow sand at Malekith's feet.


  Malekith was shocked. Just when he was about to force Russell back, a golden spear suddenly stabbed into his chest. At the same time, the yellow sand under his feet began to spin and swallow him up. Come.

  The golden spear carried a heart-stopping magic power, and golden light erupted as soon as it touched Malekith's skin.


  Malekith cried in pain.

  Although the spear did not pierce him and was blocked by his control of the ether, the continuously flickering light of magic seemed to melt him, causing him great pain.

  However, he managed to block the blow.

  As soon as the thought in his mind came to an end, Russell's hands holding the gun slid gently, followed the gun shaft to come to him, and then with a slight smile, he reached out and pressed it on his chest.

  Then, something happened that frightened him.

  He felt that the ether particles in Tao's body were leaving his body and leaving him.

  "What's going on?" Malekith looked confused and tried hard to control the ether particles, but at this time, the ether particles, like bees attracted by flowers, turned to Russell without hesitation.

  "Why?" Malekith roared, stretching out his hands to grasp in vain.

  "Ha!" Russell chuckled and accelerated the absorption of ether particles.

  As the ether particles left Malekith's body, the golden spear held in Russell's other hand suddenly pierced Malekith's chest.


  Malekith fell to the ground with a confused look on his face.


  Pulling out the golden spear, Russell's other hand was surrounded by a red ribbon, like a red ribbon made of tiny red gems.

  With a thought in Russell's mind, the red ribbons slowly gathered together and turned into a red gem.

  Then, Russell opened his palm, revealing the blue gem lying in his palm.

  He reached out and grabbed the Reality Stone in his palm, then put the two back into the system backpack.

  Smiling with satisfaction, Russell pointed the spear in his hand, controlled the yellow sand, and flew toward the cursed warrior.

  Russell's actions attracted everyone's attention. After seeing that Russell had eliminated Malekith, although a hint of joy flashed in Odin's eyes, he was more thoughtful.

  But the cursed warrior who fought Odin seemed to be crazy. He didn't care whether he was injured or not. He wanted to exchange injuries with Odin, and even wanted to die with Odin.

  After Odin was beaten by three people and his condition continued to decline, the current situation looked very bad.


  Seeing Odin's expression of pain, as if he could no longer fight, Thor roared angrily and was about to fly towards this side.

  But the giant wolf Fenrir pounced violently, and a huge paw directly knocked Thor away. Then he jumped suddenly, rushed to the place where Thor landed, opened his big mouth, and bit Thor. go.


  A big hand of yellow sand suddenly appeared in front of Thor, swatting the giant wolf away like a fly.

  "Thanks!" Thor yelled at Russell. After seeing that Russell was already flying towards Odin, Thor's hammer spun rapidly in his hand, carrying thunder and hurricane, and rushed towards Fenrir again as he got up from the ground.

  "It seems that your situation is not very good! Teacher."

  As the yellow sand flew, the cursed warrior was repulsed, Russell whispered to Odin.

  Odin smiled bitterly and shook his head, stepped back, and said politely: "Leave it to you."

  "It's really easy." Russell said with a smile. In Odin's relaxed expression, the magic yellow sand was overwhelming. of the cursed warriors.




  There were crisp sounds of swords clashing, accompanied by pieces of ground that looked like they were being detonated, and shock waves that detonated the air.

  This is like a scene of two apocalypse fighting. It is hard to imagine that the two fighting parties are two beautiful women.

  Hela's face was full of defiance, swords, guns, swords and axes appeared out of thin air with her thoughts, constantly bombarding Diana with a strong aura of death, like a queen stepping out of the abyss of death.

  And Diana holds the divine sword and shield in her hands, like a statue of the goddess of war that comes to life, displaying her beautiful edge wantonly.

  Both sides are unique goddesses in the world, and the scene of fighting together is like sparks hitting the earth, beautiful, surprising, and amazing.

  She lowered her body slightly and used a divine shield to block a flying war blade. Like a brave knight, Diana held the Vulcan sword level and shot towards Hela with burning flames.

  Hela smiled coldly, her hands opened like lotus flowers, and weapons wrapped in the aura of death were thrown at Diana with great force.

  "Whoosh whoosh!"

  Like a black meteor.


  With a low voice, Diana's beautiful eyes seemed to be burning with fire, and her sprinting speed increased.

  At the same time, the protective silver bracelets on Diana's wrists burst out with dazzling light as she drank, giving Diana a layer of indestructible divine power.

  "Boom, boom, boom!"

  The black meteor collided with the silver goddess of war, making loud explosions.

  The meteor shattered, and the speed of the silver goddess of war continued to decrease.

  Finally, Diana rushed to Hela.


  With a soft sound, Hela held the sword with both hands and crossed it to block Diana's raised sword.


  A shock wave swept around the two of them.

  Trees, buildings, statues...

  everything was cut in half.

  "Ah!" Diana growled, her charge still not stopping.

  Hela kept retreating, her legs leaving two deep ravines on the ground.

  "Bang!" With a sound, the weapons in Hela's hands shattered under the Vulcan Sword, while the Vulcan Sword still stabbed forward.


  The sharp sword tip appeared from behind Hela.

   PS: Living... is quite tiring.

  (End of chapter)

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