Chapter 265 Destruction

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  Chapter 265: Destruction
  Purple energy shines, and Ronan seems to be holding a bright sun in his hand, falling hard towards the sea of ​​sand at his feet.

  Seeing this, Russell's eyes flashed with a smile, and the golden magic in his eyes flashed, and the sea of ​​sand under Ronan's feet suddenly disappeared.

  Suddenly, Ronan, who was hit hard, lost his footing and fell down with a hint of shock.


  Purple energy exploded under the sea of ​​sand, dyeing the sky purple.

  "Does it seem like a lot of effort was used?"

  Listening to the sound coming from below and the slowly undulating sea of ​​sand, Russell smiled slightly, the golden spear flashed slightly, and endless sand appeared at Ronan's feet, and an explosion was about to erupt. After the attack, Ronan rushed back into the sea of ​​sand again.

  "Shameless bastard!"

  Looking at Russell in the distance, Ronan gritted his teeth and cursed.

  Faced with Ronan's anger, Russell smiled and asked, "Do you want to do it again?"

  "Go to hell!" Ronan cursed coldly and rushed towards Russell with his war hammer in hand.

  Russell smiled and nodded: "That's right!"

  After saying that, he pointed his spear, and endless yellow sand soldiers appeared between Ronan and Russell, charging toward Ronan with their spears.

  Suddenly, purple light flashed and yellow sand danced wildly.

  As if entering an ancient battlefield, Ronan charged at thousands of troops by himself.

  This situation actually made Russell feel a little tragic.

  Suddenly, purple light flashed, and streaks of purple energy penetrated the yellow sand soldiers and shot towards Russell.

  His eyes flickered slightly, and the golden yellow sand stood in front of Russell, blocking him from attacks. At the same time, the sand soldiers surrounding Ronan glowed with a faint golden light, bringing Ronan More pressure.

  Suddenly, Ronan was once again overwhelmed by the sand soldiers, and in the wave of sand soldiers, he was once again far away from Russell.

  "Just sacrifice honestly."

  In the soft voice, the attacks of the sand soldiers became more and more fierce, and the cracks on Ronan's body became more and more big.

  Although Ronan's attack was fierce and coupled with the power gem, it was even more irresistible, but the sand soldiers were just Russell formed from magic yellow sand, and they didn't know what fear was. They killed one and a group of them!
  The endless sand soldiers brought only powerlessness and helplessness to Ronan.

  Although the power gem is infinitely powerful, his body cannot support the use of the power gem for a long time. Even with his universal war hammer as a buffer, his body will collapse due to the energy of the power gem during long-term use.

  And now, he is not far from physical collapse.

  "Why does such a person appear?"

  Looking at Russell in the distance, Ronan felt bitter in his heart.

  Thinking of his persistence and his hatred towards Xandar, a look of madness gradually appeared on Ronan's face.

  He felt that he was not allowed to fail like this! This is the closest he has come to success!

  The power of the power gem became stronger and stronger, and a purple sun seemed to appear in Ronan's body. Purple spots also appeared on his body.

  "Huh?" Russell's eyes were cold, and Ronan's crazy gazes met in mid-air. The golden spear in his hand shone, and he was ready to deal with it.

  The next moment, endless purple energy exploded with Ronan as the center line. When all the incoming Huangsha soldiers were defeated, the warhammer that seemed to have turned into a purple sun hit his feet again. of sand sea.

  Russell's expression moved slightly, but he did not control the dissipation of the sea of ​​sand to neutralize Ronan's attack as before.

  He felt Ronan's persistence.

  If he lets the sea of ​​sand dissipate and lets Ronan leave the sea of ​​sand, even if he lets the yellow sand spew out to resist Ronan's fall, Ronan will not stop using the power stone.

  In this blow, Ronan tried his best to block his own life!


  With an explosion, purple energy and golden sand collided fiercely.

  The purple energy crazily devoured the golden sand, but with the support of Russell's magic power, the golden sand continued to flow towards the place where the war hammer fell. For a time, the yellow sand flew all over the sky, and the energy of the power gem filled the sky. Dyed purple.

  Looking at the purple and gold sky, the people of Xandar screamed, as if they saw the end coming.

  Suddenly, a purple meteor broke through the blockade of yellow sand and rushed towards the ground.

  Immediately afterwards, endless yellow sand formed in the sky, wrapping around the purple meteor again. At the same time, the sea of ​​sand in the sky seemed to be angry, roaring and chasing the falling purple meteor, wrapping it up.

  The purple meteor was swallowed up by the sea of ​​sand, and the bright purple light disappeared into the yellow sand.


  At this moment, a bang was like thunder, exploding in the yellow sand surrounding the meteor.

  The next moment, yellow sand was flying everywhere, but the purple meteor disappeared.

  Russell stood quietly in the sea of ​​​​sand in the sky, with the palm of one hand facing up, filled with yellow sand, and among the yellow sand, a little purple was like a star that could not be hidden, which was eye-catching.

  With a thought, the purple stars disappeared. With a tap of the spear in his hand, the magic yellow sand in the sky disappeared without a trace, as if it had never been in this world.


  Hearing the shout, Russell looked back and saw that it was Diana.

  What's funny, though, is that Diana is holding a bunch of... Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.

  Looking at Diana in a funny way, Russell pointed at Star-Lord and the others and said with a smile, "What are you?"

  "Haha!" Star-Lord laughed dryly and said, "We are watching the battle with Diana." "

  That... Where is the power stone?"

  "Are you okay?"

  Two different questions appeared from Diana and Star-Lord at the same time, representing the different points of concern between the two.

  "It's okay." After responding to Diana with a smile, Russell looked at Star-Lord and the others and said, "As for the Power Stone, I didn't see it." "No?" Star-Lord looked at Russell hesitantly

  . "How could I not see it?"

  "Sir, you must know that that thing is dangerous and must be properly placed." "

  Sorry!" Russell shrugged and said, "I really didn't see it. "

  It's not that he doesn't dare to admit it, but he is afraid of the series of troubles that will come after admitting it. Star-Lord and the others are not a trouble, the trouble is those eyes secretly watching the infinite stones.


  "Quill!" Gamora interrupted Star-Lord and said to Russell, "What about Ronan?"

  "He was burst by the energy of the Power Stone." Russell responded, suddenly saying : "Oh, by the way, the power stone disappeared when he exploded."

  "So that's it." Drax murmured and said to Russell: "You are very powerful if you can kill Ronan." "

  Thank you." After thanking him, Russell said to Star-Lord and others: "You guys are planning to just Has it always been like this?"

  "Of course not!" Rocket, who was being held by Diana in one hand, shouted, "Let us down quickly!"

  Diana gave Russell a meaningful smile and led the Guardians of the Galaxy down.

  Russell smiled, shook his head, and followed Diana.

  (End of chapter)

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