Chapter 26 New Name

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  Chapter 26 New Name

  One week later, New York Airport.

  "Welcome back, Caesar!"

  Looking at the man who got off the plane and walked up to him, Russell said with a smile, but his eyes unconsciously glanced at a woman who was getting off the plane.

  The fire fox was intact, but looked a little confused.

  Caesar nodded to Russell and said: "The skills of those cowboys are good, but due to brain trauma, there will inevitably be some memory loss. Perhaps her previous experience has left a lot of trauma on her, most of them She has forgotten everything about the mutual aid association, and even the name of the mutual aid association."

  Russell was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "I understand.".

  "Caesar, is this your boss?"

  The two of them had just finished speaking, and turned to look around. The extremely lively Firefox came over, stretched out his hand to Russell, and said: "Hello, I am... ".

  After a pause, Firefox patted his forehead with a distressed look on his face, and said sheepishly: "Sorry, I forgot my name.".

  With a bright smile and a hint of naughty movements, the current Firefox is nothing like the woman before who seemed to be carrying many stories.

  "Russell Bloom." Russell smiled faintly and shook Firefox's outstretched hand.

  Firefox smiled slyly and said: "Caesar said that you are a good boss and can give me a good job.".

  "Really?" Russell glanced at the expressionless Caesar and said, "He rarely praises me. It's such an unexpected surprise to hear this news from you this time."

  "So, my job?"

  Before arriving with Caesar, Firefox was at a loss about his future. He even knew nothing about his past because of his amnesia.

  At that moment, she didn't know who she was, where she was going, what she was going to do, and how she was going to live.

  So, she asked Caesar how he planned his future.

  Caesar's answer is simple. He works for a family and now has a good boss. The boss has the final say on what to do and what not to do.

  Therefore, the amnesiac Fire Fox's eyes lit up, and he felt that such a life would be a good plan for him who knew nothing about it after losing his memory, so he came up with what he just said.

  "Work?" Russell thought for a while and said, "What are your hobbies or what are you good at?".

  "Hobby..." Firefox prolonged his voice, lowered his head and thought for a moment, his eyes brightened, and said: "I don't know if this is a hobby. I am very interested in ancient things, legends, ruins and so on. Interested!".

  After a pause, Russell suddenly had an idea in his mind. He raised the corners of his mouth, smiled faintly, and said, "Okay, as long as you have hobbies."

  "By the way, you just said, you don't know your name, right?"

  "Yes!" Fire Fox looked confused, then looked at Caesar and said, "Those who healed me told me, save Caesar might know my name, but I asked Caesar and he said he didn’t know my name..."

  "But if you don't know my name, why did you save me?"

  Caesar said coldly: "I didn't save you, the young master asked me to save you, so you can ask him why he saved you.".

  His face froze, Russell didn't expect Caesar to throw the problem on his side.

  Noticing the suspicious gaze of Fire Fox, Russell coughed lightly and said, "Sorry, I don't know your name either. As for why you asked Caesar to save you, you must not refuse to save him until you die.".

  Firefox nodded and said, "You are indeed a nice person.".

  "But where did you save me? Do I still have family? I..."

  "Sorry!" Russell shook his head slightly and said: "I don't know the answers to these questions, but if you want to know If so, you can look for it yourself in the next time."

  He really couldn't remember other information about Firefox. It had been too long. As for the little things he knew, since Firefox chose to forget it, why should he mention it again? Moreover, whether Firefox loses his memory or not, it has no impact on him at all.

  "Okay, okay!" Firefox responded helplessly, and then said: "So, my job?".

  "You should follow Caesar for the next two days! Receive some recovery training." Turning to Caesar, Russell asked: "Is it okay?"

  Caesar nodded silently, noticing what Russell meant by resuming training.

  "Great!" Fire Fox exclaimed happily.

  "By the way, since you forgot your name, I'll give you a name so it's easy to call you." Russell's eyes flashed with a smile that no one could understand.

  Firefox nodded, winked playfully, and said, "Okay, boss!".

  "Laura, how about Lara Croft?"

  After pondering for a few seconds, Firefox smiled brightly and said, "My subconscious tells me that I feel very much about this name.".

  "Then, from now on, I will call you Laura!"

  "Okay, boss!" Laura smiled brightly and said, "From now on, I am Laura."

  Facing Laura's smiling face, Russell also smiled, with a hint of meaning that was difficult for others to notice and couldn't understand.

  "Let's go, Master!" Caesar warned, opened the door of the car parked in front of Russell, let Russell sit in, and got into the passenger seat. Laura also smiled slyly and got in. The back seat of the car.

  She hasn’t even asked herself what she’s going to do and how her salary will be calculated!

  In whispers all the way, the car returned to Bloom's old house smoothly. When the old housekeeper took Laura and arranged a temporary residence for her, Caesar followed Russell to Russell's study and brought a information.

  "You said, those Kentucky cowboys want to buy more sets of colonial uniforms?"

  After hearing Caesar's words, Russell, who was sitting at the desk, frowned slightly, tapped the table with his fingers, then raised his head and said: "How much are they going to ask for?".

  "At least ten sets of colonial costumes!"

  "Da!" The tapping fingers stopped abruptly. Russell shook his head and said: "This is impossible. We have agreements with SHIELD and other governments. The colonial costumes are A type of special arms cannot be sold to private individuals in excess quantities."

  After a pause, Russell said non-negotiably: "They can only get the specified amount and abide by some rules, which is good for everyone.".

  Although in Broome, in addition to the game park, selling arms is also the main business of their company, but this does not mean that they can sell arms unscrupulously and without restrictions, especially special products such as colonial clothing.

   PS: Dear children, do you have any recommendation votes? If you have any, vote for it, thank you! Bang bang bang! (Applause! Don’t get it wrong, hey!)

  (End of chapter)

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