Chapter 253 No Choice

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  Chapter 253
  Is it really that simple to have no choice?

  Diana smiled bitterly inwardly.

  of course not.

  If it weren't for the look in the other person's eyes when he was sucked into the black hole, which was strikingly similar to a person in her memory at that moment, would she still be so hesitant?

  Diana drew a question mark in her mind.

  At the same time, Russell in the room was also stunned for a moment.



  With a chuckle, Russell shook his head.

  Then, he suddenly remembered that he was entering the frost nirvana. After being sucked into the black hole, the clothes on his body seemed to be smashed into pieces.

  So...he and Wonder Woman hugged each other like that in the Frost Egg for who knows how long?

  "Oh, what a big loss!"

  Russell muttered and closed his eyes.

  "Achievement Achieved: Defeated General Zod of Krypton.

  Obtained Legendary Achievement Points: 1 point.

  Achievement Achieved: Krypton's conspiracy was shattered.

  Obtained Legendary Points: 2 points.

  Achievement Achieved: Repulsed the Kirita invasion.

  Obtained Legendary Achievement Points: 2 points.

  Achievement achieved: Space gem obtained.

  Legendary achievement points obtained: 3 points."

  A total of eight legendary achievement points!

  After adding the remaining legendary achievement points.

  Now...12 o'clock!
  Seeing his legendary achievement point, Russell opened his eyes suddenly, his face full of surprise.

  He didn't expect to gain so much this time!

  In addition to legendary achievement points, he also received more than 20,000 ordinary achievement points!

  After adding the previous achievement points, there are now nearly 50,000 achievement points!
  Explosive achievement points! Whether it is an ordinary achievement point or a legendary achievement point!

  This time I made a lot of money!

  Although, he is still in the universe and there is no way to go back for the time being...

  Russell smiled bitterly when he thought of this.

  But then he suddenly thought of that thing...

  A flash of thought flashed through his eyes, and Russell felt that he needed to verify it first.

  "However, this is all for later, so let's take a rest first."

  Russell pressed his forehead and closed his eyes again and lay on the bed.

  With the addition of Wonder Woman, he has not returned to a perfect state after entering the Frost Nirvana state. He still needs to recover.

  Both mentally and physically. After all, his body is not as abnormal as Wonder Woman's.


  When Russell woke up, or to be precise, he was woken up, his body had already recovered more than half.

  Although there is still some discomfort in my head and body, it is no longer a problem.


  Along with the vibration of the spacecraft, there was another violent impact.

  The Qi in Russell's body moved automatically, stabilizing Russell's figure.

  "Are you okay?"

  Diana pushed the door open with a bang and rushed in.

  Looking at the door that flew out, Russell twitched the corner of his mouth and said hurriedly: "It's okay!"


  The spacecraft made another muffled sound, and the hull began to vibrate.

  "What's going on?" Russell asked Diana confused.

  "The owner of this ship has encountered an enemy and is running for his life." Diana said helplessly, "But judging from the current situation, the chance of them escaping is very small." Russell pulled something uncomfortable on his body

  . Wearing well-fitting clothes, he said: "If their ship is killed, we will also suffer." "

  Yes!" Diana responded and said with some distress: "In space, we can't exert our combat power at all."

  Russell shook his head and said, "We don't need to fight in space."

  Diana was startled, with a thoughtful look in her eyes, and said, "What do you mean?"

  "You have already guessed it." Russell smiled slightly and said: "Let's go and see what happens."

  "Okay." Diana flicked her long hair and walked towards the cab first.

  Russell took a step slower and looked at the two colonial rings on the fingers of his right hand.

  Colonial outfit: Xi Chui Lan, Colonial outfit: Frost Phoenix.

  Because they haven't had time to replenish their energy after the previous battle, the two colonial equipment rings now look dim.

  However, I don’t try to replenish my energy now.

  Thinking of this, Russell reached out and took off the two colonial rings. After putting them back into his pocket, he took out two more and kept them in his hand.

  He doesn't have just those two sets of colonial clothes.

  In addition to the perfect version of the Paladin Ranger and Ada's Wild Thunder that he gave to Caesar before, he also prepared other colonial equipment for himself.

  He stayed in Niveda for half a year, and the result was more than just a set of wild lightning.

  With a big stride, Russell chased after him.

  Walking to the cockpit, feeling the tense atmosphere in the cockpit, Russell raised his eyebrows.

  "Here we come!" Diana nodded to Russell and said, "Didn't you say you had a way?" As soon as the

  words came out, except Barty who was concentrating on piloting the spacecraft, the other four people hurriedly looked at Russell.

  At this time, Andy, who had no smile on his face, said seriously: "Hello, I am Andy, the captain of the Andy." "

  Hello, Russell." Russell nodded and said hello.

  Andy hurriedly asked: "What are you talking about?"

  His lips parted, Russell said lightly: "Surrender!"

  Andy frowned, and Lilissa exclaimed: "What? Surrender!? "

  This is impossible!" Andy shook his head and said to Russell: "You don't know them. They have a lot of problems with us. Even if we surrender, they will not let us go!" Russell continued to ask: "What if

  you Surrender, will they directly blow up your spaceship?"

  Andy pondered, and said: "Probably not, our spaceship is still worth some money, those greedy bastards probably won't do this." "

  Take us with you . Kill them in their spaceship, or directly control our spacecraft to go to their base and then take care of us. This has a higher chance." Russell

  smiled and said: "That's it."

  "No matter which choice they make, they will It can temporarily get rid of the crisis of the spacecraft being destroyed."

  "That's enough!?" Lilissa said coldly: "No matter what we choose, it will be a dead end, and if we fall into their hands, our death will be even more painful!" "Who said that falling into their hands will be a dead end

  ? One." Russell said calmly: "They don't know that Diana and I exist."

  His and Diana's appearance here was an accident that no one expected.

  Andy said solemnly: "You mean, after we pretended to surrender and then approached them, you took action to kill them?" "That's


  Andy looked at the two of them hesitantly and said, "Can you do that? There are so many of those star thieves..."

  Russell smiled and said, "You have no choice now, right?"

  Andy gritted his teeth and said, "Do it!"

  "Oh, that's right!" Russell reached out and tapped his forehead, saying: "Since it's an act, in order to prevent them from exceeding your expectations and directly destroying the spacecraft, let's add some chips."


  "Yes, do you have anything valuable?"

  (End of Chapter)

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