Chapter 246 Sudden changes

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  Chapter 246: Sudden change
  in the mechanical heart.

  Compared to the energy flow outside the mechanical heart, the energy flow inside the mechanical heart is relatively stable, but it still causes constant harm to the little naughty boy.

  However, compared to the previous pain, the little naughty man was relieved now.

  Much easier.

  With his eyes turning slightly as his head moved, the little naughty man easily saw the Cosmic Cube located in the center of the mechanical heart, which was placed on the energy delivery device.

  "Is that the one?"

  With a whisper, the little naughty boy stepped towards him.

  However, just after taking two steps, she saw several figures appearing in front of her.

  Here are the remaining researchers among the Kryptonians, and a Kryptonian warrior protecting the Tesseract.

  "It's a Kryptonian!"

  The little naughty girl was shocked. She didn't expect that there were Kryptonians here!
  She had seen the fighting prowess of Kryptonians before, and she could kill one with no effort at all.

  Before she could come up with a solution, the only Kryptonian warrior in the mechanical heart moved and appeared in front of her in an instant. Then, with the little naughty look in his surprised eyes, he pinched her neck fiercely.


  As soon as he touched the little naughty neck, the Kryptonian soldier made a painful sound, and even veins burst out on his forehead. On the contrary, the little naughty smiled after being surprised.

  She didn't expect such a surprising result.

  Slowly reaching out, the little naughty man pressed the opponent's face fiercely. Suddenly, the power that surprised the little naughty man slowly surged in.

  what happened?

  Seeing that the Kryptonian warrior had not crushed the Earthling to death for so long, the remaining few studying the figures felt something was wrong, especially after seeing the little naughty actions, their faces were full of confusion.

  At this moment, they saw the Earth girl raise her hand and pat the Kryptonian warrior.


  It was like swatting a fly away, knocking it away, smashing through the mechanical heart and hitting the energy shield hard.

  Several people were startled and hurriedly gathered around the little naughty boy.

  Although they are not Kryptonian warriors, and their combat effectiveness is much lower than that of Kryptonian warriors, they are still Kryptonian warriors. In terms of strength, they are not at the same level as Earthlings.

  "Is this the power of Kryptonians?"

  After shaking hands, feeling the surging power and the energy flow that he had ignored, the little naughty murmured, a red light flashed in his eyes, and two hot rays of light swept out. , amidst several exclamations, knocked a Kryptonian away.

  "Awesome!" He praised softly, and the little naughty man looked at the Cosmic Cube with his red eyes in the midst of frightened and angry eyes.

  "No!" the leading Kryptonian scientist shouted in panic.

  But the little naughty man smiled slightly, and two rays of heat vision swept out, landing on the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and the energy-absorbing device.


  A weird sound that made people's hearts tremble appeared. While the blue light beam that opened the portal disappeared, endless blue energy appeared from the Universe Rubik's Cube, dyeing the entire space blue. color.

  It's like a piece of crystal clear... glass!
  Gorgeous and eye-catching!
  But it is powerful.


  A soft sound appeared. In the little naughty eyes, the space dyed blue was like a perfect blue crystal, with black cracks appearing.

  Deep and unknown.

  Looking at the increasing cracks, the little naughty boy shuddered.

  Although she didn't know what it was, she felt that something scary was happening that might even cost her her life.

  Without any hesitation, the little naughty boy turned around and flew away under the dull gazes of the remaining Kryptonian researchers.

  At this moment, she was extremely grateful that she had absorbed the Kryptonian warrior's ability.

  But the next moment, something happened that frightened her.

  I saw that the Universe Rubik's Cube seemed to be embedded in the black crack. Endless violent energy surged out instantly, tearing the black crack apart more and more. A slowdown appeared with the Universe Rubik's Cube as the center. Slowly growing black spots.

  The moment the black spot appeared, a terrifying suction force surged out, sucking everything around it quickly.

  "Oops! Run!"

  The remaining Kryptonian researchers screamed and flew outward with all their strength. However, it seemed as if there was an invisible thread wrapped around them, pulling them away from the swollen The black spot is getting closer!

  Like an energy mechanical pipe, it was pulled in, and then, the mechanical heart was turned into pieces during the tearing, and was sucked in during the twisting.

  The original black spots became larger and larger under the energy of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and the terrifying suction force became stronger and stronger.

  The Kryptonian researchers were still struggling, getting closer and closer to the slowly expanding micro-black hole. Even the little naughty boy who had absorbed the abilities of the Kryptonian warriors could only struggle to maintain himself amidst this terrifying suction. body shape.

  As for the Kryptonian warriors whose abilities were absorbed by the little naughty boy, they were sucked into the micro black hole along with those machines at the first opportunity.

  As the mechanical heart was sucked into the black hole, the scene inside the mechanical heart was also noticed by everyone. After noticing the slowly enlarging black round hole, the cheers that originally appeared because the portal disappeared also stopped. Stopped abruptly.

  Immediately afterwards, it was escape!
  All the people on the battlefield fled away in panic.

  The terrifying suction is getting stronger and stronger!   There were more and more
  broken building ruins, metal on the ground... the bigger and bigger materials slowly floated up due to the terrifying suction force, and were thrown into the micro black hole at an increasingly faster speed.   And after absorbing a large amount of matter, the miniature black hole opened its terrifying black mouth wider and wider like a monster with a growing appetite.   What followed was that the terrifying suction force became stronger.   Like iron filings attracted by magnetism, those who escaped were slowly pulled back amid panicked cries.   Therefore, these people who were pulled tried every means to fight against the suction behind them.   As for the Kryptonian researchers near the miniature black hole, they were also slowly sucked in amidst howls.   Looking at the disappearing Kryptonian, the little naughty boy turned pale and could only hold on with all his strength as he got closer and closer to the miniature black hole.   Just when she could no longer hold on and felt desperate, two figures suddenly appeared, grabbing her arms one on the left and the other on the right, and pulled her to fly outward.   Superman, Thor.   Looking at the two little naughty men, they looked at each other with grateful eyes.   "Don't be distracted and fly as hard as you can!"

  Superman said something, and he and Thor worked together to pull the little naughty outward little by little.

  However, compared with her who was very lucky to have help, some people seemed extremely unlucky.

  (End of chapter)

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