Chapter 24 Demonstration Display

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  Chapter 24: Demonstration of wearing
  the bracelet formed by the colonial costume, a feeling of flesh and blood connected, appeared in Justin Hammer's heart. According to Ada's explanation just now, Justin Hammer's thoughts moved like flowing water. A black substance like that instantly turned into a black suit, wrapping Justin Hammer.

  Suddenly, an unprecedented power filled Justin Hammer's body, causing him to widen his eyes in disbelief.

  After clenching his fist, Justin Hammer felt that he could kill an elephant with his bare hands now. The power that was constantly emerging from his body made the fire in his heart become more and more powerful.

  The enmity between him and that arrogant nuisance was no longer a matter of a day or two, and the other party publicly teased and insulted him more than once or twice.

  "Tony Stark!"

  Silently chanting in his heart, Justin Hammer shook his fist and decided to teach the other party a lesson. By the way... he could also hit Russell Bloom.

  Geniuses like them are the most annoying!
  Ada walked towards Justin Hammer with her long and beautiful legs, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Hammer, how do you feel now?".

  "It feels very good!" Justin Hammer's voice came out from behind the mask, and the sudden surge of murderous aura made the approaching Ada narrow her eyes and subconsciously grab her thigh with her palms.

  That's where she always kept her weapons.

  The next moment, Ada sighed as she looked at Justin Hammer who suddenly rushed out, but she suddenly forgot that she was not on a mission and did not bring a weapon at all.

  But it doesn’t matter, even if Justin Hammer wears colonial clothes, he can’t make big waves.

  So, Ada rolled her eyes, looked at the meeting place that was about to be chaotic with a faint smile, and said, "Don't worry, everyone, Mr. Hammer is just showing us the power of colonial clothing. This is between us and him." A small agreement before the press conference."

  After hearing Ada's words, except for a few people, the slight panic that had just arisen among those who were unaware disappeared in an instant.

  Russell secretly praised Ada's wit. Looking at Justin Hammer who threw away the two guards and rushed directly towards Tony, wanting to cause trouble, a cold look flashed in Russell's eyes and he grabbed Tony's arm. With a casual pull, he placed the watch on his arm into Tony's palm.

  The next second, Tony, who was a little surprised, regained his composure. After covering Tony with the same style of black uniform, he quickly stood up and faced Justin Hammer, who had escaped from several guards and rushed towards him.

  In an instant, two 'super soldiers' in colonial uniforms fought together. However, the two people, who had very poor fighting skills, looked like shrews fighting, and their ambiguous postures were entangled together.

  However, as less than a minute passed, the fight between the two shrews in colonial attire gradually began to look like gangsters, with more traces of fighting.

  Seeing this, Ada smiled lightly and said: "Everyone has seen that as the time of use increases, the special abilities of the colonial equipment will enhance the user's abilities, just like the current equipment called Super Soldier. The equipment, in addition to strengthening physical fitness, contains a large number of fighting skills, which will affect the user during the use, so that a fighting novice will gradually become a fighting master."

  After a pause, Ada smiled and said, "It's still free."

  After a little joke, Ada continued: "Of course, no matter what special abilities the colonization equipment has, it will take time to become familiar with it. However, as long as you are completely familiar with the cultivation equipment and the power contained in the cultivation equipment, you can become a master. Superman of extraordinary strength!”.

  Hearing this, other people sitting in the venue nodded.

  At this moment, Tony suddenly pushed Justin Hammer away, stretched his arms to his chest, and a black round shield condensed and appeared in an instant like running water.

  A trace of surprise flashed in Ada's eyes, and she secretly praised Tony for being able to find the weapons that came with the colonial suit so quickly, and continued: "Look, ladies and gentlemen, the shield that appears on Mr. Stark's hand is from this colonial suit. Comes with weapons."

  "In order to bring out the power of each type of equipment, the equipment will have matching weapons. The material of this weapon is integrated with the equipment." "Don't worry about losing the weapon. As long as there is

  enough energy, the equipment will be used again." Grow weapons, and as for the lost weapons, you don't need to worry. Without the energy supply of the colonial equipment core, the lost weapons will gradually die and then disappear." As Ada introduced, there

  was Tony, who had the weapon, completely gained the upper hand, and beat up Justin Hammer, who had not yet mastered how to 'take out' the weapon.

  At this time, who has a higher IQ is instantly revealed.

  "Hey, come on, Hammer baby!"

  Tony waved the shield in his hand, suppressing the opponent and taunting at the same time, making Justin Hammer furious. He didn't expect that he had planned a revenge ', now, it has turned into an exhibition match. Not only did it help Bloom show off his colonial clothes, but he also became the one who made a fool of himself in the exhibition match.

  "Damn Stark, damn Bloom!"

  Justin Hammer cursed angrily in his heart, while protecting his head, and distanced himself from Tony, and just when he was about to say that the experience was over At this moment, Tony threw out the shield in his hand.


  There was a sound, and Justin Hammer's head hurt. The mask on his face instantly shattered. In the darkness before his eyes, he fell down on his back.

  Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ada walked up to Justin Hammer gracefully, took out a black special device, and pressed it on the other person's chest. Suddenly, the black clothing returned to a bracelet again, and Ada removed it from him. It was taken off his wrist.

  Opening her palms, Ada showed the button-sized black device in her hand to everyone, and said, "Every set of colonial clothing has a matching safety device. As long as you have the safety device, you can The equipment can be forcibly removed from the outside."

  With the corner of her mouth raised, Ada glanced coldly at Justin Hammer who was being helped up, and continued: "In this case, even if the person equipped with the colonization suit is disobedient, or the person equipped with the colonization suit has other ideas, My mind has become a mad dog, and we can control each other."

  After hearing Ada's words, everyone nodded with satisfaction, but Justin Hammer, who was still a little dizzy, instantly turned into the color of pig liver.

  "Wait a minute!" Justin Hammer shouted, trying to stand up straight. Amidst everyone's teasing expressions, he said with an ugly face: "There is something wrong with Bloom's reproduction!".

  (End of chapter)

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