Chapter 238 This is war

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  Chapter 238 This is the war
  sky... broken!
  Like a piece of fine blue satin soaked with ink stains, circles of black ripples with blue edges spread across the sky.

  Then, the blue edge continued to spread toward the surroundings, like a rapidly growing blue ring, and the center of the ring slowly revealed the deep black and twinkling starlight of the universe.

  If anyone stood on the ground and looked up, they would find that the sky was filled with fear as the blue beam of light opened an ever-widening gap.

  The next moment, dots of silver dots sprinkled down from the gap like powder floating all over the sky.

  When the powder was close to the ground and could be clearly seen by human eyes, the true appearance of those silver dots was finally exposed to the eyes of everyone who was paying attention to the vision.

  Weird foot-operated personal aircraft, covered with metal armor, but like robots mixed with many weird people, they whizzed past the city on the weird aircraft, leaving behind An overwhelming, criss-crossing ray of energy.

  This is a Chiritan!


  Chaos, complete chaos!
  Looking at the faint blue beam of light piercing the sky, and looking at the dense Kirita army flying in, all those who were paying attention to this battle were trembling in their hearts and their hands and feet were cold.

  Fortunately, because of the previous unrest caused by the Kryptonians, the military had already dispatched a large number of troops.

  These armies were powerless against the Kryptonians, but they came in handy against the Kirita army.

  When the Kirita army rushed out of the portal, the human army rushed forward immediately.

  At the same time, SHIELD's aerospace carrier finally showed its power at this moment.

  Missiles are like rain, and gunfire is like a curtain.

  Like an aerial fortress, SHIELD's space carrier showed its dominance in front of the Kirita army.

  But not enough!
  Still not enough!

  In the face of this well-prepared invasion, the Earth's defense was still insufficient. Compared with the invading Chiritans' fighter jets, the Chitauri's single-person aircraft were more flexible in cities with many tall buildings. .

  After they saw the human flying troops, they immediately lowered their flying altitude to an extremely low level. Traveling between row upon row of cities with tall buildings, while using the shelter of the city floors to avoid the firepower of those fighter planes, while venting the energy rays of death, and showing one's own violence to the humans of this world.

  But, fortunately, there are superheroes on earth.

  Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, War Machine, these superheroes who were unable to fight against the Kryptonian warriors finally showed their strength when facing these Kirita invaders.

  Iron Man and War Machine flew in the air with overwhelming firepower. The ammunition targeted and calculated by the intelligent system accurately landed on each enemy, exploding into a flame in the sky.

  On the ground, Captain America, Black Widow, and Hawkeye stood together, like an indestructible iron triangle, solving the Kirita people who threatened people's safety.

  However, although the Avengers are powerful, they still seem to be a drop in the bucket in the face of the seemingly endless Chiritans.

  "Be careful! The big guy is coming!"

  Suddenly, Tony's warning came from the communicator, and then the three Captain Americas on the ground looked up hurriedly.

  Under the firepower of Tony and War Machine, huge mechanical monsters were seen swimming down from the missing piece of sky with the light of explosions!
  Yes, it’s swimming!

  The mechanical monsters look similar to whales, but are hundreds of meters long and look extremely oppressive.

  What made them even more frightened and angry was that the Kiritas flying on single-person aircraft flew out of the mechanical behemoth's body like parasites, scattered in dense numbers, and pounced on them. To the human army.

  "That's the enemy's troop transport!"

  Captain America yelled with a livid face, threw out the shield in his hand, knocked down a Kirita soldier, followed up, caught the shield, swung it hard, and split it into two halves. , looking at the mechanical behemoth flying down, feeling a little helpless.

  They were really powerless in the face of these mechanical behemoths flying in the sky. Even if Tony and War Machine poured out all their firepower, they could only shoot down one mechanical behemoth.

  The mechanical behemoth swung its huge body, showering down one after another Kirita soldiers. After these Kirita soldiers appeared, they immediately rushed towards the surrounding buildings and troops, showing their weapons, and showering down one after another. Energy light curtain.

  The dense energy light swept across, and the floor that was hit was immediately punched out with a big hole like paper. A beam of light with explosive power swept across, and the floors that were hit intensively began to rumble and then collapse.

  Chitauri soldiers whizzing past.

  Energy rays as dense as rain.

  Ordinary citizens screaming in despair.

  Human soldiers who use their flesh and blood to form a defensive line.

  This is war, a war between planets, a war that the Avengers can't stop at all...

  Looking at all this, the Avengers who reunited couldn't help but feel a little powerless in their hearts.

  At this moment, two red beams of light, carrying scorching energy and shock waves, appeared from above the heads of several Avengers and shot towards a slowly wandering mechanical beast.


  With a crazy roar, the two laser beams surged up, and the energy became more and more explosive, streaking along the head and body of the mechanical behemoth.

  Crunch! Crunch!
  An unpleasant mechanical explosion sounded, and the mechanical behemoth was split into two!
  Immediately afterwards, a series of thunder snakes appeared in the air, and the snakes rushed towards the two bodies of the giant beast in a flurry, exploding the Kirita soldiers who were trying to escape into a piece of metal fragments.

  Suddenly, in a metal rainstorm, the body of the mechanical beast crashed down like two small islands. The ground shook and stirred up large amounts of dust.

  This sudden scene was a bit shocking, and the Avengers were stunned for a moment, and then they looked along where the laser beam appeared.

  I saw a man with an indifferent face, his eyes closed, putting red glasses on the bridge of his nose, and a woman with snow-white hair and a hint of thunder falling slowly from the air.

  X-Men, Cyclops and Storm.

  Seeing the two of them, the Avengers breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

  "Hey! Are you relieved? Avengers!"

  (End of this chapter)

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